Module kitsune_p2p_types::tx2::tx2_utils

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Utilities to help with developing / testing tx2.


  • Active tracking helper for related items. This facilitates e.g. an endpoint with sub connections. The endpoint can close, closing all connections. Or, individual connections can close, without closing the endpoint.
  • A logic channel. Capture a handle to the logic_chan. Fill the LogicChan with async logic. Report events to the handle in the async logic. Treat the LogicChan as a stream, collecting the events.
  • Handle to a logic_chan instance. A clone of a LogicChanHandle is Eq to its origin. A clone of a LogicChanHandle will Hash the same as its origin.
  • Many tasks can await on this notify struct. They will all be notified once notify is called.
  • A buffer that will return to a pool after use.
  • Control efficient access to shared resource pool.
  • Synchronized droppable share-lock around internal state date.
  • A version of Share which can never be closed, and thus every share is infallible (no Err possible).
  • The receiver side of a t_chan.
  • The sender side of a t_chan - this is cheaply clone-able.
  • New-type for sync ref-counted Urls to make passing around tx2 more efficient.


  • Construct a bound async read/write memory channel
  • Fill a buffer with data that is readable as latency information. Note, the minimum message size to get the timing data across is 16 bytes.
  • Return the duration since the time encoded in a latency info buffer. Returns a unit error if we could not parse the buffer into time data.
  • tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender is cheaply clonable, futures::channel::mpsc::Sender can be closed from the sender side. We want both these things. Produce a TChan - a wrapper around a tokio::sync::mpsc::channel. Provides futures::stream::Stream impl on TReceive. Allows channel close from sender side.