kas-wgpu 0.3.1

Native KAS toolkit using wgpu


Toolkit rendering over the wgpu lib.

Optional features

This crate has the following feature flags:

  • clipboard (enabled by default): clipboard integration
  • stack_dst (enabled by default): enables kas-theme::MultiTheme
  • gat: enables usage of the Generic Associated Types feature (nightly only and currently unstable), allowing some usages of unsafe to be avoided. (The plan is to enable this by default once the feature is mature.)

Copyright and Licence

The COPYRIGHT file from the main KAS library includes a list of contributors who claim copyright on this project. This list may be incomplete; new contributors may optionally add themselves to this list.

The KAS WGPU library is published under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of this licence from the file or on the following webpage: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT