jumprope 1.1.2

Simple, fast rope (fancy string) library built on top of Skiplists
use crate::fast_str_tools::*;
#[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")]
use crate::utils::count_lines;
use crate::utils::str_chars_to_bytes_rev;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq)]
pub struct GapBuffer<const LEN: usize> {
    data: [u8; LEN],

    pub(crate) gap_start_bytes: u16,
    pub(crate) gap_start_chars: u16,

    /// The number of UTF16 surrogate pairs before the gap.
    #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
    pub(crate) gap_start_surrogate_pairs: u16,

    /// The number of lines before the gap
    #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")]
    pub(crate) gap_start_lines: u16,

    pub(crate) gap_len: u16,
    all_ascii: bool,

unsafe fn slice_to_str(arr: &[u8]) -> &str {
    if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
    } else {

impl<const LEN: usize> GapBuffer<LEN> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            data: [0; LEN],
            gap_start_bytes: 0,
            gap_start_chars: 0,
            #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
            gap_start_surrogate_pairs: 0,
            #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")]
            gap_start_lines: 0,
            gap_len: LEN as u16,
            all_ascii: true,

    pub fn new_from_str(s: &str) -> Self {
        let mut val = Self::new();
        val.try_insert(0, s).unwrap();

    // #[allow(unused)]
    // pub fn len_space(&self) -> usize {
    //     self.gap_len as usize
    // }

    /// In bytes.
    pub fn len_bytes(&self) -> usize {
        LEN - self.gap_len as usize

    // #[allow(unused)]
    // pub fn char_len(&self) -> usize {
    //     count_chars(self.start_as_str()) + count_chars(self.end_as_str())
    // }

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.gap_len as usize == LEN

    fn count_internal_chars(&self, s: &str) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii { s.len() } else { count_chars(s) }

    #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
    fn int_count_surrogate_pairs(&self, s: &str) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii { 0 } else { count_utf16_surrogates(s) }

    fn int_str_get_byte_offset(&self, s: &str, char_pos: usize) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii { char_pos } else { char_to_byte_idx(s, char_pos) }
    fn int_chars_to_bytes_backwards(&self, s: &str, char_len: usize) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii { char_len } else { str_chars_to_bytes_rev(s, char_len) }

    pub fn move_gap(&mut self, new_start_bytes: usize) {
        let current_start = self.gap_start_bytes as usize;

        if new_start_bytes != current_start {
            let len = self.gap_len as usize;
            debug_assert!(new_start_bytes <= LEN-len);

            if new_start_bytes < current_start {
                // move characters to the right (gap to the left)
                let moved_chars = new_start_bytes..current_start;
                let s = unsafe { slice_to_str(&self.data[moved_chars.clone()]) };
                let char_len = self.count_internal_chars(s);

                #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")] {
                    let surrogate_pairs = self.int_count_surrogate_pairs(s);
                    self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs -= surrogate_pairs as u16;

                #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")] {
                    self.gap_start_lines -= count_lines(s) as u16;

                self.gap_start_chars -= char_len as u16;

                self.data.copy_within(moved_chars, new_start_bytes + len);
            } else if current_start < new_start_bytes {
                // Move characters to the left (gap to the right)
                let moved_chars = current_start+len..new_start_bytes +len;
                let s = unsafe { slice_to_str(&self.data[moved_chars.clone()]) };
                let char_len = self.count_internal_chars(s);

                #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")] {
                    let surrogate_pairs = self.int_count_surrogate_pairs(s);
                    self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs += surrogate_pairs as u16;

                #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")] {
                    self.gap_start_lines += count_lines(s) as u16;

                self.gap_start_chars += char_len as u16;

                self.data.copy_within(moved_chars, current_start);

            if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
                // This is unnecessary but tidy, and makes debugging easier.
                self.data[new_start_bytes..new_start_bytes +len].fill(0);

            self.gap_start_bytes = new_start_bytes as u16;

    /// Panics if there's no room. This inserts at the start of the gap (and moves the gap after the
    /// inserted text).
    pub fn insert_in_gap(&mut self, s: &str) {
        let len = s.len();
        let char_len = count_chars(s);
        assert!(len <= self.gap_len as usize);

        let start = self.gap_start_bytes as usize;
        self.gap_start_bytes += len as u16;
        self.gap_start_chars += char_len as u16;
        self.gap_len -= len as u16;

        #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
        if len != char_len {
            self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs += count_utf16_surrogates(s) as u16;

        #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")] {
            self.gap_start_lines += count_lines(s) as u16;

        if len != char_len { self.all_ascii = false; }

    pub fn try_insert(&mut self, byte_pos: usize, s: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
        let len = s.len();
        if len > self.gap_len as usize {
            // No space in this node!
        } else {

    /// Remove chars after the gap (ie, at gap .. gap+del_len)
    pub fn remove_after_gap(&mut self, del_bytes: usize) {
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
            // Zero out the deleted bytes in debug mode.
                (self.gap_start_bytes +self.gap_len) as usize..(self.gap_start_bytes +self.gap_len) as usize + del_bytes
        self.gap_len += del_bytes as u16;

    // Returns the number of items actually removed.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, pos: usize, del_len: usize) -> usize {
        let len = self.len_bytes();

        if pos >= len { return 0; }
        let del_len = del_len.min(len - pos);



    /// Returns the number of bytes removed.
    pub fn remove_chars(&mut self, pos: usize, mut del_len: usize) -> usize {
        // This function is longer than it needs to be; but having it be a bit longer makes the
        // code faster. I think the trade-off is worth it.
        // self.move_gap(self.count_bytes(pos));
        // let removed_bytes = str_get_byte_offset(s.end_as_str(), del_len);
        // self.remove_at_gap(removed_bytes);
        // removed_bytes

        if del_len == 0 { return 0; }
        debug_assert!(del_len <= self.len_bytes() - pos);
        let mut rm_start_bytes = 0;

        let gap_chars = self.gap_start_chars as usize;
        #[cfg(any(feature = "wchar_conversion", feature = "line_conversion"))]
        let gap_start_bytes = self.gap_start_bytes as usize;
        if pos <= gap_chars && pos+del_len >= gap_chars {
            if pos < gap_chars {
                // Delete the bit from pos..gap.
                // TODO: It would be better to count backwards here.
                // let pos_bytes = str_get_byte_offset(self.start_as_str(), pos) as u16;
                // rm_start_bytes = self.gap_start_bytes - pos_bytes;
                rm_start_bytes = self.int_chars_to_bytes_backwards(self.start_as_str(), gap_chars - pos);

                #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
                if !self.all_ascii {
                    self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs -= unsafe {
                        count_utf16_surrogates_in_bytes(&self.data[gap_start_bytes - rm_start_bytes..gap_start_bytes]) as u16

                #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")] {
                    unsafe {
                        let s = std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&self.data[gap_start_bytes - rm_start_bytes..gap_start_bytes]);
                        self.gap_start_lines -= count_lines(s) as u16;

                del_len -= self.gap_start_chars as usize - pos;
                let rm_start_bytes = rm_start_bytes as u16;
                self.gap_len += rm_start_bytes;
                self.gap_start_chars = pos as u16;
                self.gap_start_bytes -= rm_start_bytes;
                // self.gap_start_bytes = pos_bytes;
                if del_len == 0 { return rm_start_bytes as usize; }

            debug_assert!(del_len > 0);
            debug_assert!(pos >= self.gap_start_chars as usize);
        } else {
            // This is equivalent to self.count_bytes() (below), but for some reason manually
            // inlining it here results in both faster and smaller executables.
            let gap_bytes = if pos < gap_chars {
                self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.start_as_str(), pos)
            } else {
                self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.end_as_str(), pos - gap_chars) + self.gap_start_bytes as usize

        // At this point the gap is guaranteed to be directly after pos.
        let rm_end_bytes = self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.end_as_str(), del_len);
        rm_start_bytes as usize + rm_end_bytes

    pub fn start_as_str(&self) -> &str {
        unsafe {
            slice_to_str(&self.data[0..self.gap_start_bytes as usize])
    pub fn end_as_str(&self) -> &str {
        unsafe {
            slice_to_str(&self.data[(self.gap_start_bytes +self.gap_len) as usize..LEN])

    pub fn count_bytes(&self, char_pos: usize) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii { return char_pos; }

        let gap_chars = self.gap_start_chars as usize;
        let gap_bytes = self.gap_start_bytes as usize;
        // Clippy complains about this but if I swap to a match expression, performance drops by 1%.
        if char_pos == gap_chars {
        } else if char_pos < gap_chars {
            self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.start_as_str(), char_pos)
        } else { // char_pos > start_char_len.
            gap_bytes + self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.end_as_str(), char_pos - gap_chars)

    /// Calculate & return the number of surrogate pairs in `[0..char_pos]`
    #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
    pub(crate) fn count_chars_in_wchars(&self, wchar_pos: usize) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii { wchar_pos }
        else {
            let gap_chars = self.gap_start_chars as usize;
            let gap_pairs = self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs as usize;
            let gap_wchars = gap_chars + gap_pairs;

            if wchar_pos == gap_wchars {
            } else if wchar_pos < gap_wchars {
                // In start.
                if self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs == 0 { wchar_pos }
                else {
                    utf16_code_unit_to_char_idx(self.start_as_str(), wchar_pos)
            } else {
                // In end.
                gap_chars + utf16_code_unit_to_char_idx(self.end_as_str(), wchar_pos - gap_wchars)

    #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")]
    pub(crate) fn count_surrogate_pairs(&self, char_pos: usize) -> usize {
        if self.all_ascii {
        } else {
            let gap_chars = self.gap_start_chars as usize;
            if char_pos == gap_chars {
                self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs as usize
            } else if char_pos < gap_chars {
                if self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs == 0 { 0 }
                else {
                    let bytes = self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.start_as_str(), char_pos);
                    unsafe { count_utf16_surrogates_in_bytes(&self.data[..bytes]) }
            } else {
                // Right stuff.
                let bytes = self.int_str_get_byte_offset(self.end_as_str(), char_pos - gap_chars);
                let base = (self.gap_start_bytes + self.gap_len) as usize;
                let slice = &self.data[base..base + bytes];
                unsafe { self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs as usize + count_utf16_surrogates_in_bytes(slice) }

    /// Take the remaining contents in the gap buffer. Mark them as deleted, but return them.
    /// This will leave those items non-zero, but that doesn't matter.
    pub fn take_rest(&mut self) -> &str {
        let last_idx = (self.gap_start_bytes + self.gap_len) as usize;
        self.gap_len = LEN as u16 - self.gap_start_bytes;
        unsafe { slice_to_str(&self.data[last_idx..LEN]) }

    pub(crate) fn check(&self) {
        let char_len = count_chars(self.start_as_str());
        assert_eq!(char_len, self.gap_start_chars as usize);

        #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")] {
            let pairs = count_utf16_surrogates(self.start_as_str());
            assert_eq!(pairs, self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs as usize);

        #[cfg(feature = "line_conversion")] {
            let lines = count_lines(self.start_as_str());
            assert_eq!(lines, self.gap_start_lines as usize);

        if self.all_ascii {
            assert_eq!(self.gap_start_bytes, self.gap_start_chars);
            #[cfg(feature = "wchar_conversion")] {
                assert_eq!(self.gap_start_surrogate_pairs, 0);

impl<const LEN: usize> ToString for GapBuffer<LEN> {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut result = String::with_capacity(self.len_bytes());

impl<const LEN: usize> PartialEq for GapBuffer<LEN> {
    // Eq is interesting because we need to ignore where the gap is.
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        if self.gap_len != other.gap_len { return false; }
        // There's 3 sections to check:
        // - Before our gap
        // - The inter-gap part
        // - The last, common part.
        let (a, b) = if self.gap_start_bytes < other.gap_start_bytes {
            (self, other)
        } else {
            (other, self)
        // a has its gap first (or the gaps are at the same time).
        let a_start = a.gap_start_bytes as usize;
        let b_start = b.gap_start_bytes as usize;
        let gap_len = a.gap_len as usize;

        // Section before the gaps
        if a.data[0..a_start] != b.data[0..a_start] { return false; }

        // Gappy bit
        if a.data[a_start+gap_len..b_start+gap_len] != b.data[a_start..b_start] { return false; }

        // Last bit
        let end_idx = b_start + gap_len;
        a.data[end_idx..LEN] == b.data[end_idx..LEN]

mod test {
    use crate::gapbuffer::GapBuffer;

    fn check_eq<const LEN: usize>(b: &GapBuffer<LEN>, s: &str) {
        assert_eq!(b.to_string(), s);
        assert_eq!(b.len_bytes(), s.len());
        assert_eq!(s.is_empty(), b.is_empty());

    fn smoke_test() {
        let mut b = GapBuffer::<5>::new();

        b.try_insert(0, "hi").unwrap();
        b.try_insert(0, "x").unwrap(); // 'xhi'
        // b.move_gap(2);
        b.try_insert(2, "x").unwrap(); // 'xhxi'
        check_eq(&b, "xhxi");

    fn remove() {
        let mut b = GapBuffer::<5>::new_from_str("hi");
        assert_eq!(b.remove(2, 2), 0);
        check_eq(&b, "hi");

        assert_eq!(b.remove(0, 1), 1);
        check_eq(&b, "i");

        assert_eq!(b.remove(0, 1000), 1);
        check_eq(&b, "");

    fn eq() {
        let hi = GapBuffer::<5>::new_from_str("hi");
        let yo = GapBuffer::<5>::new_from_str("yo");
        assert_ne!(hi, yo);
        assert_eq!(hi, hi);

        let mut hi2 = GapBuffer::<5>::new_from_str("hi");
        assert_eq!(hi, hi2);

        assert_eq!(hi, hi2);