ldtk 0.3.0

A crate for reading the LDtk 2D tile map format.


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A crate for reading the LDtk tile map format.

This crate implements the Rust structures necessary to Serialize and Deserialize the LDtk map format using [serde].


use ldtk::Project;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Load the map
    let map: Project =

    // Debug print the map


Extra Documentation

For more information on using the LDtk project structure inside of games see the LDtk docs.

Naming Conventions

This crate uses the same struct field names as the raw JSON format in almost all cases. The exception to this rule is for fields that are named type. In this case the name of the field will be prefixed with the name of it's struct, converted to snake case, for instance field_def_type.

The __field_name Convention

It is a convention of the LDtk map format to prefix certain convenience fields with two underscores, such as __tile_src_rect. These fields are redundant, as the information in them is also present elsewhere in the project structure, but they are provided in some cases where it may make traversing the project structure much more convenient.

The double underscore prefix does not indicate that the field is a private field or an implementation detail.

Build Configuration & Features

This entire crate is automatically generated from the JSON Schema from the LDtk repo and can be automatically updated with LDtk releases.

By default the crate will use a copy of the JSON schema that is built into the crate so that it doesn't require network access to build, but you can supply the download-schema cargo feature to make the crate download the JSON schema from the LDtk repo.

This crate currently has the schema for the following versions of LDtk built-in:

  • v0.8.1 ( patched, see note below )
  • v0.7.0

Note: In version 0.8.1 there was a field that was marked as non-null in the JSON schema, but in one of the LDtk sample maps the field was null. We patched the JSON schema to make the field nullable so that the map would load correctly.

As newer LDtk versions are released we may update add new built-in schemas and update the default schema to the latest one. Updates to the default schema are a breaking change and a new release of this crate will be made.


You can specify which version of LDtk you want to build this crate for by setting the LDTK_VERSION environment variable at build time. Without the download-schema feature, the LDTK_VERSION will default to the latest built-in schema version.

When the download-schema feature is set, the LDTK_VERSION will default to master which will pull the latest schema from the master branch of the LDtk git repo.


LDtk-rs is licensed under the Katharos License which places certain restrictions on what you are allowed to use it for. Please read and understand the terms before using LDtk-rs for your project.