janetrs_macros 0.5.0

Attribute macros for JanetRS
extern crate proc_macro;

use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use syn::{parse_macro_input, spanned::Spanned};

use janetrs_version::JanetVersion;

mod utils;
use utils::{janet_path_checker, Arg, Args, ArityArgs};

use crate::utils::ModArgs;

/// Macro that tranforms a high-level Janet function (`fn(&mut [Janet]) -> Janet`)
/// to the thing the Janet C API is expecting (`fn(i32, *mut janetrs::lowlevel::Janet) ->
/// janetrs::lowlevel::Janet`)
/// The optional argument `catch` adds code to catch Rust panics and transform them to
/// Janet panics. This argument is ignored if the `std` feature is deactivated.
/// The optional argument `arity` adds a arity check for the function. It must receive the
/// kind of arity check. These kinds are `fix`, for fixed arity, and `range`, for ranged
/// or variadic arity. The `fix` kind receives a integer of the number of the parameters
/// the Janet function must have and the `range` kind can receive two arguments, the first
/// one if mandatory while the second one is optional, the first represents the minimal of
/// arguments the Janet function have to receive and the second represents the maximum of
/// arguments the Janet function can receive. If the maximum is not set for the range
/// arity, the maximum check is disabled, allowing variadic arguments.
/// The optional arg `check_mut_ref` adds a check to see if the function received more
/// than one reference to the same `*mut` pointer. This check is not the default because
/// Janet Types act like types with interior mutability and the check is expensive, but if
/// you want to make sure that your function never receives the same pointer more than
/// once you can use this.
/// **Usages**:
/// - `#[janet_fn]`
/// - `#[janet_fn(arity(fix(<N>)))]` where `N` is an integer literal
/// - `#[janet_fn(arity(range(<MIN> [, MAX])))]` where `MIN` and `MAX` are integer
///   literals
/// - `#[janet_fn(catch)]`
/// - `#[janet_fn(check_mut_ref)]`
/// - `#[janet_fn(arity(<...>), check_mut_ref)]` Combining both
pub fn janet_fn(
    args: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let func = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::Item);

    let args = parse_macro_input!(args as Args);

    let mut is_catch = false;

    let extra: Vec<_> = args
        .map(|arg| match arg {
            Arg::Catch => {
                is_catch = true;
                quote! {}
            Arg::CheckMutRef => quote! {
                for j1 in &args[0..args.len() - 1] {
                    for j2 in &args[1..] {
                        if matches!(
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Buffer
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::CFunction
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Fiber
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Function
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Keyword
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Pointer
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Symbol
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Table
                        ) && matches!(
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Buffer
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::CFunction
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Fiber
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Function
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Keyword
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Pointer
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Symbol
                                | ::janetrs::JanetType::Table
                        ) && j1 == j2
                            ::janetrs::jpanic!("Received two mutable references as arguments");
            Arg::Arity(ArityArgs::Fix(n)) => quote! {
                ::janetrs::util::check_fix_arity(args, #n);
            Arg::Arity(ArityArgs::Range(min, None)) => quote! {
                ::janetrs::util::check_range_arity(args, #min, None);
            Arg::Arity(ArityArgs::Range(min, Some(max))) => quote! {
                ::janetrs::util::check_range_arity(args, #min, Some(#max));

    let ts = if let syn::Item::Fn(f) = func {
        let f_clone = f.clone();
        let fun_clone = if cfg!(feature = "std") && is_catch {
            let clone = f.clone();
            let attrs = clone.attrs;
            let vis = clone.vis;
            let sig = clone.sig;
            let block = clone.block;
            quote! {
                #(#attrs)* #vis #sig {
        } else {
            let clone = f.clone();
            quote! { #clone }
        // let f_clone = f.clone();
        let attrs = f.attrs;
        let doc_str = utils::get_doc(attrs.as_ref());
        let vis = f.vis;
        let name = f.sig.ident;
        let name_docstring_ = {
            let mut docstring = name.to_string();
            syn::Ident::new(&docstring, name.span())
        let name_file_ = {
            let mut file = name.to_string();
            syn::Ident::new(&file, name.span())
        let name_line_ = {
            let mut line = name.to_string();
            syn::Ident::new(&line, name.span())
        // let syn::ReturnType::Type(_, type_path) = f.sig.output;

        // check for inputs
        if matches!(f.sig.inputs.len(), 1) {
            if let Some(syn::FnArg::Typed(syn::PatType { ty, .. })) = f.sig.inputs.first() {
                if let syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference {
                    ref elem,
                }) = **ty
                    if mutability.is_none() {
                        return quote_spanned! {ty.span() => compile_error!("expected argument to be a mutable reference and found a immutable reference");}.into();
                    } else if let syn::Type::Slice(syn::TypeSlice {
                        elem: ref slice, ..
                    }) = **elem
                        if let syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { ref path, .. }) = **slice {
                            if !janet_path_checker(path) {
                                return quote_spanned! {path.span() => compile_error!("expected to be a `janetrs::Janet`");}.into();
                        } else {
                            return quote_spanned! {slice.span() => compile_error!("expected to be a `janetrs::Janet`");}.into();
                    } else {
                        return quote_spanned! {elem.span() => compile_error!("expected to be a slice of `janetrs::Janet`");}.into();
                } else {
                    return quote_spanned! {ty.span() => compile_error!("expected argument to be a mutable reference and found something that is not a reference at all");}.into();

            // check output type
            let output_span = match f.sig.output.clone() {
                syn::ReturnType::Default => f_clone.sig.span(),
                syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => ty.span(),
            if let syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) = f.sig.output {
                if let syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { ref path, .. }) = *ty {
                    if !janet_path_checker(path) {
                        return quote_spanned! {output_span => compile_error!("expected return type to be `janetrs::Janet`");}.into();
                } else {
                    return quote_spanned! {output_span => compile_error!("expected return type to be `janetrs::Janet`");}.into();
            } else {
                return quote_spanned! {output_span => compile_error!("expected return type to be `janetrs::Janet`");}.into();

            quote! {
                const #name_docstring_: &str = #doc_str;
                const #name_file_: &str = ::core::concat!(::core::file!(), "\0");
                const #name_line_: u32 = ::core::line!() + 1;
                #(#attrs)* #[no_mangle] #vis unsafe extern "C" fn #name(argc: i32, argv: *mut ::janetrs::lowlevel::Janet) -> ::janetrs::lowlevel::Janet {

                    let args = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(argv, argc as usize) };
                    let mut args = unsafe { &mut *(args as *mut [::janetrs::lowlevel::Janet] as *mut [::janetrs::Janet])};


        } else {
            quote_spanned! {f_clone.sig.inputs.span() => compile_error!("expected exactly one argument of type `&mut [janetrs::Janet]`");}
    } else {
        quote_spanned! {func.span() => compile_error!("expected fn item");}


const CURRENT_JANET: JanetVersion = JanetVersion::current();

/// Conditional Janet Version Gate
/// **Usage:** `#[janet_version(<MIN_VERSION>, [MAX_VERSION])]` where `MIN_VERSION` and
/// `MAX_VERSION` are string literals.
/// A macro da conditionally includes the `input` if the version of Janet is bigger or
/// equal to the passed minimal version and smaller than the passed maximum version.
/// That means that the range is open in the maximum version: [MIN_VERSION, MAX_VERSION).
pub fn janet_version(
    args: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let global_span = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(args.clone()).span();
    let args = parse_macro_input!(args as syn::AttributeArgs);
    // let input = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::Item);

    if args.len() > 2 {
        return quote_spanned!{global_span => compile_error!("expected at max two argument to the janet_version proc-macro");}

    if args.is_empty() {
        return quote_spanned!{global_span => compile_error!("expected at least one argument to the janet_version proc-macro");}

    let min_lit = if let syn::NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(ref lit)) = args[0] {
    } else {
        return quote_spanned! {args[0].span() => compile_error!("the argument must be a string literal");}.into();

    let max_lit = match args.get(1) {
        Some(syn::NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(ref lit))) => Some(lit),
        None => None,
        _ => return quote_spanned! {args[1].span() => compile_error!("the argument must be a string literal");}.into()

    match parse_args(&min_lit.value()) {
        Ok(req_min_ver) => {
            if let Some(max_lit) = max_lit {
                match parse_args(&max_lit.value()) {
                    Ok(req_max_ver) => {
                        if req_min_ver <= CURRENT_JANET && req_max_ver > CURRENT_JANET {
                        } else {
                    Err(err) => {
                        let err = format!("invalid string literal: {}", err);
                        (quote_spanned! {max_lit.span() => compile_error!(#err);}).into()
            } else if req_min_ver <= CURRENT_JANET {
            } else {
        Err(err) => {
            let err = format!("invalid string literal: {}", err);
            (quote_spanned! {min_lit.span() => compile_error!(#err);}).into()

fn parse_args(arg: &str) -> Result<JanetVersion, String> {
    let vec_values = arg
        .map(|e| e.parse::<u32>())
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
        .map_err(|err| format!("{}", err))?;

    Ok(match &vec_values[..] {
        [major] => JanetVersion::custom(*major, 0, 0),
        [major, minor] => JanetVersion::custom(*major, *minor, 0),
        [major, minor, patch] => JanetVersion::custom(*major, *minor, *patch),
        _ => return Err("Invalid version string".to_string()),

/// Conditional Janet Version Gate
/// **Usage:** `#[cjvg(<MIN_VERSION>, [MAX_VERSION])]` where `MIN_VERSION` and
/// `MAX_VERSION` are string literals.
/// A macro da conditionally includes the `input` if the version of Janet is bigger or
/// equal to the passed minimal version and smaller than the passed maximum version.
/// That means that the range is open in the maximum version: [MIN_VERSION, MAX_VERSION).
pub fn cjvg(
    args: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    janet_version(args, input)

/// Declare a Janet module.
/// This macro can detect and get the documentation from the function, so you just need to
/// pass the function name for Janet and the identifier of the native function.
/// # Examples
/// ```ignore
/// use janetrs::{janet_mod, Janet, janet_fn};
/// /// (rust/hello)
/// ///
/// /// Rust says hello to you! 🦀
/// #[janet_fn(arity(fix(0)))]
/// fn rust_hello(args: &mut [Janet]) -> Janet {
///     println!("Hello from Rust!");
///     Janet::nil()
/// }
/// /// (rust/hi)
/// ///
/// /// I introducing myself to you! 🙆
/// #[janet_fn(arity(fix(0)))]
/// fn hi(args: &mut [Janet]) -> Janet {
///     Janet::from("Hi! My name is GrayJack!")
/// }
/// #[janet_fn(arity(fix(0)))]
/// fn no_doc_fn(args: &mut [Janet]) -> Janet {
///     Janet::nil()
/// }
/// declare_janet_mod!("rust";
///     {"hello", rust_hello},
///     {"hi", hi},
///     {"no_doc_fn", no_doc_fn, "Using custom docs as string literal"},
/// );
/// ```
pub fn declare_janet_mod(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let ModArgs {
    } = parse_macro_input!(input as ModArgs);

    let regs_ext = fn_doc_lits.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, doc_lit)| {
        let fn_name = &fn_names[i];
        let fn_ptr_ident = &fn_ptr_idents[i];
        let fn_doc_ident = &fn_doc_idents[i];
        let fn_line_ident = &fn_line_idents[i];
        let fn_file_ident = &fn_file_idents[i];
        if let Some(fn_doc_lit) = doc_lit {
            quote! {
                ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetRegExt {
                    name: #fn_name.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    cfun: Some(#fn_ptr_ident),
                    documentation: #fn_doc_lit.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    source_file: #fn_file_ident.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    source_line: #fn_line_ident as i32,
        } else {
            quote! {
                ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetRegExt {
                    name: #fn_name.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    cfun: Some(#fn_ptr_ident),
                    documentation: #fn_doc_ident.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    source_file: #fn_file_ident.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    source_line: #fn_line_ident as i32,

    let regs = fn_doc_lits.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, doc_lit)| {
        let fn_name = &fn_names[i];
        let fn_ptr_ident = &fn_ptr_idents[i];
        let fn_doc_ident = &fn_doc_idents[i];

        if let Some(fn_doc_lit) = doc_lit {
            quote! {
                ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetReg {
                    name: #fn_name.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    cfun: Some(#fn_ptr_ident),
                    documentation: #fn_doc_lit.as_ptr() as *const _,
        } else {
            quote! {
                ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetReg {
                    name: #fn_name.as_ptr() as *const _,
                    cfun: Some(#fn_ptr_ident),
                    documentation: #fn_doc_ident.as_ptr() as *const _,

    let ts = quote! {
        pub unsafe extern "C" fn _janet_mod_config() -> ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetBuildConfig {
            ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetBuildConfig {
                major: ::janetrs::lowlevel::JANET_VERSION_MAJOR,
                minor: ::janetrs::lowlevel::JANET_VERSION_MINOR,
                patch: ::janetrs::lowlevel::JANET_VERSION_PATCH,
                bits:  ::janetrs::lowlevel::JANET_CURRENT_CONFIG_BITS,

        pub unsafe extern "C" fn _janet_init(env: *mut ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetTable) {
            ::janetrs::lowlevel::janet_cfuns_ext(env, #mod_name.as_ptr() as *const _, [

                ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetRegExt {
                    name: std::ptr::null(),
                    cfun: None,
                    documentation: std::ptr::null(),
                    source_file: std::ptr::null(),
                    source_line: 0

        #[::janetrs::cjvg("1.0.0", "1.17.0")]
        pub unsafe extern "C" fn _janet_init(env: *mut ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetTable) {
            ::janetrs::lowlevel::janet_cfuns(env, #mod_name.as_ptr() as *const _, [

                ::janetrs::lowlevel::JanetReg {
                    name: std::ptr::null(),
                    cfun: None,
                    documentation: std::ptr::null(),


/// Checks the specified version of Janet is equal of the used Janet. Emits a boolean.
/// **Usage:** `check_janet_version!(<MIN_VERSION>, [MAX_VERSION])` where `MIN_VERSION`
/// and `MAX_VERSION` are string literals.
/// That means that the range is open in the maximum version: [MIN_VERSION, MAX_VERSION).
pub fn check_janet_version(args: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let global_span = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(args.clone()).span();
    let args = parse_macro_input!(args as syn::AttributeArgs);
    // let input = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::Item);

    if args.len() > 2 {
        return quote_spanned!{global_span => compile_error!("expected at max two argument to the janet_version proc-macro");}

    if args.is_empty() {
        return quote_spanned!{global_span => compile_error!("expected at least one argument to the janet_version proc-macro");}

    let min_lit = if let syn::NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(ref lit)) = args[0] {
    } else {
        return quote_spanned! {args[0].span() => compile_error!("the argument must be a string literal");}.into();

    let max_lit = match args.get(1) {
        Some(syn::NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(ref lit))) => Some(lit),
        None => None,
        _ => return quote_spanned! {args[1].span() => compile_error!("the argument must be a string literal");}.into()

    match parse_args(&min_lit.value()) {
        Ok(req_min_ver) => {
            if let Some(max_lit) = max_lit {
                match parse_args(&max_lit.value()) {
                    Ok(req_max_ver) => {
                        if req_min_ver <= CURRENT_JANET && req_max_ver > CURRENT_JANET {
                            syn::LitBool::new(true, global_span)
                        } else {
                            syn::LitBool::new(false, global_span)
                    Err(err) => {
                        let err = format!("invalid string literal: {}", err);
                        (quote_spanned! {max_lit.span() => compile_error!(#err);}).into()
            } else if req_min_ver <= CURRENT_JANET {
                syn::LitBool::new(true, global_span)
            } else {
                syn::LitBool::new(false, global_span)
        Err(err) => {
            let err = format!("invalid string literal: {}", err);
            (quote_spanned! {min_lit.span() => compile_error!(#err);}).into()