ion-shell 1.0.1

The Ion Shell
use std::io::{self, Write, BufWriter};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::os::unix::fs::{FileTypeExt, MetadataExt, PermissionsExt};
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::error::Error;
use smallstring::SmallString;

const MAN_PAGE: &'static str = /* @MANSTART{test} */ r#"NAME
    test - perform tests on files and text

    test [EXPRESSION]

    Tests the expressions given and returns an exit status of 0 if true, else 1.

    -n STRING
        the length of STRING is nonzero

        equivalent to -n STRING

    -z STRING
        the length of STRING is zero

        the strings are equivalent

        the strings are not equal

        the integers are equal

        the first INTEGER is greater than or equal to the first INTEGER

        the first INTEGER is greater than the first INTEGER

        the first INTEGER is less than or equal to the first INTEGER

        the first INTEGER is less than the first INTEGER

        the first INTEGER is not equal to the first INTEGER

    FILE -ef FILE
        both files have the same device and inode numbers

    FILE -nt FILE
        the first FILE is newer than the second FILE

    FILE -ot FILE
        the first file is older than the second FILE

    -b FILE
        FILE exists and is a block device

    -c FILE
        FILE exists and is a character device

    -d FILE
        FILE exists and is a directory

    -e FILE
        FILE exists

    -f FILE
        FILE exists and is a regular file

    -h FILE
        FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L)

    -L FILE
        FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -h)

    -r FILE
        FILE exists and read permission is granted

    -s FILE
        FILE exists and has a file size greater than zero

    -S FILE
        FILE exists and is a socket

    -w FILE
        FILE exists and write permission is granted

    -x FILE
        FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted

    Test if the file exists:
        test -e FILE && echo "The FILE exists" || echo "The FILE does not exist"

    Test if the file exists and is a regular file, and if so, write to it:
        test -f FILE && echo "Hello, FILE" >> FILE || echo "Cannot write to a directory"

    Test if 10 is greater than 5:
        test 10 -gt 5 && echo "10 is greater than 5" || echo "10 is not greater than 5"

    Test if the user is running a 64-bit OS (POSIX environment only):
        test $(getconf LONG_BIT) = 64 && echo "64-bit OS" || echo "32-bit OS"

    Written by Michael Murphy.
"#; /* @MANEND */

pub fn test(args: &[&str]) -> Result<bool, String> {
    let stdout = io::stdout();
    let mut buffer = BufWriter::new(stdout.lock());

    let arguments = &args[1..];
    evaluate_arguments(arguments, &mut buffer)

fn evaluate_arguments(arguments: &[&str], buffer: &mut BufWriter<io::StdoutLock>) -> Result<bool, String> {
    if let Some(arg) = arguments.first() {
        if *arg == "--help" {
            buffer.write_all(MAN_PAGE.as_bytes()).map_err(|x| x.description().to_owned())?;
            buffer.flush().map_err(|x| x.description().to_owned())?;

            return Ok(true);
        let mut characters = arg.chars().take(2);
        return match {
            '-' => {
                // If no flag was given, return `SUCCESS`
      , |flag| {
                    // If no argument was given, return `SUCCESS`
                    arguments.get(1).map_or(Ok(true), |argument| {
                        // match the correct function to the associated flag
                        Ok(match_flag_argument(flag, argument))
            _   => {
                // If there is no operator, check if the first argument is non-zero
                arguments.get(1).map_or(Ok(string_is_nonzero(arg)), |operator| {
                    // If there is no right hand argument, a condition was expected
                    let right_arg = arguments.get(2).ok_or_else(|| SmallString::from("parse error: condition expected"))?;
                    evaluate_expression(arg, operator, right_arg)
    } else {
        return Ok(false);

fn evaluate_expression(first: &str, operator: &str, second: &str) -> Result<bool, String> {
    match operator {
        "=" | "==" => Ok(first == second),
        "!="       => Ok(first != second),
        "-ef"      => Ok(files_have_same_device_and_inode_numbers(first, second)),
        "-nt"      => Ok(file_is_newer_than(first, second)),
        "-ot"      => Ok(file_is_newer_than(second, first)),
        _          => {
            let (left, right) = parse_integers(first, second)?;
            match operator {
                "-eq" => Ok(left == right),
                "-ge" => Ok(left >= right),
                "-gt" => Ok(left > right),
                "-le" => Ok(left <= right),
                "-lt" => Ok(left < right),
                "-ne" => Ok(left != right),
                _     => {
                    Err(format!("test: unknown condition: {:?}", operator))


/// Exits SUCCESS if both files have the same device and inode numbers
fn files_have_same_device_and_inode_numbers(first: &str, second: &str) -> bool {
    // Obtain the device and inode of the first file or return FAILED
    get_dev_and_inode(first).map_or(false, |left| {
        // Obtain the device and inode of the second file or return FAILED
        get_dev_and_inode(second).map_or(false, |right| {
            // Compare the device and inodes of the first and second files
            left == right

/// Obtains the device and inode numbers of the file specified
fn get_dev_and_inode(filename: &str) -> Option<(u64, u64)> {
    fs::metadata(filename).map(|file| (, file.ino())).ok()

/// Exits SUCCESS if the first file is newer than the second file.
fn file_is_newer_than(first: &str, second: &str) -> bool {
    // Obtain the modified file time of the first file or return FAILED
    get_modified_file_time(first).map_or(false, |left| {
        // Obtain the modified file time of the second file or return FAILED
        get_modified_file_time(second).map_or(false, |right| {
            // If the first file is newer than the right file, return SUCCESS
            left > right

/// Obtain the time the file was last modified as a `SystemTime` type.
fn get_modified_file_time(filename: &str) -> Option<SystemTime> {
    fs::metadata(filename).ok().and_then(|file| file.modified().ok())

/// Attempt to parse a &str as a usize.
fn parse_integers(left: &str, right: &str) -> Result<(Option<usize>, Option<usize>), String> {
    let parse_integer = |input: &str| -> Result<Option<usize>, String> {
        match input.parse::<usize>().map_err(|_| {
            format!("test: integer expression expected: {:?}", input)
        }) {
            Err(why) => Err(String::from(why)),
            Ok(res) => Ok(Some(res)),

    parse_integer(left).and_then(|left| match parse_integer(right){
        Ok(right) => Ok((left, right)),
        Err(why) => Err(why)

/// Matches flag arguments to their respective functionaity when the `-` character is detected.
fn match_flag_argument(flag: char, argument: &str) -> bool {
    // TODO: Implement missing flags
    match flag {
        'b' => file_is_block_device(argument),
        'c' => file_is_character_device(argument),
        'd' => file_is_directory(argument),
        'e' => file_exists(argument),
        'f' => file_is_regular(argument),
        //'g' => file_is_set_group_id(argument),
        //'G' => file_is_owned_by_effective_group_id(argument),
        'h' | 'L' => file_is_symlink(argument),
        //'k' => file_has_sticky_bit(argument),
        //'O' => file_is_owned_by_effective_user_id(argument),
        //'p' => file_is_named_pipe(argument),
        'r' => file_has_read_permission(argument),
        's' => file_size_is_greater_than_zero(argument),
        'S' => file_is_socket(argument),
        //'t' => file_descriptor_is_opened_on_a_terminal(argument),
        'w' => file_has_write_permission(argument),
        'x' => file_has_execute_permission(argument),
        'n' => string_is_nonzero(argument),
        'z' => string_is_zero(argument),
        _ => true,

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file size is greather than zero.
fn file_size_is_greater_than_zero(filepath: &str) -> bool {
    fs::metadata(filepath).ok().map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.len() > 0)

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file has read permissions. This function is rather low level because
/// Rust currently does not have a higher level abstraction for obtaining non-standard file modes.
/// To extract the permissions from the mode, the bitwise AND operator will be used and compared
/// with the respective read bits.
fn file_has_read_permission(filepath: &str) -> bool {
    const USER:  u32 = 0b100000000;
    const GROUP: u32 = 0b100000;
    const GUEST: u32 = 0b100;

    // Collect the mode of permissions for the file
    fs::metadata(filepath).map(|metadata| metadata.permissions().mode()).ok()
        // If the mode is equal to any of the above, return `SUCCESS`
        .map_or(false, |mode| mode & (USER + GROUP + GUEST) != 0)

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file has write permissions. This function is rather low level because
/// Rust currently does not have a higher level abstraction for obtaining non-standard file modes.
/// To extract the permissions from the mode, the bitwise AND operator will be used and compared
/// with the respective write bits.
fn file_has_write_permission(filepath: &str) -> bool {
    const USER:  u32 = 0b10000000;
    const GROUP: u32 = 0b10000;
    const GUEST: u32 = 0b10;

    // Collect the mode of permissions for the file
    fs::metadata(filepath).map(|metadata| metadata.permissions().mode()).ok()
        // If the mode is equal to any of the above, return `SUCCESS`
        .map_or(false, |mode| mode & (USER + GROUP + GUEST) != 0)

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file has execute permissions. This function is rather low level because
/// Rust currently does not have a higher level abstraction for obtaining non-standard file modes.
/// To extract the permissions from the mode, the bitwise AND operator will be used and compared
/// with the respective execute bits.
fn file_has_execute_permission(filepath: &str) -> bool {
    const USER:  u32 = 0b1000000;
    const GROUP: u32 = 0b1000;
    const GUEST: u32 = 0b1;

    // Collect the mode of permissions for the file
    fs::metadata(filepath).map(|metadata| metadata.permissions().mode()).ok()
        // If the mode is equal to any of the above, return `SUCCESS`
        .map_or(false, |mode| mode & (USER + GROUP + GUEST) != 0)

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file argument is a socket
fn file_is_socket(filepath: &str) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.file_type().is_socket())

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file argument is a block device
fn file_is_block_device(filepath: &str) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.file_type().is_block_device())

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file argument is a character device
fn file_is_character_device(filepath: &str) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.file_type().is_char_device())

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file exists
fn file_exists(filepath: &str) -> bool {

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file is a regular file
fn file_is_regular(filepath: &str) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.file_type().is_file())

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file is a directory
fn file_is_directory(filepath: &str) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.file_type().is_dir())

/// Exits SUCCESS if the file is a symbolic link
fn file_is_symlink(filepath: &str) -> bool {
        .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.file_type().is_symlink())

/// Exits SUCCESS if the string is not empty
fn string_is_nonzero(string: &str) -> bool {

/// Exits SUCCESS if the string is empty
fn string_is_zero(string: &str) -> bool {

fn test_strings() {
    assert_eq!(string_is_zero("NOT ZERO"), false);
    assert_eq!(string_is_zero(""), true);
    assert_eq!(string_is_nonzero("NOT ZERO"), true);
    assert_eq!(string_is_nonzero(""), false);

fn test_integers_arguments() {
    let stdout = io::stdout();
    let mut buffer = BufWriter::new(stdout.lock());

    // Equal To
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-eq", "10"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-eq", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(false));

    // Greater Than or Equal To
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-ge", "10"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-ge", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["5", "-ge", "10"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(false));

    // Less Than or Equal To
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["5", "-le", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["5", "-le", "10"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-le", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(false));

    // Less Than
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["5", "-lt", "10"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-lt", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(false));

    // Greater Than
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-gt", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["5", "-gt", "10"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(false));

    // Not Equal To
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["10", "-ne", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(true));
    assert_eq!(evaluate_arguments(&["5", "-ne", "5"],
        &mut buffer), Ok(false));

fn test_file_exists() {
    assert_eq!(file_exists("testing/empty_file"), true);
    assert_eq!(file_exists("this-does-not-exist"), false);

fn test_file_is_regular() {
    assert_eq!(file_is_regular("testing/empty_file"), true);
    assert_eq!(file_is_regular("testing"), false);

fn test_file_is_directory() {
    assert_eq!(file_is_directory("testing"), true);
    assert_eq!(file_is_directory("testing/empty_file"), false);

fn test_file_is_symlink() {
    assert_eq!(file_is_symlink("testing/symlink"), true);
    assert_eq!(file_is_symlink("testing/empty_file"), false);

fn test_file_has_execute_permission() {
    assert_eq!(file_has_execute_permission("testing/executable_file"), true);
    assert_eq!(file_has_execute_permission("testing/empty_file"), false);

fn test_file_size_is_greater_than_zero() {
    assert_eq!(file_size_is_greater_than_zero("testing/file_with_text"), true);
    assert_eq!(file_size_is_greater_than_zero("testing/empty_file"), false);