jsonata 0.0.0

An (incomplete) implementation of JSONata in Rust
use std::{char, error, fmt};

pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
    // Compile time errors
    S0102LexedNumberOutOfRange(usize, String),
    S0103UnsupportedEscape(usize, char),
    S0201SyntaxError(usize, String),
    S0202UnexpectedToken(usize, String, String),
    S0204UnknownOperator(usize, String),
    S0203ExpectedTokenBeforeEnd(usize, String),
    S0208InvalidFunctionParam(usize, String),
    S0211InvalidUnary(usize, String),
    S0213InvalidStep(usize, String),
    S0214ExpectedVarRight(usize, String),

    // Runtime errors
    D1002NegatingNonNumeric(usize, String),
    D1009MultipleKeys(usize, String),
    D2014RangeOutOfBounds(usize, isize),
    D3030NonNumericCast(usize, String),
    D3060SqrtNegative(usize, String),
    D3061PowUnrepresentable(usize, String, String),

    // Type errors
    T0410ArgumentNotValid(usize, usize, String),
    T0412ArgumentMustBeArrayOfType(usize, usize, String, String),
    T1003NonStringKey(usize, String),
    T1005InvokedNonFunctionSuggest(usize, String),
    T2001LeftSideNotNumber(usize, String),
    T2002RightSideNotNumber(usize, String),
    T2009BinaryOpMismatch(usize, String, String, String),
    T2010BinaryOpTypes(usize, String),
    // Expression timebox/depth errors

impl error::Error for Error {}

impl Error {
     * Error codes
     * Sxxxx    - Static errors (compile time)
     * Txxxx    - Type errors
     * Dxxxx    - Dynamic errors (evaluate time)
     *  01xx    - tokenizer
     *  02xx    - parser
     *  03xx    - regex parser
     *  04xx    - function signature parser/evaluator
     *  10xx    - evaluator
     *  20xx    - operators
     *  3xxx    - functions (blocks of 10 for each function)
    pub fn code(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            // Compile time errors
            Error::S0101UnterminatedStringLiteral(..) => "S0101",
            Error::S0102LexedNumberOutOfRange(..) => "S0102",
            Error::S0103UnsupportedEscape(..) => "S0103",
            Error::S0104InvalidUnicodeEscape(..) => "S0104",
            Error::S0105UnterminatedQuoteProp(..) => "S0105",
            Error::S0106UnterminatedComment(..) => "S0106",
            Error::S0201SyntaxError(..) => "S0201",
            Error::S0202UnexpectedToken(..) => "S0202",
            Error::S0203ExpectedTokenBeforeEnd(..) => "S0203",
            Error::S0204UnknownOperator(..) => "S0204",
            Error::S0208InvalidFunctionParam(..) => "S0208",
            Error::S0209InvalidPredicate(..) => "S0209",
            Error::S0210MultipleGroupBy(..) => "S0210",
            Error::S0211InvalidUnary(..) => "S0211",
            Error::S0212ExpectedVarLeft(..) => "S0212",
            Error::S0213InvalidStep(..) => "S0213",
            Error::S0214ExpectedVarRight(..) => "S0214",

            // Runtime errors
            Error::D1001NumberOfOutRange(..) => "D1001",
            Error::D1002NegatingNonNumeric(..) => "D1002",
            Error::D1009MultipleKeys(..) => "D1009",
            Error::D2014RangeOutOfBounds(..) => "D2014",
            Error::D3001StringNotFinite(..) => "D3001",
            Error::D3030NonNumericCast(..) => "D3030",
            Error::D3060SqrtNegative(..) => "D3060",
            Error::D3061PowUnrepresentable(..) => "D3061",
            Error::D3141Assert(..) => "D3141",
            Error::D3137Error(..) => "D3137",

            // Type errors
            Error::T0410ArgumentNotValid(..) => "T0410",
            Error::T0412ArgumentMustBeArrayOfType(..) => "T0412",
            Error::T1003NonStringKey(..) => "T1003",
            Error::T1005InvokedNonFunctionSuggest(..) => "T1005",
            Error::T1006InvokedNonFunction(..) => "T1006",
            Error::T2001LeftSideNotNumber(..) => "T2001",
            Error::T2002RightSideNotNumber(..) => "T2002",
            Error::T2003LeftSideNotInteger(..) => "T2003",
            Error::T2004RightSideNotInteger(..) => "T2004",
            Error::T2009BinaryOpMismatch(..) => "T2009",
            Error::T2010BinaryOpTypes(..) => "T2010",
            // Expression timebox/depth errors
            Error::U1001StackOverflow => "U1001",
            Error::U1001Timeout => "U1001"

impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        use Error::*;

        write!(f, "{} @ ", self.code())?;

        match *self {
            // Compile time errors
            S0101UnterminatedStringLiteral(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: String literal must be terminated by a matching quote", p),
            S0102LexedNumberOutOfRange(ref p, ref n) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Number out of range: {}", p, n),
            S0103UnsupportedEscape(ref p, ref c) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Unsupported escape sequence: \\{}", p, c),
            S0104InvalidUnicodeEscape(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The escape sequence \\u must be followed by 4 hex digits", p),
            S0105UnterminatedQuoteProp(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Quoted property name must be terminated with a backquote (`)", p),
            S0106UnterminatedComment(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Comment has no closing tag", p),
            S0201SyntaxError(ref p, ref t) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Syntax error `{}`", p, t),
            S0202UnexpectedToken(ref p, ref e, ref a) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Expected `{}`, got `{}`", p, e, a),
            S0203ExpectedTokenBeforeEnd(ref p, ref t) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Expected `{}` before end of expression", p, t),
            S0204UnknownOperator(ref p, ref t) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Unknown operator: `{}`", p, t),
            S0208InvalidFunctionParam(ref p, ref k) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Parameter `{}` of function definition must be a variable name (start with $)", p, k),
            S0209InvalidPredicate(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: A predicate cannot follow a grouping expression in a step", p),
            S0210MultipleGroupBy(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Each step can only have one grouping expression", p),
            S0211InvalidUnary(ref p, ref k) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The symbol `{}` cannot be used as a unary operator", p, k),
            S0212ExpectedVarLeft(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The left side of `:=` must be a variable name (start with $)", p),
            S0213InvalidStep(ref p, ref k) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The literal value `{}` cannot be used as a step within a path expression", p, k),
            S0214ExpectedVarRight(ref p, ref k) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The right side of `{}` must be a variable name (start with $)", p, k),
            // Runtime errors
            D1001NumberOfOutRange(ref n) =>
                write!(f, "Number out of range: {}", n),
            D1002NegatingNonNumeric(ref p, ref v) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Cannot negate a non-numeric value `{}`", p, v),
            D1009MultipleKeys(ref p, ref k) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Multiple key definitions evaluate to same key: {}", p, k),
            D2014RangeOutOfBounds(ref p, ref s) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The size of the sequence allocated by the range operator (..) must not exceed 1e7.  Attempted to allocate {}", p, s),
            D3001StringNotFinite(ref p) => 
                write!(f, "{}: Attempting to invoke string function on Infinity or NaN", p),
            D3030NonNumericCast(ref p, ref n) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Unable to cast value to a number: {}", p, n),
            D3060SqrtNegative(ref p, ref n) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The sqrt function cannot be applied to a negative number: {}", p, n),
            D3061PowUnrepresentable(ref p, ref b, ref e) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The power function has resulted in a value that cannot be represented as a JSON number: base={}, exponent={}", p, b, e),
            D3141Assert(ref m) =>
                write!(f, "{}", m),
            D3137Error(ref m) =>
                write!(f, "{}", m),
            // Type errors
            T0410ArgumentNotValid(ref p, ref i, ref t) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Argument {} of function {} does not match function signature", p, i, t),
            T0412ArgumentMustBeArrayOfType(ref p, ref i, ref t, ref ty) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Argument {} of function {} must be an array of {}", p, i, t, ty),
            T1003NonStringKey(ref p, ref v) =>
                write!( f, "{}: Key in object structure must evaluate to a string; got: {}", p, v),
            T1005InvokedNonFunctionSuggest(ref p, ref t) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Attempted to invoke a non-function. Did you mean ${}?", p, t),
            T1006InvokedNonFunction(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: Attempted to invoke a non-function", p),
            T2001LeftSideNotNumber(ref p, ref o) =>
                write!( f, "{}: The left side of the `{}` operator must evaluate to a number", p, o),
            T2002RightSideNotNumber(ref p, ref o) =>
                write!( f, "{}: The right side of the `{}` operator must evaluate to a number", p, o),
            T2003LeftSideNotInteger(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The left side of the range operator (..) must evaluate to an integer", p),
            T2004RightSideNotInteger(ref p) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The right side of the range operator (..) must evaluate to an integer", p),
            T2009BinaryOpMismatch(ref p,ref l ,ref r ,ref o ) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The values {} and {} either side of operator {} must be of the same data type", p, l, r, o),
            T2010BinaryOpTypes(ref p, ref o) =>
                write!(f, "{}: The expressions either side of operator `{}` must evaluate to numeric or string values", p, o),
            // Expression timebox/depth errors
            U1001StackOverflow => 
                write!(f, "Stack overflow error: Check for non-terminating recursive function.  Consider rewriting as tail-recursive."),
            U1001Timeout => 
                write!(f, "Expression evaluation timeout: Check for infinite loop")

// "S0205": "Unexpected token: {{token}}",
// "S0206": "Unknown expression type: {{token}}",
// "S0207": "Unexpected end of expression",
// "S0215": "A context variable binding must precede any predicates on a step",
// "S0216": "A context variable binding must precede the 'order-by' clause on a step",
// "S0217": "The object representing the 'parent' cannot be derived from this expression",

// "S0301": "Empty regular expressions are not allowed",
// "S0302": "No terminating / in regular expression",
// "S0402": "Choice groups containing parameterized types are not supported",
// "S0401": "Type parameters can only be applied to functions and arrays",
// "S0500": "Attempted to evaluate an expression containing syntax error(s)",
// "T0411": "Context value is not a compatible type with argument {{index}} of function {{token}}",
// "D1004": "Regular expression matches zero length string",
// "T1007": "Attempted to partially apply a non-function. Did you mean ${{{token}}}?",
// "T1008": "Attempted to partially apply a non-function",
// // "T1010": "The matcher function argument passed to function {{token}} does not return the correct object structure",
// "D2005": "The left side of := must be a variable name (start with $)",  // defunct - replaced by S0212 parser error
// "T2006": "The right side of the function application operator ~> must be a function",
// "T2007": "Type mismatch when comparing values {{value}} and {{value2}} in order-by clause",
// "T2008": "The expressions within an order-by clause must evaluate to numeric or string values",
// "T2011": "The insert/update clause of the transform expression must evaluate to an object: {{value}}",
// "T2012": "The delete clause of the transform expression must evaluate to a string or array of strings: {{value}}",
// "T2013": "The transform expression clones the input object using the $clone() function.  This has been overridden in the current scope by a non-function.",
// define_error!(
//     D2014,
//     "The size of the sequence allocated by the range operator (..) must not exceed 1e7.  Attempted to allocate {}",
//     value
// );
// "D3010": "Second argument of replace function cannot be an empty string",
// "D3011": "Fourth argument of replace function must evaluate to a positive number",
// "D3012": "Attempted to replace a matched string with a non-string value",
// "D3020": "Third argument of split function must evaluate to a positive number",
// "D3040": "Third argument of match function must evaluate to a positive number",
// "D3050": "The second argument of reduce function must be a function with at least two arguments",
// "D3070": "The single argument form of the sort function can only be applied to an array of strings or an array of numbers.  Use the second argument to specify a comparison function",
// "D3080": "The picture string must only contain a maximum of two sub-pictures",
// "D3081": "The sub-picture must not contain more than one instance of the 'decimal-separator' character",
// "D3082": "The sub-picture must not contain more than one instance of the 'percent' character",
// "D3083": "The sub-picture must not contain more than one instance of the 'per-mille' character",
// "D3084": "The sub-picture must not contain both a 'percent' and a 'per-mille' character",
// "D3085": "The mantissa part of a sub-picture must contain at least one character that is either an 'optional digit character' or a member of the 'decimal digit family'",
// "D3086": "The sub-picture must not contain a passive character that is preceded by an active character and that is followed by another active character",
// "D3087": "The sub-picture must not contain a 'grouping-separator' character that appears adjacent to a 'decimal-separator' character",
// "D3088": "The sub-picture must not contain a 'grouping-separator' at the end of the integer part",
// "D3089": "The sub-picture must not contain two adjacent instances of the 'grouping-separator' character",
// "D3090": "The integer part of the sub-picture must not contain a member of the 'decimal digit family' that is followed by an instance of the 'optional digit character'",
// "D3091": "The fractional part of the sub-picture must not contain an instance of the 'optional digit character' that is followed by a member of the 'decimal digit family'",
// "D3092": "A sub-picture that contains a 'percent' or 'per-mille' character must not contain a character treated as an 'exponent-separator'",
// "D3093": "The exponent part of the sub-picture must comprise only of one or more characters that are members of the 'decimal digit family'",
// "D3100": "The radix of the formatBase function must be between 2 and 36.  It was given {{value}}",
// "D3110": "The argument of the toMillis function must be an ISO 8601 formatted timestamp. Given {{value}}",
// "D3120": "Syntax error in expression passed to function eval: {{value}}",
// "D3121": "Dynamic error evaluating the expression passed to function eval: {{value}}",
// "D3130": "Formatting or parsing an integer as a sequence starting with {{value}} is not supported by this implementation",
// "D3131": "In a decimal digit pattern, all digits must be from the same decimal group",
// "D3132": "Unknown component specifier {{value}} in date/time picture string",
// "D3133": "The 'name' modifier can only be applied to months and days in the date/time picture string, not {{value}}",
// "D3134": "The timezone integer format specifier cannot have more than four digits",
// "D3135": "No matching closing bracket ']' in date/time picture string",
// "D3136": "The date/time picture string is missing specifiers required to parse the timestamp",
// "D3138": "The $single() function expected exactly 1 matching result.  Instead it matched more.",
// "D3139": "The $single() function expected exactly 1 matching result.  Instead it matched 0.",
// "D3140": "Malformed URL passed to ${{{functionName}}}(): {{value}}",