ldtk_rust 0.3.0

Use the LDtk 2D level editor to build games in Rust.

LDtk Rust Library

Crates.io Docs.rs

ldtk_rust enables access to LDtk data for use in Rust. LDtk is a 2D level editor for games that supports multiple tile layers, powerful auto-tiling rules, entity placement and more.


This library works with LDtk version 0.7.0 and supports the optional external level files. LDtk updates save files automatically, so there's no reason to be on an older version, but if you are you should use v0.2.0 of this library.

Getting Started

Calling the new() method on the LdtkFile struct with the path to a LDtk file will populate a struct that closely resembles the LDtk JSON format.

use ldtk_rust::Project;

fn main() {
    let file_path = "assets/test_game.ldtk".to_string();
    let ldtk = Project::new(file_path);
    println!("First level pixel height is {}!", ldtk.levels[0].px_hei);

Your editor's auto-complete should help you visualize your options, or you can generate API docs with "cargo doc --open" or view them here.

Run the Examples

You can run the programs in the example folder using cargo:

> cargo run --example basic

Example dependencies do not load when compiling the library for production.

Using in a Real Game

An example running in Bevy Engine is included in the examples directory. There are lots of comments, and the focus of the example is on the process, not the Bevy-specific code. If you are using another game engine the example will hopefully still be understandable and useful.

Please note if you are using Bevy and you have more than one tileset referenced in LDtk, you may have intermittent issues due to issue 1056.

Implementation Details

  • Use Project::new() to load all data, including any external level data. Use this if you want to load all your data at startup and you don't want to worry about whether level data is in separate files.

  • If you want to load one level at a time, see examples/single_level.rs. Essentially you will call Project::load_project() followed by Level::new() as you load each level.

  • The JSON deserialization is handled by serde using Rust code that is auto-generated from the LDtk JSON schema. In general this code matches the LDtk documentation except CamelCase names preferred in JSON are changed to snake_case names preferred in Rust. JSON types of String, Int and Float become Rust types of String, i64 and f64.

  • Fields that allow null values are wrapped in a Rust Option<T>

  • If you want to "tweak" anything about the way the schema Rust code is generated, you can change things here.

Other Options

  • ldtk-rs auto generates the entire crate from the JSON schema specified.

  • The LDtk project publishes QuickType loaders for a variety of languages. If you have trouble with the Rust version, you can make one yourself by taking the JSON schema and pasting it into the quicktype web tool. Set the "name" to "Project" and the "Source type" to "JSON Schema", then on the right choose the Rust language and set field visibility to "Public". Save the resulting file to your project and change the serde import line to "use serde::*" and Bob's your Uncle.