kube 0.2.0

Kubernetes rust client with a reflector


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Rust client for Kubernetes API forking ynqa/kubernetes-rust.

This version has more error handling and a Reflector for easy caching of CRD state. It aims to cater to the more common operator case, but allows you sticking in dependencies like k8s-openapi.


See operator-rs for ideas.

Main ideas, depending on how complicated your need is:

Watch calls on a resource

You probably want a reflector? See operator-rs.

Basic calls

Use the exposed APIClient herein, and write Request functions directly:

pub fn list_all_crd_entries(r: &ApiResource) -> Result<http::Request<Vec<u8>>> {
    let urlstr = format!("/apis/{group}/v1/namespaces/{ns}/{resource}?",
        group = r.group, resource = r.resource, ns = r.namespace);
    let urlstr = url::form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(urlstr).finish();
    let mut req = http::Request::get(urlstr);

Then call them with:

let res = client.request::<ResourceList<Resource<T>>>(req)?;

where Resource + ResourceList can be constructed analogously to what's in ./src/api.

You can also look at the documentation for k8s-openapi is generating. The functions that return http::Request are compatible.

Many basic calls

Pull in k8s-openapi and call it from the client herein. Note that not everything is available from k8s-openapi anyway. Watching Crd entries (not the core definitions) was missing in 0.4.0.