landon 0.8.0

A collection of tools, data structures and methods for exporting Blender data (such as meshes and armatures) and preparing it for your rendering pipeline.
    # Print all of the actions for the active armature to stdout as JSON

bl_info = {
    "name": "Export Armature to JSON",
    "category": "Import-Export",
    "blender": (2, 80, 0)

# TODO: breadcrumb - refactor to use json dumps

import bpy
import math
import json

class ExportArmatureToJSON(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Given an active armature, export it's actions and keyframed bone pose information to a JSON file"""
    # Unique identifier for the addon
    bl_idname = 'import_export.armature2json'
    # Display name in the interface
    bl_label = 'Export Armature to JSON'
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
    bl_category = 'Import-Export'

    def execute(self, context):
        def main():
            armatureJSON = {
                'actions': {},
                'inverse_bind_poses': [],
                'joint_index': {},
                'bone_groups': {}

            # Get the armature that is currently active. We will be parsing it's actions
            # TODO: Error message if the active object is not the armature
            activeArmature =
            # If the active object isn't an armature, we use the first armature that we find
            if activeArmature.type != 'ARMATURE':
                for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
                    if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
                        activeArmature = obj
               = activeArmature

            # Get all of the actions
            # TODO: If we later support handling multiple armatures we'll need to only use the
            # actions that apply to the current armature
            actionsList = list(
            bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'POSE')

            # Select all of the armature's bones so that we can iterate over them later
            # We get all bone names so that we are certain to always iterate over bones in a consistent
            # order. We've had issues in the past where the order would be different depending on how you
            # accessed the bones, so this should help prevent future errors.
            allBoneNames = []
            for poseBone in activeArmature.pose.bones:
       = True
            # Start building our JSON
            # The format is
            # {
            #   someAction: { timeInSeconds: [bone1, bone2, bone3 ...], keyframe2: [bone1, bone2, bone3 ...] },
            #   anotherAction: { someTime: [bone1, bone2, bone3 ...], keyframe2: [bone1, bone2, bone3 ...], anotherTime: { ... } },
            # }
            for actionInfo in actionsList:
                # Change to the action that we are currently parsing the data of
                activeArmature.animation_data.action =
                # Get all of the keyframes for the current action. We'll iterate through them
                # to get all of the bone data
                actionKeyframes = getKeyframesInAction(activeArmature.animation_data.action)
                # If this action has no keyframes we skip it
                if actionKeyframes == []:

                armatureJSON['actions'][] = []
                # Loop through the keyframes and build the frame data for the action
                # We convert keyframes into times in seconds
                index = 0
                for frame in actionKeyframes:
                    # Round the keyframes time in seconds to 6 decimal places.
                    # i.e. 10.333333 seconds
                    # So here, at 24FPS, frame 12 would become `0.5` (seconds)
                    timeOfKeyframe = round(frame / bpy.context.scene.render.fps, 6)
                    # Get all of the bone pose matrices for this frame -> [bone1Matrix, bone2Matrix, ..]
                        'bones': [],
                        'frame_time_secs': None
                    for bone in getBonePosesAtKeyframe(frame, activeArmature, allBoneNames):
                        armatureJSON['actions'][][index]['bones'].append({'Matrix': matrixToArray(bone.matrix)})
                        armatureJSON['actions'][][index]['frame_time_secs'] = timeOfKeyframe

                    index += 1

            # Now that we've added our actions we add our bind poses
            # We iterate over pose bones instead of edit bones to ensure a consistent ordering
            # of bone data
            for boneName in allBoneNames:
                # Calculate the bone's inverse bind matrix
                # taken from:
                # TODO: Not currently handling the case where a bone has a parent since I'm using blender-iks-to-fks
                # which clears all parent relationships before visual keying
                poseBone = activeArmature.pose.bones[boneName]

                # We make sure to account for the world offset of the armature since matrix_local is in armature space
                boneBindMatrix = activeArmature.matrix_world @ poseBone.bone.matrix_local
                boneInverseBind = boneBindMatrix.copy().inverted()

                armatureJSON['inverse_bind_poses'].append({'Matrix': matrixToArray(boneInverseBind)})

            # Now we create the JSON for the joint name indices. The bind poses and keyframe poses are
            # arrays of index 0...numBones - 1. To look up a bone in this array you use its joint name index
            for boneIndex, boneName in enumerate(allBoneNames):
                armatureJSON['joint_index'][boneName] = boneIndex

            # Exporting bone groups
            # 1. Deselect all bones in the armature
            # 2. Iterate through each bone group and select the bones in the group
            # 3. Add the selected bones to that bone group
            bone_groups_names = activeArmature.pose.bone_groups.keys()

            for poseBone in activeArmature.pose.bones:
       = False

            for bone_group_index, bone_group_name in enumerate(bone_groups_names):
                armatureJSON['bone_groups'][bone_group_name] = []

                activeArmature.pose.bone_groups.active_index = bone_group_index


                for poseBone in bpy.context.selected_pose_bones:
                    bone_index = armatureJSON['joint_index'][]


            # ... mesh json ...
            # NOTE: Intentionally done in one print statement to get around
            # a bug where other Blender output (in this case from bpy.ops.anim.keyframe_delete(override, type='LocRotScale')
            # calls in blender-iks-to-fks) was getting mixed in with our JSON output
            output = "START_ARMATURE_JSON " + + " " +
            output += "\n"
            output += json.dumps(armatureJSON)
            output += "\n"
            output += "END_ARMATURE_JSON " + + " " +

            return {'FINISHED'}

        def getKeyframesInAction(action):
            # TODO: Right now we aren't sorting these keyframes.
            # We should sort them from lowest to highest (that's a more expected order).
            keyframes = []
            for fcurve in action.fcurves:
                for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:
                    x, y =
                    # Don't know why yet, but we encounter each keyframes a
                    # bunch of times. so need to make sure we only add them once
                    if x not in keyframes:
                        # convert from float to int and insert into our keyframe list
            return keyframes

        # Get all of the bone pose matrices for the current keyframe
        # So if there are 10 bones, we'll get 10 matrices representing
        # these bones' orientations at this point in time
        def getBonePosesAtKeyframe(frame, armature, boneNames):
            bonePosesAtKeyframe = []
            for boneName in boneNames:
                poseBone = armature.pose.bones[boneName]
            return bonePosesAtKeyframe

        def matrixToArray (matrix):
            array = []
            for column in range(0, 4):
                for row in range(0, 4):
            return array

        # Run our armature2json() add on
        return main()

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":