Function jsonwebtoken::encode [] [src]

pub fn encode<T: Serialize>(
    header: &Header,
    claims: &T,
    key: &[u8]
) -> Result<String>

Encode the header and claims given and sign the payload using the algorithm from the header and the key

extern crate serde_derive;
use jsonwebtoken::{encode, Algorithm, Header};

/// #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Claims {
   sub: String,
   company: String

let my_claims = Claims {
    sub: "".to_owned(),
    company: "ACME".to_owned()

// my_claims is a struct that implements Serialize
// This will create a JWT using HS256 as algorithm
let token = encode(&Header::default(), &my_claims, "secret".as_ref()).unwrap();