jl-sys 0.8.0

jl-sys contains the generated bindings for the Julia C API used by jlrs.


This crate contains the raw bindings to the Julia C API, these are generated by bindgen. You can find the requirements for using bindgen in their User Guide.

Build instructions


The recommended way to install Julia is to download the binaries from the official website, which is distributed in an archive containing a directory called julia-x.y.z. This directory contains several other directories, including a bin directory containing the julia executable.

In order to ensure the julia.h header file can be found, either /usr/include/julia/julia.h must exist, or you have to set the JULIA_DIR environment variable to /path/to/julia-x.y.z. The environment variable can be used to override the default. Similarly, in order to load libjulia.so you must add /path/to/julia-x.y.z/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.


The recommended way to install Julia is to download the installer from the official website, which will install Julia in a folder called Julia-x.y.z. This folder contains several other folders, including a bin folder containing the julia.exe executable. You must set the JULIA_DIR environment variable to the Julia-x.y.z folder and add Julia-x.y.z\bin to the PATH environment variable. For example, if Julia is installed at D:\Julia-x.y.z, JULIA_DIR must be set to D:\Julia-x.y.z and D:\Julia-x.y.z\bin must be added to PATH.

Additionally, MinGW must be installed through Cygwin. To install this and all potentially required dependencies, follow steps 1-4 of the instructions for compiling Julia on Windows using Cygwin and MinGW. You must set the CYGWIN_DIR environment variable to the installation folder of Cygwin; this folder contains some icons, Cygwin.bat and folders with names like usr and bin. For example, if Cygwin is installed at D:\cygwin64, CYGWIN_DIR must be set to D:\cygwin64.

Julia is compatible with the GNU toolchain on Windows. If you use rustup, you can set the toolchain for a project that depends on jl-sys by calling the command rustup override set stable-gnu in the project root folder.