jumprope 1.1.2

Simple, fast rope (fancy string) library built on top of Skiplists
//! This module provides an optimized wrapper around a [`JumpRope`] struct which buffers incoming
//! edits and applies them "all at once" when the rope is read. This makes access patterns involving
//! replaying many small operations much faster (8x faster on some real world testing data).
//! Using [`JumpRopeBuf`] instead of [`JumpRope`] directly is equivalent to using a
//! [`BufWriter`](std::io::BufWriter) to write to a file / stream.
//! This API should be almost identical with JumpRope, but I've probably forgotten a few methods.
//! If you find some useful methods which are missing, please file issues and I can add them
//! explicitly to the wrapper. You can also use `rope.borrow().read_method()` or
//! `rope.as_mut().write_method()` as workarounds.
//! Internally, JumpRopeBuf stores incoming writes in a write buffer before applying them. Adjacent
//! edits can be merged before the skip list is edited, which reduces the need for (relatively)
//! more expensive skip list lookups.
//! ## Caveats:
//! - [`JumpRopeBuf`] uses a RefCell internally. As a result, it does not expose a &JumpRope
//!   directly.
//! - Use of the RefCell means JumpRope is [`Send`](std::marker::Send) but not [`Sync`](std::marker::Sync).

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Kind { Ins, Del }

use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Range};
use Op::*;
use crate::fast_str_tools::{char_to_byte_idx, count_chars};
use crate::JumpRope;

/// This struct provides an optimized wrapper around JumpRope which buffers adjacent incoming writes
/// before forwarding them to the underlying JumpRope.
/// Most of the overhead of writing to a rope comes from finding the edit location in the rope and
/// bookkeeping. Because text editing operations are usually sequential, by aggregating adjacent
/// editing operations together we can amortize the cost of updating the underlying data structure
/// itself. This improves performance by about 10x compared to inserting and deleting individual
/// characters.
/// There is nothing jumprope-specific in this library. It could easily be adapted to wrap other
/// rope libraries (like Ropey) too.
/// This API is still experimental. This library is only enabled by enabling the "buffered' feature.
pub struct JumpRopeBuf(RefCell<(JumpRope, BufferedOp)>);

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct BufferedOp {
    kind: Kind,
    // Always empty for deletes.
    ins_content: String,
    range: Range<usize>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Op<'a> {
    Ins(usize, &'a str),
    Del(usize, usize), // start, end.

impl BufferedOp {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            kind: Kind::Ins,
            ins_content: "".to_string(),
            range: Range::default(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        // self.len == 0

    /// Length of the inserted / deleted section
    fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn clear(&mut self) {
        // We don't care about the tag.
        self.range = Range::default();

    fn try_append(&mut self, op: Op) -> Result<(), ()> {
        if self.is_empty() {
            // Just set to op.
            match op {
                // I'm setting fields individually here rather than implementing From<Op> or
                // BufferedOp so we can reuse the allocation in self.ins_content.
                Ins(pos, content) => {
                    self.kind = Kind::Ins;
                    self.range.start = pos;
                    self.range.end = pos + count_chars(content);
                Del(start, end) => {
                    self.kind = Kind::Del;
                    self.range = start..end;
        } else {
            match (self.kind, op) {
                (Kind::Ins, Op::Ins(pos, content)) if pos == self.range.end => {
                    // The new insert is at the end of the buffered op.
                    self.range.end += count_chars(content);
                (Kind::Ins, Op::Del(start, end)) if end == self.range.end && start >= self.range.start => {
                    // We can merge if the delete trims the end of the insert. There's more complex
                    // trimming we could do here, but anything too complex and we may as well just
                    // let the rope handle it.
                    if start == self.range.start {
                        // Discard our local insert.
                        self.range.end = self.range.start;
                    } else {
                        // Trim from the end.
                        let char_offset = start - self.range.start;

                        let byte_offset = if self.range.len() == self.ins_content.len() {
                            // If its all ascii, char offset == byte offset.
                        } else {
                            // TODO: Come up with a better way to calculate this.
                            char_to_byte_idx(self.ins_content.as_str(), char_offset)

                        self.range.end = start;
                (Kind::Del, Op::Del(start, end)) if start <= self.range.start && end >= self.range.start => {
                    // We can merge if our delete is inside the operation.
                    // let self_len = self.range.len();
                    // dbg!(&self.range, (start, end));
                    self.range.end += end - self.range.start;
                    self.range.start = start;
                (_, _) => Err(()),

impl From<JumpRope> for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn from(rope: JumpRope) -> Self {

impl JumpRopeBuf {
    pub fn with_rope(rope: JumpRope) -> Self {
        Self(RefCell::new((rope, BufferedOp::new())))

    pub fn new() -> Self {

    pub fn new_from_str(s: &str) -> Self {

    fn flush_mut(inner: &mut (JumpRope, BufferedOp)) {
        if !inner.1.is_empty() {
            match inner.1.kind {
                Kind::Ins => {
                    inner.0.insert(inner.1.range.start, &inner.1.ins_content);
                Kind::Del => {

    // fn flush(&self) {
    //     let mut inner = self.0.borrow_mut();
    //     Self::flush_mut(inner.deref_mut());
    // }

    fn internal_push_op(&mut self, op: Op) {
        // let mut inner = self.0.borrow_mut();
        let inner = self.0.get_mut();
        match inner.1.try_append(op) {
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(_) => {
                // Self::flush_mut(inner.deref_mut());
                // inner.0.insert(pos, content);

    /// Insert new content into the rope at the specified position. This method is semantically
    /// equivalent to [`JumpRope::insert`](JumpRope::insert). The only difference is that here we
    /// buffer the incoming edit.
    pub fn insert(&mut self, pos: usize, content: &str) {
        self.internal_push_op(Op::Ins(pos, content))

    /// Remove content from the rope at the specified position. This method is semantically
    /// equivalent to [`JumpRope::remove`](JumpRope::insert). The only difference is that here we
    /// buffer the incoming remove operation.
    pub fn remove(&mut self, range: Range<usize>) {
        self.internal_push_op(Op::Del(range.start, range.end))

    // TODO: Replace!

    /// Return the length of the rope in unicode characters. Note this is not the same as either
    /// the number of bytes the characters take, or the number of grapheme clusters in the string.
    /// This method returns the length in constant-time (*O(1)*).
    pub fn len_chars(&self) -> usize {
        let borrow = self.0.borrow();
        match borrow.1.kind {
            Kind::Ins => borrow.0.len_chars() + borrow.1.range.len(),
            Kind::Del => borrow.0.len_chars() - borrow.1.range.len()

    /// Get the number of bytes used for the UTF8 representation of the rope. This will always match
    /// the .len() property of the equivalent String.
    pub fn len_bytes(&self) -> usize {
        let mut borrow = self.0.borrow_mut();
        match borrow.1.kind {
            Kind::Ins => borrow.0.len_bytes() + borrow.1.ins_content.len(),
            Kind::Del => {
                // Unfortunately we have to flush to calculate byte length.

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        let borrow = self.0.borrow();
        let len_chars = borrow.0.len_chars();
        match borrow.1.kind {
            Kind::Ins => len_chars == 0 && borrow.1.is_empty(),
            Kind::Del => len_chars - borrow.1.len() == 0,

    /// Consume the JumpRopeBuf, flush any buffered operations and return the contained JumpRope.
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> JumpRope {
        let mut contents = self.0.into_inner();
        Self::flush_mut(&mut contents);

    /// Flush changes into the rope and return a borrowed reference to the rope itself. This makes
    /// it easy to call any methods on the underlying rope which aren't already exposed through the
    /// buffered API.
    /// # Panics
    /// borrow panics if the value is currently borrowed already.
    pub fn borrow(&self) -> Ref<'_, JumpRope> {
        let mut borrow = self.0.borrow_mut();
        // This method could provide &mut access to the rope via the cell, but I think thats a bad
        // idea.
        Ref::map(self.0.borrow(), |(rope, _)| rope)

    fn eq_str(&self, s: &str) -> bool {

impl AsMut<JumpRope> for JumpRopeBuf {
    /// Flush changes into the rope and mutably borrow the rope.
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut JumpRope {
        let inner = self.0.get_mut();
        &mut inner.0

impl Default for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Debug for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let inner = self.0.borrow();
            .field("op", &inner.1)
            .field("rope", &inner.0)

impl Display for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        for s in self.borrow().substrings() {

impl Clone for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        let inner = self.0.borrow();
        Self(RefCell::new((inner.0.clone(), inner.1.clone())))

impl<S: AsRef<str>> From<S> for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn from(str: S) -> Self {

impl<T: AsRef<str>> PartialEq<T> for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool {

// Needed for assert_eq!(&rope, "Hi there");
impl PartialEq<str> for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {

// Needed for assert_eq!(&rope, String::from("Hi there"));
impl PartialEq<String> for &JumpRopeBuf {
    fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool {

impl PartialEq<JumpRope> for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn eq(&self, other: &JumpRope) -> bool {

impl PartialEq<JumpRopeBuf> for JumpRopeBuf {
    fn eq(&self, other: &JumpRopeBuf) -> bool {
        // This check is important because we can't borrow the Cell twice at runtime.
        std::ptr::eq(self as *const _, other as *const _)
            || self.borrow().eq(other.borrow().deref())

impl Eq for JumpRopeBuf {}

mod test {
    use crate::JumpRopeBuf;

    // TODO: This could probably use more specific tests. JumpRopeBuf is currently thoroughly
    // tested more deeply by a fuzzer, but it'd be good to have more tests here.

    fn is_empty() {
        let mut r = JumpRopeBuf::new();

        r.insert(0, "hi");

        // Force the rope to be flushed.


    fn eq_reflexive() {
        // This was a regression.
        let r = JumpRopeBuf::new();
        assert_eq!(r, r);