jsonschema-cli 0.29.0

A command line tool for JSON Schema validation.
jsonschema-cli-0.29.0 is not a library.


A fast command-line tool for JSON Schema validation, powered by the jsonschema crate.


cargo install jsonschema-cli


jsonschema [OPTIONS] <SCHEMA>

NOTE: It only supports valid JSON as input.


  • -i, --instance <FILE>: JSON instance(s) to validate (can be used multiple times)
  • -v, --version: Show version information
  • --help: Display help information


Validate a single instance:

jsonschema schema.json -i instance.json

Validate multiple instances:

jsonschema schema.json -i instance1.json -i instance2.json


  • Validate one or more JSON instances against a single schema
  • Clear, concise output with detailed error reporting
  • Fast validation using the jsonschema Rust crate


For each instance, the tool will output:

  • <filename> - VALID if the instance is valid
  • <filename> - INVALID followed by a list of errors if invalid

Example output:

instance1.json - VALID
instance2.json - INVALID. Errors:
1. "name" is a required property
2. "age" must be a number

Exit Codes

  • 0: All instances are valid (or no instances provided)
  • 1: One or more instances are invalid, or there was an error


This project is licensed under the MIT License.