ldap3 0.5.1

Pure-Rust LDAPv3 Client
//! A pure-Rust LDAP library using the Tokio stack.
//! ## Usage
//! In `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies.ldap3]
//! version = "0.5"
//! ```
//! In the crate root (`src/lib.rs` or `src/main.rs`):
//! ```
//! extern crate ldap3;
//! ```
//! ## Summary
//! The library provides both synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. The [`LdapConn`]
//! (struct.LdapConn.html) structure is the starting point for all synchronous operations.
//! [`LdapConnAsync`](struct.LdapConnAsync) is its asynchronous analogue, and [`Ldap`](struct.Ldap) is
//! the low-level asynchronous connection handle used by both.
//! In the [struct list](#structs), async-related structs have an asterisk (__*__) after
//! the short description.
//! Since the library is still in development, none of the interfaces should be considered
//! stable. If a breaking change of some component is planned, it will be noted in the
//! documentation with a bolded __Note__, and a link to the GitHub issue discussing the
//! change, if applicable. General, crate-level issues with the documentation can be
//! discussed [here](https://github.com/inejge/ldap3/issues/3).
//! The documentation is written for readers familiar with LDAP concepts and terminology,
//! which it won't attempt to explain.
//! ## Examples
//! The following two examples perform exactly the same operation and should produce identical
//! results. They should be run against the example server in the `data` subdirectory of the crate source.
//! Other sample programs expecting the same server setup can be found in the `examples` subdirectory.
//! ### Synchronous search
//! ```rust,no_run
//! extern crate ldap3;
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use ldap3::{LdapConn, Scope, SearchEntry};
//! fn main() {
//!     match do_search() {
//!         Ok(_) => (),
//!         Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
//!     }
//! }
//! fn do_search() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
//!     let ldap = LdapConn::new("ldap://localhost:2389")?;
//!     let (rs, _res) = ldap.search(
//!         "ou=Places,dc=example,dc=org",
//!         Scope::Subtree,
//!         "(&(objectClass=locality)(l=ma*))",
//!         vec!["l"]
//!     )?.success()?;
//!     for entry in rs {
//!         println!("{:?}", SearchEntry::construct(entry));
//!     }
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Asynchronous search
//! ```rust,no_run
//! extern crate futures;
//! extern crate ldap3;
//! extern crate tokio_core;
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use futures::Future;
//! use ldap3::{LdapConnAsync, Scope, SearchEntry};
//! use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
//! fn main() {
//!     match do_search() {
//!         Ok(_) => (),
//!         Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
//!     }
//! }
//! fn do_search() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
//!     let mut core = Core::new()?;
//!     let handle = core.handle();
//!     let ldap = LdapConnAsync::new("ldap://localhost:2389", &handle)?;
//!     let srch = ldap.and_then(|ldap|
//!         ldap.search(
//!             "ou=Places,dc=example,dc=org",
//!             Scope::Subtree,
//!             "(&(objectClass=locality)(l=ma*))",
//!             vec!["l"]
//!         ))
//!         .and_then(|response| response.success())
//!         .and_then(|(rs, _res)| Ok(rs));
//!     let rs = core.run(srch)?;
//!     for entry in rs {
//!         println!("{:?}", SearchEntry::construct(entry));
//!     }
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```

extern crate bytes;
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate futures;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate lber;
extern crate log;
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
extern crate native_tls;
extern crate nom;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_io;
extern crate tokio_proto;
extern crate tokio_service;
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
extern crate tokio_tls;
#[cfg(all(unix, not(feature = "minimal")))]
extern crate tokio_uds;
#[cfg(all(unix, not(feature = "minimal")))]
extern crate tokio_uds_proto;
extern crate url;

mod abandon;
mod add;
mod bind;
mod compare;
mod conn;
pub mod controls {
    //! Control construction and parsing.
    //! A control can be associated with a request or a response. Several common
    //! controls, such as [`PagedResults`](struct.PagedResults.html), are implemented
    //! directly by this library. If an implemented control has the same form for
    //! the request and the response, there will be a single structure for both.
    //! (This is the case for `PagedResults`.) If the response control is different,
    //! its name will consist of the request control name with the `Resp` suffix.
    //! A request control can be created by instantiating its structure and converting
    //! it to ASN.1 with `into()` when passing the instance or constructing the request
    //! control vector in the call to [`with_controls()`](../struct.LdapConn.html#method.with_controls).
    //! A third-party control must implement the conversion from an instance
    //! of itself to [`RawControl`](struct.RawControl.html), a general form of control.
    //! `RawControl`, together with an optional instance of [`ControlType`]
    //! (types/index.html), forms the type [`Control`](struct.Control.html); a vector
    //! of `Control`s is part of the result of all LDAP operation which return one.
    //! The first element of `Control` will have a value if the parser recognizes
    //! the control's OID as one that is implemented by the library itself. Since the
    //! list of implemented controls is expected to grow, matching those values must
    //! be done through reexported types in the [`types`](types/index.html) module,
    //! and cannot be exhaustive.
    //! A recognized response control can be parsed by calling [`parse()`]
    //! (struct.RawControl.html#method.parse) on the instance of `RawControl` representing it.
    //! A third-party control must implement the [`ControlParser`](trait.ControlParser.html)
    //! trait to support this interface.
    pub use controls_impl::{Control, ControlParser, CriticalControl, MakeCritical, RawControl};
    pub use controls_impl::{Assertion, PagedResults, ProxyAuth, RelaxRules};
    pub use controls_impl::{PostRead, PostReadResp, PreRead, PreReadResp, ReadEntryResp};
    pub use controls_impl::types;
mod controls_impl;
mod delete;
mod extended;
mod exop_impl;
pub mod exop {
    //! Extended operation construction and parsing.
    //! A generic exop is represented by [`Exop`](struct.Exop.html). If a particular
    //! exop is implemented by this library, it may have one or two associated structs;
    //! one for constructing requests, and another for parsing responses. If request and
    //! response are the same, there is only the request struct; if they are different,
    //! the response struct's name will consist of the request struct name with the
    //! `Resp` suffix.
    //! A request struct must implement the `From` conversion of itself into `Exop`.
    //! A response struct must implement the [`ExopParser`](trait.ExopParser.html)
    //! trait.
    pub use exop_impl::{Exop, ExopParser, WhoAmI, WhoAmIResp};
mod filter;
mod ldap;
mod modify;
mod modifydn;
mod protocol;
pub mod result;
mod search;
mod unbind;
mod util;

pub use conn::{EntryStream, LdapConn, LdapConnAsync, LdapConnBuilder};
pub use filter::parse as parse_filter;
pub use ldap::Ldap;
pub use modify::Mod;
pub use result::LdapResult;
pub use search::{DerefAliases, ResultEntry, Scope, SearchEntry, SearchOptions, SearchStream};
pub use util::{dn_escape, ldap_escape};

pub mod asn1 {
    //! ASN.1 structure construction and parsing.
    //! This section is deliberately under-documented; it's expected that the ASN.1 subsystem will
    //! be extensively overhauled in the future. If you need examples of using the present interface
    //! for, e.g., implementing a new extended operation or a control, consult the source of existing
    //! exops/controls.
    pub use lber::IResult;
    pub use lber::common::TagClass;
    pub use lber::structure::{PL, StructureTag};
    pub use lber::structures::{ASNTag, Boolean, Enumerated, ExplicitTag, Integer, Null, OctetString, Sequence, Set, Tag};
    pub use lber::parse::{parse_tag, parse_uint};
    pub use lber::write;