lazycell 1.3.0

A library providing a lazily filled Cell struct
<a name="v1.3.0"></a>
## v1.3.0 (2020-08-12)

#### Bug Fixes

*   Add custom `impl Default` to support non-Default-able `<T>` types ([b49f4eab]
* **lazycell:**  Fix unsound aliasing in `LazyCell::fill` ([e789ac1a], closes [#98]

#### Features

*   Implement serde support ([e728a0b6]

#### Documentation

*   fix typo ([5f5ba9d5]

<a name="v1.2.1"></a>
## v1.2.1 (2018-12-03)

#### Features

*   Implement Clone for LazyCell and AtomicLazyCell ([30fe4a8f]

<a name="v1.2.0"></a>
## v1.2.0 (2018-09-19)

#### Features

*   add `LazyCell::replace` for infallible access ([a63ffb90]

<a name="v1.1.0"></a>
## v1.1.0 (2018-09-10)

#### Documentation

*   add note regarding LazyCell::borrow_mut ([9d634d1f]
*   describe mutability more consistently ([b8078029], closes [#78]

#### Improvements

*   add NONE constant for an empty AtomicLazyCell ([31aff0da], closes [#87]
*   add `LazyCell::borrow_mut_with` and `LazyCell::try_borrow_mut_with` ([fdc6d268], closes [#79], [#80]

<a name="v1.0.0"></a>
## v1.0.0 (2018-06-06)

#### Features

*   Add #![no_std] [e59f6b55](

<a name="0.6.0"></a>
## 0.6.0 (2017-11-25)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fix soundness hole in borrow_with ([d1f46bef]

#### Features

*   add Default derives ([71bc5088]
*   add LazyCell::try_borrow_with ([bffa4028]
*   add LazyCell::borrow_mut method ([fd419dea]

#### Breaking Changes

*   add `T: Send` for `AtomicLazyCell` `Sync` impl ([668bb2fa], closes [#67]

#### Improvements

*   add `T: Send` for `AtomicLazyCell` `Sync` impl ([668bb2fa], closes [#67]

<a name="v0.5.1"></a>
## v0.5.1 (2017-03-24)

#### Documentation

*   fix missing backticks ([44bafaaf]

#### Improvements

*   derive `Debug` impls ([9da0a5a2]

#### Features

*   Add get method for Copy types ([dc8f8209]

<a name="v0.5.0"></a>
## v0.5.0 (2016-12-08)

#### Features

*   add borrow_with to LazyCell ([a15efa35]

<a name="v0.4.0"></a>
##  (2016-08-17)

#### Breaking Changes

* **LazyCell:**  return Err(value) on full cell ([68f3415d], breaks [#]

#### Improvements

* **LazyCell:**  return Err(value) on full cell ([68f3415d], breaks [#]

<a name="v0.3.0"></a>
##  (2016-08-16)

#### Features

*   add AtomicLazyCell which is thread-safe ([85afbd36]

#### Improvements

*   Use UnsafeCell instead of RefCell ([3347a8e9]

<a name="v0.2.1"></a>
##  (2016-04-18)

#### Documentation

*   put types in between backticks ([607cf939]

<a name="v0.2.0"></a>
## v0.2.0 (2016-03-28)

#### Features

* **lazycell:**
  *  add tests for `LazyCell` struct ([38f1313d], closes [#30]
  *  remove unnecessary `Default` impl ([68c16d2d]

#### Documentation

* **CHANGELOG:**  removed unnecessary sections ([1cc0555d]
* **README:**  add link to documentation ([c8dc33f0], closes [#13]

<a name="v0.1.0"></a>
## v0.1.0 (2016-03-16)

#### Features

* ****  implement Default trait for LazyCell ([150a6304]

<a name="v0.0.1"></a>
## v0.0.1 (2016-03-16)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Cargo.toml:**  loosen restrictions on Clippy version ([84dd8f96]

#### Features

*   add initial implementation ([4b39764a]
*   add initial commit ([a80407a9]