jsonrpc-client-core 0.1.0

A crate for generating transport agnostic, auto serializing, strongly typed JSON-RPC 2.0 clients

A crate for generating transport agnostic, auto serializing, strongly typed JSON-RPC 2.0 clients

This crate mainly provides a macro, jsonrpc_client. The macro is be used to generate structs for calling JSON-RPC 2.0 APIs. The macro lets you list methods on the struct with arguments and a return value. The macro then generates a struct which will automatically serialize the arguments, send the request and deserialize the response into the target type.


Look at the ExampleRpcClient struct in this crate. It uses the library to generate itself.

Here is an example of how to generate and use a client struct:

#[macro_use] extern crate jsonrpc_client_core;
extern crate jsonrpc_client_http;

use jsonrpc_client_http::HttpTransport;

jsonrpc_client!(pub struct FizzBuzzClient {
    /// Returns the fizz-buzz string for the given number.
    pub fn fizz_buzz(&mut self, number: u64) -> Result<String>;

fn main() {
    let transport = HttpTransport::new("https://api.fizzbuzzexample.org/rpc/").unwrap();
    let mut client = FizzBuzzClient::new(transport);
    let result1 = client.fizz_buzz(3).unwrap();
    let result2 = client.fizz_buzz(4).unwrap();
    let result3 = client.fizz_buzz(5).unwrap();
    // Should print "fizz 4 buzz" if the server implemented the service correctly
    println!("{} {} {}", result1, result2, result3);