leafwing-input-manager 0.8.0

A powerfully direct stateful input manager for the Bevy game engine.
//! This module contains [`InputMap`] and its supporting methods and impls.

use crate::action_state::ActionData;
use crate::buttonlike::ButtonState;
use crate::clashing_inputs::ClashStrategy;
use crate::input_streams::InputStreams;
use crate::user_input::{InputKind, Modifier, UserInput};
use crate::Actionlike;

use bevy::ecs::component::Component;
use bevy::ecs::system::Resource;
use bevy::input::gamepad::Gamepad;
use bevy::reflect::TypeUuid;

use core::fmt::Debug;
use petitset::PetitSet;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;

/// Maps from raw inputs to an input-method agnostic representation
/// Multiple inputs can be mapped to the same action,
/// and each input can be mapped to multiple actions.
/// The provided input types must be able to be converted into a [`UserInput`].
/// The maximum number of bindings (total) that can be stored for each action is 16.
/// Insertions will silently fail if you have reached this cap.
/// By default, if two actions would be triggered by a combination of buttons,
/// and one combination is a strict subset of the other, only the larger input is registered.
/// For example, pressing both `S` and `Ctrl + S` in your text editor app would save your file,
/// but not enter the letters `s`.
/// Set the [`ClashStrategy`](crate::clashing_inputs::ClashStrategy) resource
/// to configure this behavior.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use bevy::prelude::*;
/// use leafwing_input_manager::prelude::*;
/// use leafwing_input_manager::user_input::InputKind;
/// // You can Run!
/// // But you can't Hide :(
/// #[derive(Actionlike, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
/// enum Action {
///     Run,
///     Hide,
/// }
/// // Construction
/// let mut input_map = InputMap::new([
///    // Note that the type of your iterators must be homogenous;
///    // you can use `InputKind` or `UserInput` if needed
///    // as unifiying types
///   (GamepadButtonType::South, Action::Run),
///   (GamepadButtonType::LeftTrigger, Action::Hide),
///   (GamepadButtonType::RightTrigger, Action::Hide),
/// ]);
/// // Insertion
/// input_map.insert(MouseButton::Left, Action::Run)
/// .insert(KeyCode::LShift, Action::Run)
/// // Chords
/// .insert_modified(Modifier::Control, KeyCode::R, Action::Run)
/// .insert_chord([InputKind::Keyboard(KeyCode::H),
///                InputKind::GamepadButton(GamepadButtonType::South),
///                InputKind::Mouse(MouseButton::Middle)],
///            Action::Run);
/// // Removal
/// input_map.clear_action(Action::Hide);
#[derive(Resource, Component, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "D7DECC78-8573-42FF-851A-F0344C7D05C9"]
pub struct InputMap<A: Actionlike> {
    /// The raw vector of [PetitSet]s used to store the input mapping,
    /// indexed by the `Actionlike::id` of `A`
    map: Vec<PetitSet<UserInput, 16>>,
    associated_gamepad: Option<Gamepad>,
    marker: PhantomData<A>,

impl<A: Actionlike> Default for InputMap<A> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        InputMap {
            map: A::variants().map(|_| PetitSet::default()).collect(),
            associated_gamepad: None,
            marker: PhantomData,

// Constructors
impl<A: Actionlike> InputMap<A> {
    /// Creates a new [`InputMap`] from an iterator of `(user_input, action)` pairs
    /// To create an empty input map, use the [`Default::default`] method instead.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use leafwing_input_manager::input_map::InputMap;
    /// use leafwing_input_manager::Actionlike;
    /// use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;
    /// #[derive(Actionlike, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    /// enum Action {
    ///     Run,
    ///     Jump,
    /// }
    /// let input_map = InputMap::new([
    ///     (KeyCode::LShift, Action::Run),
    ///     (KeyCode::Space, Action::Jump),
    /// ]);
    /// assert_eq!(input_map.len(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn new(bindings: impl IntoIterator<Item = (impl Into<UserInput>, A)>) -> Self {
        let mut input_map = InputMap::default();


    /// Constructs a new [`InputMap`] from a `&mut InputMap`, allowing you to insert or otherwise use it
    /// This is helpful when constructing input maps using the "builder pattern":
    ///  1. Create a new [`InputMap`] struct using [`InputMap::default`] or [`InputMap::new`].
    ///  2. Add bindings and configure the struct using a chain of method calls directly on this struct.
    ///  3. Finish building your struct by calling `.build()`, receiving a concrete struct you can insert as a component.
    /// Note that this is not the *orginal* input map, as we do not have ownership of the struct.
    /// Under the hood, this is just a more-readable call to `.clone()`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use leafwing_input_manager::prelude::*;

    /// use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;
    /// #[derive(Actionlike, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    /// enum Action {
    ///     Run,
    ///     Jump,
    /// }
    /// let input_map: InputMap<Action> = InputMap::default()
    ///   .insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Jump).build();
    /// ```
    pub fn build(&mut self) -> Self {

// Insertion
impl<A: Actionlike> InputMap<A> {
    /// Insert a mapping between `input` and `action`
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the map is full and `input` is not a duplicate.
    pub fn insert(&mut self, input: impl Into<UserInput>, action: A) -> &mut Self {
        let input = input.into();



    /// Insert a mapping between `input` and `action` at the provided index
    /// If a matching input already existed in the set, it will be moved to the supplied index. Any input that was previously there will be moved to the matching input’s original index.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the map is full and `input` is not a duplicate.
    pub fn insert_at(&mut self, input: impl Into<UserInput>, action: A, index: usize) -> &mut Self {
        let input = input.into();

        self.map[action.index()].insert_at(input, index);


    /// Insert a mapping between the provided `input_action_pairs`
    /// This method creates multiple distinct bindings.
    /// If you want to require multiple buttons to be pressed at once, use [`insert_chord`](Self::insert_chord).
    /// Any iterator that can be converted into a [`UserInput`] can be supplied.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the map is full and any of `inputs` is not a duplicate.
    pub fn insert_multiple(
        &mut self,
        input_action_pairs: impl IntoIterator<Item = (impl Into<UserInput>, A)>,
    ) -> &mut Self {
        for (action, input) in input_action_pairs {
            self.insert(action, input);


    /// Insert a mapping between the simultaneous combination of `buttons` and the `action` provided
    /// Any iterator that can be converted into a [`Button`] can be supplied, but will be converted into a [`PetitSet`] for storage and use.
    /// Chords can also be added with the [insert](Self::insert) method, if the [`UserInput::Chord`] variant is constructed explicitly.
    /// When working with keyboard modifier keys, consider using the `insert_modified` method instead.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the map is full and `buttons` is not a duplicate.
    pub fn insert_chord(
        &mut self,
        buttons: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<InputKind>>,
        action: A,
    ) -> &mut Self {
        self.insert(UserInput::chord(buttons), action);

    /// Inserts a mapping between the simultaneous combination of the [`Modifier`] plus the `input` and the `action` provided.
    /// When working with keyboard modifiers, should be preferred over `insert_chord`.
    pub fn insert_modified(
        &mut self,
        modifier: Modifier,
        input: impl Into<InputKind>,
        action: A,
    ) -> &mut Self {
        self.insert(UserInput::modified(modifier, input), action);

    /// Merges the provided [`InputMap`] into the [`InputMap`] this method was called on
    /// This adds both of their bindings to the resulting [`InputMap`].
    /// Like usual, any duplicate bindings are ignored.
    /// If the associated gamepads do not match, the resulting associated gamepad will be set to `None`.
    pub fn merge(&mut self, other: &InputMap<A>) -> &mut Self {
        let associated_gamepad = if self.associated_gamepad == other.associated_gamepad {
        } else {

        let mut new_map = InputMap {

        for action in A::variants() {
            for input in self.get(action.clone()).iter() {
                new_map.insert(input.clone(), action.clone());

            for input in other.get(action.clone()).iter() {
                new_map.insert(input.clone(), action.clone());

        *self = new_map;

// Configuration
impl<A: Actionlike> InputMap<A> {
    /// Fetches the [Gamepad] associated with the entity controlled by this entity map
    /// If this is [`None`], input from any connected gamepad will be used.
    pub fn gamepad(&self) -> Option<Gamepad> {

    /// Assigns a particular [`Gamepad`] to the entity controlled by this input map
    /// If this is not called, input from any connected gamepad will be used.
    /// The first matching non-zero input will be accepted,
    /// as determined by gamepad registration order.
    /// Because of this robust fallback behavior,
    /// this method can typically be ignored when writing single-player games.
    pub fn set_gamepad(&mut self, gamepad: Gamepad) -> &mut Self {
        self.associated_gamepad = Some(gamepad);

    /// Clears any [Gamepad] associated with the entity controlled by this input map
    pub fn clear_gamepad(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
        self.associated_gamepad = None;

// Check whether buttons are pressed
impl<A: Actionlike> InputMap<A> {
    /// Is at least one of the corresponding inputs for `action` found in the provided `input` streams?
    /// Accounts for clashing inputs according to the [`ClashStrategy`].
    /// If you need to inspect many inputs at once, prefer [`InputMap::which_pressed`] instead.
    pub fn pressed(
        action: A,
        input_streams: &InputStreams,
        clash_strategy: ClashStrategy,
    ) -> bool {
        let action_data = self.which_pressed(input_streams, clash_strategy);

    /// Returns the actions that are currently pressed, and the responsible [`UserInput`] for each action
    /// Accounts for clashing inputs according to the [`ClashStrategy`].
    /// The position in each vector corresponds to `Actionlike::index()`.
    pub fn which_pressed(
        input_streams: &InputStreams,
        clash_strategy: ClashStrategy,
    ) -> Vec<ActionData> {
        let mut action_data = vec![ActionData::default(); A::N_VARIANTS];

        // Generate the raw action presses
        for action in A::variants() {
            let mut inputs = Vec::new();

            for input in self.get(action.clone()).iter() {
                let action = &mut action_data[action.index()];

                // Merge axis pair into action data
                let axis_pair = input_streams.input_axis_pair(input);
                if let Some(axis_pair) = axis_pair {
                    if let Some(current_axis_pair) = &mut action.axis_pair {
                        *current_axis_pair = current_axis_pair.merged_with(axis_pair);
                    } else {
                        action.axis_pair = Some(axis_pair);

                if input_streams.input_pressed(input) {

                    action.value += input_streams.input_value(input);

            if !inputs.is_empty() {
                action_data[action.index()].state = ButtonState::JustPressed;

        // Handle clashing inputs, possibly removing some pressed actions from the list
        self.handle_clashes(&mut action_data, input_streams, clash_strategy);


// Utilities
impl<A: Actionlike> InputMap<A> {
    /// Returns an iterator over actions with their inputs
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&PetitSet<UserInput, 16>, A)> {
            .map(|(action_index, inputs)| (inputs, A::get_at(action_index).unwrap()))

    /// Returns an iterator over all mapped inputs
    pub fn iter_inputs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &PetitSet<UserInput, 16>> {

    /// Returns the `action` mappings
    pub fn get(&self, action: A) -> &PetitSet<UserInput, 16> {

    /// How many input bindings are registered total?
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        let mut i = 0;
        for action in A::variants() {
            i += self.get(action).len();

    /// Are any input bindings registered at all?
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0

// Removing
impl<A: Actionlike> InputMap<A> {
    /// Clears all inputs registered for the `action`
    pub fn clear_action(&mut self, action: A) {

    /// Removes the input for the `action` at the provided index
    /// Returns `true` if an element was found.
    pub fn remove_at(&mut self, action: A, index: usize) -> bool {

    /// Removes the input for the `action`, if it exists
    /// Returns [`Some`] with index if the input was found, or [`None`] if no matching input was found.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, action: A, input: impl Into<UserInput>) -> Option<usize> {

impl<A: Actionlike> From<HashMap<A, Vec<UserInput>>> for InputMap<A> {
    /// Create `InputMap<A>` from `HashMap<A, Vec<UserInput>>`
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the any value in map contains more than 16 distinct inputs.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use leafwing_input_manager::input_map::InputMap;
    /// use leafwing_input_manager::user_input::UserInput;
    /// use leafwing_input_manager::Actionlike;
    /// use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;
    /// use std::collections::HashMap;
    /// #[derive(Actionlike, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    /// enum Action {
    ///     Run,
    ///     Jump,
    /// }
    /// let mut map: HashMap<Action, Vec<UserInput>> = HashMap::default();
    /// map.insert(
    ///     Action::Run,
    ///     vec![KeyCode::LShift.into(), KeyCode::RShift.into()],
    /// );
    /// let input_map = InputMap::from(map);
    /// ```
    fn from(map: HashMap<A, Vec<UserInput>>) -> Self {
            .flat_map(|(action, inputs)| inputs.iter().map(|input| (action.clone(), input.clone())))

impl<A: Actionlike> FromIterator<(A, UserInput)> for InputMap<A> {
    /// Create `InputMap<A>` from iterator with item type `(A, UserInput)`
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if there are more than 16 distinct inputs for the same action.
    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = (A, UserInput)>>(iter: T) -> Self {
        InputMap::new(iter.into_iter().map(|(action, input)| (input, action)))

impl<A> Serialize for InputMap<A>
    A: Actionlike + Serialize + Eq + Hash + Ord,
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: serde::Serializer,
        use serde::ser::SerializeStruct;
        use std::collections::BTreeMap;

        let mut input_map = serializer.serialize_struct("InputMap", 1)?;
                .map(|(set, action)| (action, set.iter().collect()))
                .collect::<BTreeMap<A, Vec<&UserInput>>>(),

impl<'de, A> Deserialize<'de> for InputMap<A>
    A: Actionlike + Deserialize<'de> + Eq + Hash,
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        D: Deserializer<'de>,
        use serde::de::Visitor;

        #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq)]
        #[serde(field_identifier, rename_all = "lowercase")]
        enum Field {

        struct InputMapVisitor<'de, A: Actionlike + Deserialize<'de>> {
            marker: PhantomData<&'de A>,

        impl<'de, A> Visitor<'de> for InputMapVisitor<'de, A>
            A: Actionlike + Eq + Hash + Deserialize<'de>,
            type Value = InputMap<A>;

            fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
                write!(formatter, "a struct with field 'map' of type map where key is `Actionlike` and value is sequents of `UserInput`")

            fn visit_seq<S>(self, mut seq: S) -> Result<Self::Value, S::Error>
                S: serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>,
                let map = seq.next_element::<HashMap<A, Vec<UserInput>>>()?;
                map.ok_or_else(|| {
                    serde::de::Error::invalid_length(0, &"one argument with type `map`")

            fn visit_map<M>(self, mut map: M) -> Result<Self::Value, M::Error>
                M: serde::de::MapAccess<'de>,
                    .filter(|key| *key == Field::Map)
                    .ok_or_else(|| serde::de::Error::missing_field("map"))?;
                let value = map.next_value::<HashMap<A, Vec<UserInput>>>()?;

        let visitor = InputMapVisitor {
            marker: PhantomData,
        const FIELDS: &[&str] = &["map"];
        deserializer.deserialize_struct("InputMap", FIELDS, visitor)

mod tests {
    use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

    use crate as leafwing_input_manager;
    use crate::prelude::*;

        Actionlike, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug,
    enum Action {

    fn insertion_idempotency() {
        use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;
        use petitset::PetitSet;

        let mut input_map = InputMap::<Action>::default();
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Run);

            PetitSet::<UserInput, 16>::from_iter([KeyCode::Space.into()])

        // Duplicate insertions should not change anything
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Run);
            PetitSet::<UserInput, 16>::from_iter([KeyCode::Space.into()])

    fn multiple_insertion() {
        use crate::user_input::UserInput;
        use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;
        use petitset::PetitSet;

        let mut input_map_1 = InputMap::<Action>::default();
        input_map_1.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Run);
        input_map_1.insert(KeyCode::Return, Action::Run);

            PetitSet::<UserInput, 16>::from_iter([KeyCode::Space.into(), KeyCode::Return.into()])

        let input_map_2 = InputMap::<Action>::new([
            (KeyCode::Space, Action::Run),
            (KeyCode::Return, Action::Run),

        assert_eq!(input_map_1, input_map_2);

    fn chord_singleton_coercion() {
        use crate::input_map::UserInput;
        use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;

        // Single items in a chord should be coerced to a singleton
        let mut input_map_1 = InputMap::<Action>::default();
        input_map_1.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Run);

        let mut input_map_2 = InputMap::<Action>::default();
        input_map_2.insert(UserInput::chord([KeyCode::Space]), Action::Run);

        assert_eq!(input_map_1, input_map_2);

    fn input_clearing() {
        use bevy::input::keyboard::KeyCode;

        let mut input_map = InputMap::<Action>::default();
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Run);

        // Clearing action
        assert_eq!(input_map, InputMap::default());

        // Remove input at existing index
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Run);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::LShift, Action::Run);
        assert!(input_map.remove_at(Action::Run, 1));
            !input_map.remove_at(Action::Run, 1),
            "Should return false on second removal at the same index"
        assert!(input_map.remove_at(Action::Run, 0));
            !input_map.remove_at(Action::Run, 0),
            "Should return false on second removal at the same index"

    fn merging() {
        use bevy::input::{gamepad::GamepadButtonType, keyboard::KeyCode};

        let mut input_map = InputMap::default();
        let mut default_keyboard_map = InputMap::default();
        default_keyboard_map.insert(KeyCode::LShift, Action::Run);
        default_keyboard_map.insert_chord([KeyCode::LControl, KeyCode::H], Action::Hide);
        let mut default_gamepad_map = InputMap::default();
        default_gamepad_map.insert(GamepadButtonType::South, Action::Run);
        default_gamepad_map.insert(GamepadButtonType::East, Action::Hide);

        // Merging works
        assert_eq!(input_map, default_keyboard_map);

        // Merging is idempotent
        assert_eq!(input_map, default_keyboard_map);

    fn gamepad_swapping() {
        use bevy::input::gamepad::Gamepad;

        let mut input_map = InputMap::<Action>::default();
        assert_eq!(input_map.gamepad(), None);

        input_map.set_gamepad(Gamepad { id: 0 });
        assert_eq!(input_map.gamepad(), Some(Gamepad { id: 0 }));

        assert_eq!(input_map.gamepad(), None);

    fn from() {
        use bevy::prelude::KeyCode;
        use std::collections::HashMap;

        let mut map: HashMap<Action, Vec<UserInput>> = HashMap::default();
            vec![UserInput::chord(vec![KeyCode::R, KeyCode::E])],
        map.insert(Action::Jump, vec![UserInput::from(KeyCode::Space)]);
            vec![KeyCode::LShift.into(), KeyCode::RShift.into()],

        let mut input_map = InputMap::default();
        input_map.insert_chord(vec![KeyCode::R, KeyCode::E], Action::Hide);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Jump);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::LShift, Action::Run);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::RShift, Action::Run);

        assert_eq!(input_map, map.into());

    fn serde() {
        use bevy::prelude::KeyCode;
        use serde_test::assert_tokens;
        use serde_test::Token;

        let mut input_map = InputMap::default();
        input_map.insert_chord(vec![KeyCode::R, KeyCode::E], Action::Hide);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::Space, Action::Jump);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::LShift, Action::Run);
        input_map.insert(KeyCode::RShift, Action::Run);

                Token::Struct {
                    name: "InputMap",
                    len: 1,
                Token::Map { len: Some(3) },
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "Action",
                    variant: "Run",
                Token::Seq { len: Some(2) },
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "UserInput",
                    variant: "Single",
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "InputKind",
                    variant: "Keyboard",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "KeyCode",
                    variant: "LShift",
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "UserInput",
                    variant: "Single",
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "InputKind",
                    variant: "Keyboard",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "KeyCode",
                    variant: "RShift",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "Action",
                    variant: "Jump",
                Token::Seq { len: Some(1) },
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "UserInput",
                    variant: "Single",
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "InputKind",
                    variant: "Keyboard",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "KeyCode",
                    variant: "Space",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "Action",
                    variant: "Hide",
                Token::Seq { len: Some(1) },
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "UserInput",
                    variant: "Chord",
                Token::Seq { len: Some(8) },
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "InputKind",
                    variant: "Keyboard",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "KeyCode",
                    variant: "R",
                Token::NewtypeVariant {
                    name: "InputKind",
                    variant: "Keyboard",
                Token::UnitVariant {
                    name: "KeyCode",
                    variant: "E",