lapack 0.19.0

The package provides wrappers for LAPACK (Fortran).
//! Wrappers for [LAPACK] \(Fortran).
//! ## [Architecture]
//! ## Example
//! ```no_run
//! use lapack::*;
//! let n = 3;
//! let mut a = vec![3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0];
//! let mut w = vec![0.0; n as usize];
//! let mut work = vec![0.0; 4 * n as usize];
//! let lwork = 4 * n;
//! let mut info = 0;
//! unsafe {
//!     dsyev(b'V', b'U', n, &mut a, n, &mut w, &mut work, lwork, &mut info);
//! }
//! assert!(info == 0);
//! for (one, another) in w.iter().zip(&[2.0, 2.0, 5.0]) {
//!     assert!((one - another).abs() < 1e-14);
//! }
//! ```
//! [architecture]:
//! [lapack]:

extern crate lapack_sys as ffi;
extern crate libc;
extern crate num_complex as num;

use std::mem::transmute;

use libc::{c_char, size_t};

/// A complex number with 32-bit parts
pub type c32 = num::Complex<f32>;

/// A complex number with 64-bit parts
pub type c64 = num::Complex<f64>;

pub type Select2F32 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const f32, *const f32) -> i32>;
pub type Select3F32 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const f32, *const f32, *const f32) -> i32>;

pub type Select2F64 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const f64, *const f64) -> i32>;
pub type Select3F64 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const f64, *const f64, *const f64) -> i32>;

pub type Select1C32 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const c32) -> i32>;
pub type Select2C32 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const c32, *const c32) -> i32>;

pub type Select1C64 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const c64) -> i32>;
pub type Select2C64 = Option<extern "C" fn(*const c64, *const c64) -> i32>;
