kalast 0.1.5

Thermophysical model for binary systems of asteroids

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Thermophysical model for binary systems of asteroids


asciicast image

In action

Single asteroid surface temperatures computations:

use kalast::{Body, Properties, Time, World, ASTRONAUMICAL_UNIT, HOUR, TAU, V3};
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    // Instanciate a celestial body named 'Dimorphos', at a distance of 1.664 AU from
    // the Sun, from a 3D object shape model located at 'rsc/obj/dimorphos.obj',
    // with a complete set of ground physical properties.
    let mut body = Body::new(
        V3::new(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * ASTRONAUMICAL_UNIT * 1.664,
            11.92 * HOUR,        // rotation period
            11.92 * HOUR,        // revolution period
            162.0 * TAU / 360.0, // obliquity
            500.0,               // thermal inertia
            2146.0,              // density
            600.0,               // heat capacity
            0.07,                // albedo
            0.9,                 // emissivity
    body.set_faces_mask_equator(); // only computes temperatures for equator

    // Create a simulation time that lasts 50 revolution period of the body with 30 seconds steps.
    // The residual 0.75 period is for the last frame to be at noon (max temperature peek at
    // longitude=0°, according to this initial bodies setup).
    let time = Time::new(50.75 * body.properties.revolution_period(), 30.0);

    let mut world = World::new(time, body, None); // define the world of the simulation
    world.start(); // run the simulation
    world.save(Path::new("rsc/temperatures/dimorphos_equator.txt")); // save the temperatures to a file

Build source

# build as a release
./compile.sh -r

# run


  • mutual heating from primary/moon
  • self heating
  • validation
  • finit diff, FEM, 2D/3D convection
  • mutual occultations
  • shadowing
