jsonwebtoken-google-wasm 0.0.8

parse and validate google jwt token compliant with webassembly runtimes with jsonwebtoken

Parse and validate Google JWT tokens within Rust WebAssembly

Developed for CloudFlare Workers. Experimental & non-reviewed. Use at own risk.

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Token {
    pub email: String,
    pub aud: String,
    pub iss: String,
    pub exp: u64,

async fn main() {
    let parser = Parser::new("your-google-client-id");
    let claims = parser.parse::<Token>("your-token", Instant::now()).await.unwrap();
    // Instant::now() is not supported on Cloudflare workers and needs to be replaced.


Based upon avkviring/jsonwebtoken-google which can't target WASM due to a rand crate dependency.