Crate json_rpc2[][src]

Expand description

Simple, robust and pragmatic facade for JSON-RPC2 services that is transport agnostic.

use json_rpc2::*;
use serde_json::Value;

struct ServiceHandler;
impl Service for ServiceHandler {
   type Data = ();
   fn handle(&self, request: &mut Request, _ctx: &Self::Data) -> Result<Option<Response>> {
       let mut response = None;
       if request.matches("hello") {
           let params: String = request.deserialize()?;
           let message = format!("Hello, {}!", params);
           response = Some((request, Value::String(message)).into());

fn main() -> Result<()> {
   let service: Box<dyn Service<Data = ()>> = Box::new(ServiceHandler {});
   let mut request = Request::new_reply(
       "hello", Some(Value::String("world".to_string())));
   let server = Server::new(vec![&service]);
   let response = server.serve(&mut request, &());
       Some(Value::String("Hello, world!".to_string())),


When converting from incoming payloads use the from_* functions to convert JSON to a Request so that errors are mapped correctly.


For most applications user data can be assigned to the struct that implements the Service trait but sometimes you may need to serve requests from a callback function that passes useful information you want to expose to the service methods. Use Data = T with a custom type to expose user data to your handlers that is not available when the services are created.


For nonblocking support enable the async feature and use the Service trait from the futures module. You will also need to depend upon the async-trait crate and use the #[async_trait] attribute macro on your service implementation.

See the async example for usage.


Non-blocking implementation, requires the async feature.


JSON-RPC request.

JSON-RPC response.

Error information for response messages.

Serve requests.


Enumeration of errors.


Trait for services that maybe handle a request.


Parse a JSON payload from an IO reader into a request.

Parse a JSON payload from a byte slice into a request.

Parse a JSON payload from a string slice into a request.

Parse a JSON payload from a Value into a request.

Type Definitions

Result type for service handler functions and internal library errors.