kube 0.7.0

Opinionated Kubernetes client with reflectors


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Rust client for Kubernetes with reinterpretations of the Reflector and Informer abstractions from the go client.

This client aims cater to the more common controller/operator case, but allows you sticking in dependencies like k8s-openapi for accurate struct representations.


See the examples directory for how to watch over resources in a simplistic way.

See controller-rs for a full example with actix.

API Docs


One of the main abstractions exposed from kube::api is Reflector<P, U>. This is a cache of a resource that's meant to "reflect the resource state in etcd".

It handles the api mechanics for watching kube resources, tracking resourceVersions, and using watch events; it builds and maintains an internal map.

To use it, you just feed in T as a Spec struct and U as a Status struct, which can be as complete or incomplete as you like. Here, using the complete structs via k8s-openapi:

let api = Api::v1Pod().within(&namespace);
let rf : Reflector<PodSpec, PodStatus> = Reflector::new(client, api)

then you can poll() the reflector, and read() to get the current cached state:

rf.poll()?; // watches + updates state

// read state and use it:
rf.read()?.into_iter().for_each(|(name, p)| {
    println!("Found pod {} ({}) with {:?}",
        p.spec.containers.into_iter().map(|c| c.name).collect::<Vec<_>>(),

The reflector itself is responsible for acquiring the write lock and update the state as long as you call poll() periodically.


The other main abstraction from kube::api is Informer<P, U>. This is a struct with the internal behaviour for watching kube resources, but maintains only a queue of WatchEvent elements along with resourceVersion.

You tell it what type parameters correspond to; T should be a Spec struct, and U should be a Status struct. Again, these can be as complete or incomplete as you like. For instance, using the complete structs from k8s-openapi:

let api = Api::v1Pod();
let inf : Informer<PodSpec, PodStatus> = Informer::new(client, api)

The main feature of Informer<P, U> is that after calling .poll() you handle the events and decide what to do with them yourself:

inf.poll()?; // watches + queues events

while let Some(event) = inf.pop() {
    handle_event(&client, event)?;

How you handle them is up to you, you could build your own state, you can call a kube client, or you can simply print events. Here's a sketch of how such a handler would look:

fn handle_event(c: &APIClient, event: WatchEvent<PodSpec, PodStatus>) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
    match event {
        WatchEvent::Added(o) => {
            let containers = o.spec.containers.into_iter().map(|c| c.name).collect::<Vec<_>>();
            println!("Added Pod: {} (containers={:?})", o.metadata.name, containers);
        WatchEvent::Modified(o) => {
            let phase = o.status.phase.unwrap();
            println!("Modified Pod: {} (phase={})", o.metadata.name, phase);
        WatchEvent::Deleted(o) => {
            println!("Deleted Pod: {}", o.metadata.name);
        WatchEvent::Error(e) => {
            println!("Error event: {:?}", e);

The node_informer example has an example of using api calls from within event handlers.


Examples that show a little common flows. These all have logging of this library set up to trace:

# watch pod events in kube-system
cargo run --example pod_informer
# watch for broken nodes
cargo run --example node_informer

or for the reflectors:

cargo run --example pod_reflector
cargo run --example node_reflector
cargo run --example deployment_reflector

for one based on a CRD, you need to create the CRD first:

kubectl apply -f examples/foo.yaml
cargo run --example crd_reflector

then you can kubectl apply -f crd-baz.yaml -n kube-system, or kubectl delete -f crd-baz.yaml -n kube-system, or kubectl edit foos baz -n kube-system to verify that the events are being picked up.


All watch calls have timeouts set to 10 seconds as a default (and kube always waits that long regardless of activity). If you like to hammer the API less, you can either call .poll() less often and the events will collect on the kube side (if you don't wait too long and get a Gone). You can configure the timeout with .timeout(n) on the Informer or Reflector.


Apache 2.0 licensed. See LICENSE for details.