[][src]Struct kaze::Signal

#[must_use]pub struct Signal<'a> { /* fields omitted */ }

A collection of 1 or more bits driven by some source.

A Signal can be created by several Module methods (eg. lit) or as a result of combining existing Signals (eg. concat). Signals are local to their respective Modules.

A Signal behaves similarly to a wire in Verilog, except that it's always driven.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");
let a = m.lit(0xffu8, 8); // 8-bit signal
let b = m.input("my_input", 27); // 27-bit signal
let c = b.bits(7, 0); // 8-bit signal
let d = a + c; // 8-bit signal
m.output("my_output", d); // 8-bit output driven by d


impl<'a> Signal<'a>[src]

#[must_use]pub fn bit_width(&self) -> u32[src]

Returns the bit width of the given Signal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

assert_eq!(m.lit(42u32, 7).bit_width(), 7);
assert_eq!(m.input("i", 27).bit_width(), 27);
assert_eq!(m.reg("some_reg", 46).value.bit_width(), 46);
assert_eq!((!m.low()).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!((m.lit(25u8, 8) + m.lit(42u8, 8)).bit_width(), 8);
assert_eq!((m.lit(1u8, 1) * m.lit(2u8, 2)).bit_width(), 3);
assert_eq!(m.lit(1u8, 1).mul_signed(m.lit(2u8, 2)).bit_width(), 3);
assert_eq!(m.lit(false, 1).reg_next("some_other_reg").bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(true, 1).reg_next_with_default("yet_another_reg", false).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!((m.high() & m.low()).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!((m.high() | m.low()).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(12u32, 100).bit(30).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(1u32, 99).bits(37, 29).bit_width(), 9);
assert_eq!(m.high().repeat(35).bit_width(), 35);
assert_eq!(m.lit(1u32, 20).concat(m.high()).bit_width(), 21);
assert_eq!((m.lit(0x80u32, 8) << m.lit(true, 1)).bit_width(), 8);
assert_eq!((m.lit(0x80u32, 8) >> m.lit(true, 1)).bit_width(), 8);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0x80u32, 8).shr_arithmetic(m.lit(true, 1)).bit_width(), 8);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0xaau32, 8).eq(m.lit(0xaau32, 8)).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0xaau32, 8).ne(m.lit(0xaau32, 8)).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0xaau32, 8).lt(m.lit(0xaau32, 8)).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0xaau32, 8).le(m.lit(0xaau32, 8)).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0xaau32, 8).gt(m.lit(0xaau32, 8)).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.lit(0xaau32, 8).ge(m.lit(0xaau32, 8)).bit_width(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.mux(m.low(), m.lit(5u32, 4), m.lit(6u32, 4)).bit_width(), 4);

pub fn bit(&'a self, index: u32) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the value of the single bit of this Signal at index index, where index equal to 0 represents this Signal's least significant bit.


Panics if index is greater than or equal to this Signal's bit_width.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit = m.lit(0b0110u32, 4);
let bit_0 = lit.bit(0); // Represents 0
let bit_1 = lit.bit(1); // Represents 1
let bit_2 = lit.bit(2); // Represents 1
let bit_3 = lit.bit(3); // Represents 0

pub fn bits(&'a self, range_high: u32, range_low: u32) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents a contiguous subset of the bits of this Signal, starting at range_low as the least significant bit and ending at range_high as the most significant bit, inclusive.


Panics if either range_low or range_high is greater than or equal to the bit width of this Signal, or if range_low is greater than range_high.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit = m.lit(0b0110u32, 4);
let bits_210 = lit.bits(2, 0); // Represents 0b110
let bits_321 = lit.bits(3, 1); // Represents 0b011
let bits_10 = lit.bits(1, 0); // Represents 0b10
let bits_32 = lit.bits(3, 2); // Represents 0b01
let bits_2 = lit.bits(2, 2); // Represents 1, equivalent to lit.bit(2)

pub fn repeat(&'a self, count: u32) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents this Signal repeated count times.


Panics if self.bit_width() * count is less than MIN_SIGNAL_BIT_WIDTH or greater than MAX_SIGNAL_BIT_WIDTH.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let repeat_1 = lit.repeat(1); // Equivalent to just lit
let repeat_2 = lit.repeat(2); // Equivalent to 8-bit lit with value 0xaa
let repeat_5 = lit.repeat(5); // Equivalent to 20-bit lit with value 0xaaaaa
let repeat_8 = lit.repeat(8); // Equivalent to 32-bit lit with value 0xaaaaaaaa

pub fn concat(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents this Signal concatenated with rhs.

self represents the upper bits in the resulting Signal, and rhs represents the lower bits.


Panics if self.bit_width() + rhs.bit_width() is greater than MAX_SIGNAL_BIT_WIDTH.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xffu32, 8);
let concat_1 = lit_a.concat(lit_b); // Equivalent to 12-bit lit with value 0xaff
let concat_2 = lit_b.concat(lit_a); // Equivalent to 12-bit lit with value 0xffa
let concat_3 = lit_a.concat(lit_a); // Equivalent to 8-bit lit with value 0xaa

pub fn eq(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of a bitwise boolean equality comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let eq_1 = lit_a.eq(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()
let eq_2 = lit_b.eq(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let eq_3 = lit_a.eq(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let eq_4 = lit_b.eq(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()

pub fn ne(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of a bitwise boolean inequality comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let ne_1 = lit_a.ne(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()
let ne_2 = lit_b.ne(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let ne_3 = lit_a.ne(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let ne_4 = lit_b.ne(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()

pub fn lt(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of an unsigned < comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let lt_1 = lit_a.lt(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()
let lt_2 = lit_b.lt(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let lt_3 = lit_a.lt(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let lt_4 = lit_b.lt(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()

pub fn le(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of an unsigned <= comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let le_1 = lit_a.le(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()
let le_2 = lit_b.le(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let le_3 = lit_a.le(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let le_4 = lit_b.le(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()

pub fn gt(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of an unsigned > comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let gt_1 = lit_a.gt(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()
let gt_2 = lit_b.gt(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let gt_3 = lit_a.gt(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let gt_4 = lit_b.gt(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()

pub fn ge(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of an unsigned >= comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let ge_1 = lit_a.ge(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()
let ge_2 = lit_b.ge(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let ge_3 = lit_a.ge(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let ge_4 = lit_b.ge(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()

pub fn lt_signed(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of a signed < comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal, or if the bit widths of self and rhs are 1.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let lt_signed_1 = lit_a.lt_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()
let lt_signed_2 = lit_b.lt_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let lt_signed_3 = lit_a.lt_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let lt_signed_4 = lit_b.lt_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()

pub fn le_signed(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of a signed <= comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal, or if the bit widths of self and rhs are 1.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let le_signed_1 = lit_a.le_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()
let le_signed_2 = lit_b.le_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let le_signed_3 = lit_a.le_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let le_signed_4 = lit_b.le_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()

pub fn gt_signed(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of a signed > comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal, or if the bit widths of self and rhs are 1.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let gt_signed_1 = lit_a.gt_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.low()
let gt_signed_2 = lit_b.gt_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let gt_signed_3 = lit_a.gt_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let gt_signed_4 = lit_b.gt_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()

pub fn ge_signed(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the single-bit result of a signed >= comparison between self and rhs.


Panics if self and rhs belong to different Modules, if the bit widths of self and rhs aren't equal, or if the bit widths of self and rhs are 1.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lit_a = m.lit(0xau32, 4);
let lit_b = m.lit(0xbu32, 4);
let ge_signed_1 = lit_a.ge_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()
let ge_signed_2 = lit_b.ge_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.high()
let ge_signed_3 = lit_a.ge_signed(lit_b); // Equivalent to m.low()
let ge_signed_4 = lit_b.ge_signed(lit_a); // Equivalent to m.high()

pub fn shr_arithmetic(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents self arithmetically shifted right by rhs bits.

The result is truncated to self's bit_width. If rhs specifies a value that's greater than or equal to self's bit_width, the resulting value will be all self's top bit repeated self's bit_width times.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(0x80000000u32, 32);
let rhs = m.lit(1u32, 1);
let shifted = lhs.shr_arithmetic(rhs); // Equivalent to m.lit(0xc0000000u32, 32)

pub fn mul_signed(&'a self, rhs: &'a Signal<'a>) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents the signed product of the original two Signals.

The product's bit_width is equal to self.bit_width() + rhs.bit_width().


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if self.bit_width() + rhs.bit_width() is greater than MAX_SIGNAL_BIT_WIDTH.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(4u32, 3); // -4
let rhs = m.lit(5u32, 4);
let sum = lhs.mul_signed(rhs); // Equivalent to m.lit(108u32, 7), -20

pub fn mux(
    &'a self,
    when_true: &'a Signal<'a>,
    when_false: &'a Signal<'a>
) -> &Signal<'a>

Creates a 2:1 multiplexer that represents when_true's value when self is high, and when_false's value when self is low.

This is a convenience wrapper for Module::mux.


Panics if when_true or when_false belong to a different Module than self, if self's bit width is not 1, or if the bit widths of when_true and when_false aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let cond = m.input("cond", 1);
let a = m.input("a", 8);
let b = m.input("b", 8);
m.output("my_output", cond.mux(a, b)); // Outputs a when cond is high, b otherwise

pub fn reg_next<S: Into<String>>(&'a self, name: S) -> &Signal<'a>[src]

Creates a Signal that represents the same value as this Signal, but delayed by one cycle.

This is achieved by creating a new Register called name, and specifying this Signal as the next value for the Register. Note that no default value is provided for this Register, so the returned Signal's value is undefined until the first clock edge, and its value is not affected by its Module's implicit reset. If a default value is desired, use reg_next_with_default instead.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let a = m.lit(true, 1);
let a_delayed = a.reg_next("a_delayed");

pub fn reg_next_with_default<S: Into<String>, C: Into<Constant>>(
    &'a self,
    name: S,
    default_value: C
) -> &Signal<'a>

Creates a Signal that represents the same value as this Signal, but delayed by one cycle, except when this Signal's Module's implicit reset is asserted, at which point it will represent default_value.

This is achieved by creating a new Register called name, specifying default_value as its default value, and specifying this Signal as the next value for the Register. If a default value is not desired, use reg_next instead.


Panics if the specified value doesn't fit into this Signal's bit width.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let a = m.lit(true, 1);
let a_delayed = a.reg_next_with_default("a_delayed", false);

Trait Implementations

impl<'a> Add<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

pub fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents the sum of the original two Signals.

The sum is truncated to the Signal's bit_width. If a carry bit is desired, the operands can be concatenated with a 0 bit before the operation.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of lhs and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(1u32, 32);
let rhs = m.lit(2u32, 32);
let sum = lhs + rhs; // Equivalent to m.lit(3u32, 32)

let lhs = m.low().concat(m.lit(0xffffffffu32, 32)); // Concat 0 bits with operands for carry
let rhs = m.low().concat(m.lit(0x00000001u32, 32));
let carry_sum = lhs + rhs; // Equivalent to m.lit(0x100000000u64, 33)
let sum = carry_sum.bits(31, 0); // Equivalent to m.lit(0u32, 32)
let carry = carry_sum.bit(32); // Equivalent to m.lit(true, 1)

impl<'a> BitAnd<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

pub fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal whose bits represent the bitwise & of each of the bits of the original two Signals.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of lhs and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.low();
let rhs = m.high();
let single_bitand = lhs & rhs;

let lhs = m.input("in1", 3);
let rhs = m.input("in2", 3);
let multi_bitand = lhs & rhs;

impl<'a> BitOr<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

pub fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal whose bits represent the bitwise | of each of the bits of the original two Signals.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of lhs and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.low();
let rhs = m.high();
let single_bitor = lhs | rhs;

let lhs = m.input("in1", 3);
let rhs = m.input("in2", 3);
let multi_bitor = lhs | rhs;

impl<'a> BitXor<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

pub fn bitxor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal whose bits represent the bitwise ^ of each of the bits of the original two Signals.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of lhs and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.low();
let rhs = m.high();
let single_bitxor = lhs ^ rhs;

let lhs = m.input("in1", 3);
let rhs = m.input("in2", 3);
let multi_bitxor = lhs ^ rhs;

impl<'a> Eq for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Hash for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Mul<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

pub fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents the unsigned product of the original two Signals.

The product's bit_width is equal to self.bit_width() + rhs.bit_width().


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if self.bit_width() + rhs.bit_width() is greater than MAX_SIGNAL_BIT_WIDTH.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(4u32, 3);
let rhs = m.lit(5u32, 4);
let sum = lhs * rhs; // Equivalent to m.lit(20u32, 7)

impl<'a> Not for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

pub fn not(self) -> Self[src]

Produces a new Signal whose bits represent the bitwise ! of each of the bits of the original Signal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let input1 = m.input("input1", 1);
let single_not = !input1;

let input2 = m.input("input2", 6);
let multi_not = !input2;

impl<'a> PartialEq<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Shl<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the << operator.

pub fn shl(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents self logically shifted left by rhs bits.

The result is truncated to self's bit_width. If rhs specifies a value that's greater than or equal to self's bit_width, the resulting value will be zero.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(3u32, 32);
let rhs = m.lit(2u32, 2);
let shifted = lhs << rhs; // Equivalent to m.lit(12u32, 32)

impl<'a> Shr<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the >> operator.

pub fn shr(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents self logically shifted right by rhs bits.

The result is truncated to self's bit_width. If rhs specifies a value that's greater than or equal to self's bit_width, the resulting value will be zero.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(12u32, 32);
let rhs = m.lit(2u32, 2);
let shifted = lhs >> rhs; // Equivalent to m.lit(3u32, 32)

impl<'a> Sub<&'a Signal<'a>> for &'a Signal<'a>[src]

type Output = Self

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

pub fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self[src]

Combines two Signals, producing a new Signal that represents the difference of the original two Signals.

The difference is truncated to the Signal's bit_width.


Panics if lhs and rhs belong to different Modules, or if the bit widths of lhs and rhs aren't equal.


use kaze::*;

let c = Context::new();

let m = c.module("MyModule");

let lhs = m.lit(3u32, 32);
let rhs = m.lit(2u32, 32);
let difference = lhs - rhs; // Equivalent to m.lit(1u32, 32)

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<'a> !RefUnwindSafe for Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> !Send for Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> !Sync for Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> Unpin for Signal<'a>[src]

impl<'a> !UnwindSafe for Signal<'a>[src]

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.