[][src]Crate json_query


jq is a command line tool which allows users to write small filter/transform programs with a special DSL to extract data from json.

This crate provides bindings to the C API internals to give us programmatic access to this tool.

For example, given a blob of json data, we can extract the values from the id field of a series of objects.

let data = r#"{
    "colors": [
        {"id": 12, "name": "cyan"},
        {"id": 34, "name": "magenta"},
        {"id": 56, "name": "yellow"},
        {"id": 78, "name": "black"}

let output = json_query::run("[.colors[].id]", data).unwrap();
assert_eq!("[12,34,56,78]", &output);

The output from these jq programs are returned as a string (just as is the case if you were using jq from the command-line), so be prepared to parse the output as needed after this step.

Pairing this crate with something like serde_json might make a lot of sense.

See the jq site for details on the jq program syntax.

Linking to libjq

When the bundled feature is enabled (on by default) libjq is provided and linked statically by jq-sys and jq-src which require having autotools and gcc in PATH to build.

If you disable the bundled feature, you will need to ensure your crate links to libjq in order for the bindings to work. For this you may need to add a build.rs script if you don't have one already.



Run a jq program on a blob of json data.