ipsec-parser 0.7.0

Parser for the IKEv2 protocol

IPsec parsers

This crate contains several parsers using for IPsec: IKEv2, and reading the envelope of ESP encapsulated messages. This parser provides the base functions to read and analyze messages, but does not handle the interpretation of messages.

ESP is supported, but only to read the envelope of the payload.

Encapsulated ESP is supported, to differentiate between IKE and ESP headers.

IKEv2 parser

An IKEv2 (RFC7296) parser, implemented with the nom parser combinator framework.

The code is available on Github and is part of the Rusticata project.

To parse an IKE packet, first read the header using parse_ikev2_header, then use the type from the header to parse the remaining part:

# extern crate nom;
# extern crate ipsec_parser;
use ipsec_parser::*;
use nom::IResult;

static IKEV2_INIT_RESP: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("../assets/ike-sa-init-resp.bin");

# fn main() {
fn test_ikev2_init_resp() {
let bytes = IKEV2_INIT_RESP;
match parse_ikev2_header(&bytes) {
Ok( (rem, ref hdr) ) => {
match parse_ikev2_payload_list(rem,hdr.next_payload) {
Ok( (_, Ok(ref p)) ) => {
// p is a list of payloads
// first one is always dummy
assert!(p.len() > 0);
assert_eq!(p[0].content, IkeV2PayloadContent::Dummy);
for payload in p {
match payload.content {
IkeV2PayloadContent::SA(ref sa) => { /* .. */ },
_ => ()
e => { eprintln!("Parsing payload failed: {:?}", e); },
_ => { eprintln!("Parsing header failed"); },
# }