json_schema 1.7.4

Generated types based on the JSON-Schema for json_schema
# JSON Schema Meta Schema

This repo contains the json schema meta schema and code to package it on npm, generate typings, etc.

## Installing

### Typescript

`npm install --save @json-schema-tools/meta-schema`

### Golang

`go get github.com/json-schema-tools/meta-schema`

### Rust

`cargo install json_schema`

## Using

### Typescript
import JSONSchema, { JSONSchemaObject, Properties, Items } from "@json-schema-tools/meta-schema"

### Rust

#### From a string
let foo = r#"{
    "title": "helloworld",
    "type": "string"

let as_json_schema: JSONSchemaObject = serde_json::from_str(foo).unwrap();

#### Using builder pattern
let schema = JSONSchemaObjectBuilder::default()

let as_str = serde_json::to_string(&schema).unwrap();

### Contributing

How to contribute, build and release are outlined in [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md), [BUILDING.md](BUILDING.md) and [RELEASING.md](RELEASING.md) respectively. Commits in this repository follow the [CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS.md](CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS.md) specification.