lambda_calc 2.2.0

A command-line untyped lambda calculus interpreter.

An untyped lambda calculus interpreter.

It has several useful features:

- Has support for the usual implicit parenthesization rules of lambda calculus

    - See the documentation for the `parse` function [on here](

- Highlights the expression reduced last at each beta reduction step

    - (Can be disabled.)

- Allows bind lambda terms to symbols (definitions)

    - Lazy symbol substitution

    - Allows recursive definitions

- Has context-sensitive TAB completion, matching brace highlighter, and history support

(thanks to rustyline).

- Allows escaping line breaks with `&`

    - The line will be saved to history as a single line.

- Has a non-interactive mode whose output is in a can be easily parsed by scripts

- Allows counting the number of reduction steps

...along with many other features; run with --help for more.


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4


Install cargo if you don't have it, then run

$ cargo install lambda_calc

This will install the lambda_calc binary. Opitonally, you may use the --root option to install to a different directory; run man cargo-install for details.