json-ld 0.7.0-beta

A JSON-LD implementation

A JSON-LD implementation for Rust

This crate is a Rust implementation of the JSON-LD data interchange format.

Linked Data (LD) is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) initiative built upon standard Web technologies to create an interrelated network of datasets across the Web. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a widely used, simple, unstructured data serialization format to describe data objects in a human readable way. JSON-LD brings these two technologies together, adding semantics to JSON to create a lightweight data serialization format that can organize data and help Web applications to inter-operate at a large scale.

State of the crate

This new version of the crate includes many breaking changes that are not yet documented. Some functions may still be renamed, which is why the latest release is still flagged as beta. Don't hesitate to contact me for any question about how to use this new API while I write the documentation.


Many thanks to Spruce for sponsoring this project!


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