janetrs 0.5.0

High level binding for Janet programming language
//! Module for stuff that are not required either to use in a application or to write
//! janet modules.
use crate::types::Janet;

pub use janetrs_version::{JanetBuildConfig, JanetVersion};

/// Checks if the given `args` have the same amount of expected arguments, if the check
/// fails it panics from the Janet side.
pub fn check_fix_arity(args: &[Janet], fix_arity: usize) {
    if args.len() != fix_arity {
        crate::jpanic!("arity mismatch, expected {}, got {}", fix_arity, args.len());

/// Check if the given `args` have the expected arguments in the inclusive range, if the
/// check fails it panics from the Janet side.
/// If `max` is `None`, it will disable the maximum check, allowing variadic arguments.
pub fn check_range_arity(args: &[Janet], min: usize, max: Option<usize>) {
    let arity = args.len();

    if arity < min {
        crate::jpanic!("arity mismatch, expected at least {}, got {}", min, arity);

    if let Some(max) = max {
        if arity > max {
            crate::jpanic!("arity mismatch, expected at most {}, got {}", max, arity);

/// Just a wrapper for the janet panic function
pub fn _panic(msg: Janet) -> ! {
    unsafe { evil_janet::janet_panicv(msg.inner) }
    loop {}