ldtk_rust 0.1.0

Use the LDtk 2D level editor to build games in Rust.

LDtk Rust Library

This library enables access to LDtk data for use in Rust. LDtk is a 2D level editor for games that supports multiple tile layers, powerful auto-tiling rules, entity placement and more.

ldtk_rust parses the JSON format created by LDtk into a typed Rust object. You should be able to use this to generate game levels in any Rust game framework.


Currently all sample .ldtk files included in the LDtk 0.6.1 release load without any errors. You can use the basic example to check your own files.

Most fields from the "Levels" section of the JSON are supported, but there are still a number of fields from the "Defs" section that have not been implemented.

Getting Started

Calling the new() method on the LdtkFile struct with the path to a LDtk file will populate a struct that closely resembles the LDtk JSON format.

use ldtk_rust::LdtkFile;

fn main() {
    let file_path = "assets/AutoLayers_4_Advanced.ldtk".to_string();
    let ldtk = LdtkFile::new(file_path);
    println!("First level pxHei is {}!", ldtk.levels[0].px_hei);

CamelCase field naming used in JSON is converted to the snake_case style used in Rust. A few other field names are altered as needed, for instance the field "type" cannot be used in Rust since that is a reserved word.

Your editor's autocomplete should help you visualize your options, or you can generate API docs with "cargo doc --open".

Run the Examples

You can build and/or run the programs in the example folder using cargo:

> cargo run --example basic

Example dependencies do not load when compliling the library for production.

Using with Bevy Engine

An example running in Bevy 0.4 is included in the examples directory. In a startup system you can read in the LDtk JSON and load all the tile assets. Then you can spawn the tiles by iterating through the levels, layer instances and finally tiles.

The Bevy example displays IntGrid and AutoTile layers correctly for most of the sample files, but is currently not displaying Entities. It also currently errors on some of the more advanced samples.