jsonrpc-derive 16.0.0

High level, typed wrapper for `jsonrpc-core`
//! High level, typed wrapper for `jsonrpc_core`.
//! Enables creation of "Service" objects grouping a set of RPC methods together in a typed manner.
//! Example
//! ```
//! use jsonrpc_derive::rpc;
//! use jsonrpc_core::{IoHandler, Result, BoxFuture};
//! use jsonrpc_core::futures::future;
//! #[rpc(server)]
//! pub trait Rpc {
//! 	#[rpc(name = "protocolVersion")]
//! 	fn protocol_version(&self) -> Result<String>;
//! 	#[rpc(name = "add")]
//! 	fn add(&self, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<u64>;
//! 	#[rpc(name = "callAsync")]
//! 	fn call(&self, a: u64) -> BoxFuture<Result<String>>;
//! }
//! struct RpcImpl;
//! impl Rpc for RpcImpl {
//! 	fn protocol_version(&self) -> Result<String> {
//! 		Ok("version1".into())
//! 	}
//! 	fn add(&self, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<u64> {
//! 		Ok(a + b)
//! 	}
//! 	fn call(&self, _: u64) -> BoxFuture<Result<String>> {
//! 		Box::pin(future::ready(Ok("OK".to_owned()).into()))
//! 	}
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!	  let mut io = IoHandler::new();
//!	  let rpc = RpcImpl;
//!	  io.extend_with(rpc.to_delegate());
//! }
//! ```
//! Pub/Sub Example
//! Each subscription must have `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` methods. They can
//! have any name but must be annotated with `subscribe` or `unsubscribe` and
//! have a matching unique subscription name.
//! ```
//! use std::thread;
//! use std::sync::{atomic, Arc, RwLock};
//! use std::collections::HashMap;
//! use jsonrpc_core::{Error, ErrorCode, Result};
//! use jsonrpc_derive::rpc;
//! use jsonrpc_pubsub::{Session, PubSubHandler, SubscriptionId, typed::{Subscriber, Sink}};
//! #[rpc]
//! pub trait Rpc {
//!		type Metadata;
//!		/// Hello subscription
//!		#[pubsub(
//! 		subscription = "hello",
//! 		subscribe,
//! 		name = "hello_subscribe",
//! 		alias("hello_sub")
//! 	)]
//!		fn subscribe(&self, _: Self::Metadata, _: Subscriber<String>, param: u64);
//!		/// Unsubscribe from hello subscription.
//!		#[pubsub(
//! 		subscription = "hello",
//! 		unsubscribe,
//! 		name = "hello_unsubscribe"
//! 	)]
//!		fn unsubscribe(&self, _: Option<Self::Metadata>, _: SubscriptionId) -> Result<bool>;
//! }
//! #[derive(Default)]
//! struct RpcImpl {
//! 	uid: atomic::AtomicUsize,
//! 	active: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<SubscriptionId, Sink<String>>>>,
//! }
//! impl Rpc for RpcImpl {
//! 	type Metadata = Arc<Session>;
//! 	fn subscribe(&self, _meta: Self::Metadata, subscriber: Subscriber<String>, param: u64) {
//! 		if param != 10 {
//! 			subscriber.reject(Error {
//! 				code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams,
//! 				message: "Rejecting subscription - invalid parameters provided.".into(),
//! 				data: None,
//! 			}).unwrap();
//! 			return;
//! 		}
//! 		let id = self.uid.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
//! 		let sub_id = SubscriptionId::Number(id as u64);
//! 		let sink = subscriber.assign_id(sub_id.clone()).unwrap();
//! 		self.active.write().unwrap().insert(sub_id, sink);
//! 	}
//! 	fn unsubscribe(&self, _meta: Option<Self::Metadata>, id: SubscriptionId) -> Result<bool> {
//! 		let removed = self.active.write().unwrap().remove(&id);
//! 		if removed.is_some() {
//! 			Ok(true)
//! 		} else {
//! 			Err(Error {
//! 				code: ErrorCode::InvalidParams,
//! 				message: "Invalid subscription.".into(),
//! 				data: None,
//! 			})
//! 		}
//! 	}
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!	  let mut io = jsonrpc_core::MetaIoHandler::default();
//!	  io.extend_with(RpcImpl::default().to_delegate());
//!	  let server_builder = jsonrpc_tcp_server::ServerBuilder::with_meta_extractor(
//!		io,
//!		|request: &jsonrpc_tcp_server::RequestContext| Arc::new(Session::new(request.sender.clone()))
//!	  );
//!	  let server = server_builder
//!		.start(&"".parse().unwrap())
//!		.expect("Unable to start TCP server");
//!   // The server spawns a separate thread. Dropping the `server` handle causes it to close.
//!   // Uncomment the line below to keep the server running in your example.
//!	  // server.wait();
//! }
//! ```
//! Client Example
//! ```
//! use jsonrpc_core_client::transports::local;
//! use jsonrpc_core::futures::{self, future};
//! use jsonrpc_core::{IoHandler, Result, BoxFuture};
//! use jsonrpc_derive::rpc;
//! /// Rpc trait
//! #[rpc]
//! pub trait Rpc {
//! 	/// Returns a protocol version
//! 	#[rpc(name = "protocolVersion")]
//! 	fn protocol_version(&self) -> Result<String>;
//! 	/// Adds two numbers and returns a result
//! 	#[rpc(name = "add", alias("callAsyncMetaAlias"))]
//! 	fn add(&self, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<u64>;
//! 	/// Performs asynchronous operation
//! 	#[rpc(name = "callAsync")]
//! 	fn call(&self, a: u64) -> BoxFuture<Result<String>>;
//! }
//! struct RpcImpl;
//! impl Rpc for RpcImpl {
//! 	fn protocol_version(&self) -> Result<String> {
//! 		Ok("version1".into())
//! 	}
//! 	fn add(&self, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<u64> {
//! 		Ok(a + b)
//! 	}
//! 	fn call(&self, _: u64) -> BoxFuture<Result<String>> {
//! 		Box::pin(future::ready(Ok("OK".to_owned())))
//! 	}
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! 	let exec = futures::executor::ThreadPool::new().unwrap();
//! 	exec.spawn_ok(run())
//! }
//! async fn run() {
//! 	let mut io = IoHandler::new();
//! 	io.extend_with(RpcImpl.to_delegate());
//! 	let (client, server) = local::connect::<RpcClient, _, _>(io);
//! 	let res = client.add(5, 6).await.unwrap();
//! 	println!("5 + 6 = {}", res);
//! 	server.await.unwrap()
//! }
//! ```

#![recursion_limit = "256"]

extern crate proc_macro;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use syn::parse_macro_input;

mod options;
mod params_style;
mod rpc_attr;
mod rpc_trait;
mod to_client;
mod to_delegate;

/// Apply `#[rpc]` to a trait, and a `to_delegate` method is generated which
/// wires up methods decorated with `#[rpc]` or `#[pubsub]` attributes.
/// Attach the delegate to an `IoHandler` and the methods are now callable
/// via JSON-RPC.
pub fn rpc(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
	let input_toks = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::Item);
	let args = syn::parse_macro_input!(args as syn::AttributeArgs);

	let options = match options::DeriveOptions::try_from(args) {
		Ok(options) => options,
		Err(error) => return error.to_compile_error().into(),

	match rpc_trait::rpc_impl(input_toks, &options) {
		Ok(output) => output.into(),
		Err(err) => err.to_compile_error().into(),