itron 0.1.7

Interface to operating systems based on μITRON and its derivatives.
optional = true
version = "1.0.8"

asp3 = []
dcre = []
default = []
doc_cfg = []
exd_tsk = []
fmp3 = []
messagebuf = []
nightly = ["doc_cfg"]
none = ["dcre", "rstr_task", "messagebuf", "ovrhdr", "subprio", "pi_mutex", "systim_local", "exd_tsk"]
ovrhdr = []
pi_mutex = []
rstr_task = []
solid_asp3 = []
solid_fmp3 = []
subprio = []
systim_local = []
unstable = ["tt-call"]

authors = ["Tomoaki Kawada"]
categories = ["embedded", "no-std", "external-ffi-bindings", "os"]
description = "Interface to operating systems based on μITRON and its derivatives."
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["rtos", "toppers", "kernel"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
name = "itron"
readme = "src/"
repository = ""
version = "0.1.7"
features = ["doc_cfg", "nightly", "unstable", "none"]
targets = []