kalast 0.1.9

Thermophysical model for binary systems of asteroids


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Thermophysical model for binary systems of asteroids

Demo | In Action | Installation | License


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In action

Computation of the temperature of a single point at the surface of an asteroid (initialized as sub-solar-point):

// src/main.rs

use kalast::{
    EnvironmentSystem, Properties, SingleBody, Time, World, ASTRONAUMICAL_UNIT, HOUR, M3, MINUTE,

fn main() {
    // [OPTIONAL] To enable log information.

    // Define an empty object.
    let mut asteroid = SingleBody::empty_object(
        "Dimorphos",                                          // name
        -V3::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * ASTRONAUMICAL_UNIT * 1.074, // position ICRS Sun-centered
            11.92 * HOUR, // rotation period
            11.92 * HOUR, // revolution period
            0.,           // obliquity
            500.0,        // thermal inertia
            2146.0,       // density
            600.0,        // heat capacity
            0.07,         // albedo
            0.9,          // emissivity

    // Add a single facet at longitude = latitude = 0° of 2m² surface area.
        1.0,       // vertex 1 x
        -2. / 3.,  //          y
        2. / 3.,   //          z
        1.0,       // vertex 2 x
        -2.0 / 3., //          y
        -4. / 3.,  //          z
        1.0,       // vertex 3 x
        4. / 3.,   //          y
        2. / 3.,   //          z
    // Complete model = false ==>> no mutual nor self heating.

    // Time
    let time = Time::new(
        10.0 * asteroid.body().properties.revolution_period(), // duration
        10.0 * MINUTE,                                         // time step

    // Initialize the World.
    let mut world = World::new(time, asteroid);
    // Run the simulation (time loop here).
    // To save the daily temperature in text file.

    // Some prints to know the temperature at the surface and deepest temperature.
    // Taking at index=0 because there is only one face.
        "min: {:.2}, max: {:.2}",

    // Convert ground vector and ground temperatures as slice for plotting.
    let ground = world
    let temperatures = world

    // Initialize the graph.
    let graph = kalast::Graph::new(1, 1);
    // Tweaking the graph.
    graph.set_title("Daily ground temperatures");
    graph.set_xlabel(0, "Depth [m]");
    graph.set_ylabel(0, "Temperature [K]");
    graph.set_axis_limits(0, Some(0.), Some(1.1), Some(260.), Some(360.));
    graph.set_legend_title(0, "Hour angle [deg]");
    // Plot ground temperature VS ground depth.
        kalast::args!(graph.py(), ground, temperatures),
        kalast::kwargs!(graph.py(), ("label", "0")),
    // Finalize the graph.
    graph.save("rsc/img/tmp.svg", None);


Get Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Create a new Rust project:

# Move to the directory of your choice and create a project
cargo new my_project

# Move inside your project
cd my_project

Add the dependency kalast to your Cargo.toml:

kalast = "0.1.9"

To get a working code:

  • copy to your src/main.rs either the code above or one from the examples
  • get the necessary 3D object files
  • make sure the paths to your 3D file are correct
  • build and run your src/main.rs from the root of your project with:
cargo run --release

If you clone this repo

To build and run the program, tests or examples:

Usage: ./compile.sh [OPTIONS]
    -r, --release        build in release, default is debug
    -e, --example [NAME] run the example [NAME]
    -t, --test           launch fast tests
    --all-targets        to be used with -t, runs all tests

You can also change the environment variable CUSTOM_RUSTFLAGS inside the script to customize compilation options (such as ignoring dead_code).

Some examples:

# To build in debug mode

# To build in release mode
./compile.sh -r

# To build in release mode the example with two spheres
./compile.sh -re spheres_mutual.rs

# To launch all the tests
./compile.sh -t --all-targets


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.