lambda-build 0.9.0

Build Rust crates for deployment to AWS Lambda
lambda-build-0.9.0 is not a library.


Build a Rust project in a container for deployment to AWS Lambda.

This project is a thin wrapper around the excellent lambda-rust project, which provides "a faithful reproduction of the actual AWS [...] Lambda runtime environment" with the stable Rust toolchain installed.

The lambda-build executable expands on lambda-rust in two ways:

  1. It downloads the lambda-rust repo and builds a specific branch, tag, or commit instead of using a build from Docker hub. This is useful because the lambda-rust repo is sometimes updated without a new tag being pushed to Docker hub.
  2. It builds and runs the lambda-rust container with all the necessary options. There are a number of volumes that need to get mounted in the right place for caching to work.


cargo install lambda-build


In the common case you should be able to just run lambda-build in the directory of the project you want to build. You can also pass an explicit directory to build. By default the master branch of lambda-rust is used; a different one can be set with --rev.

lambda-build [<project>] [--repo <repo>] [--rev <rev>] [--cmd <cmd>]

Build the project in a container for deployment to Lambda.

  --repo            lambda-rust repo (default:
  --rev             branch/tag/commit from which to build (default: master)
  --cmd             container command (default: docker)
  --help            display usage information

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