itron 0.1.7

Interface to operating systems based on μITRON and its derivatives.

name = "itron"

version = "0.1.7"

authors = [

    "Tomoaki Kawada",


license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

edition = "2018"

readme = "src/"

description = "Interface to operating systems based on μITRON and its derivatives."

categories = ["embedded", "no-std", "external-ffi-bindings", "os"]

repository = ""

keywords = ["rtos", "toppers", "kernel"]


default = []

nightly = ["doc_cfg"]

doc_cfg = []

unstable = ["tt-call"]

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Kernel selection

#  - Be sure to synchronize this with ``.

#  - Be sure to synchronize this with the "list of enabled features"

#    in `crate::abi`.

none = ["dcre", "rstr_task", "messagebuf", "ovrhdr", "subprio",

    "pi_mutex", "systim_local", "exd_tsk"]

asp3 = []

solid_asp3 = []

fmp3 = []

solid_fmp3 = []

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Kernel customization

#  - Be sure to synchronize this with the "list of enabled features"

#    in `crate::abi`.

# Dynamic object creation. Enables owned wrapped types.

dcre = []

# "Restricted" tasks

rstr_task = []

# Message buffers

messagebuf = []

# Overrun handlers

ovrhdr = []

# Subpriorities

subprio = []

# Priority-inheritance mutex

pi_mutex = []

# Processor-local kernel ticks

systim_local = []

# `exd_tsk`

exd_tsk = []


tt-call = { version = "1.0.8", optional = true }


# choose `none` to maximize the wrapper generation.

features = ["doc_cfg", "nightly", "unstable", "none"]

# only build the default target

targets = []