interledger-http 0.2.2-alpha.1

HTTP client and server services for
//! # interledger-http
//! Client and server implementations of the [ILP-Over-HTTP]( bilateral communication protocol.
//! This protocol is intended primarily for server-to-server communication between peers on the Interledger network.
use futures::Future;
use interledger_service::{Account, Username};
use url::Url;

mod client;
mod server;

/// Originally from [interledger-relay](
mod limit_stream;

pub use self::client::HttpClientService;
pub use self::server::HttpServerService;

pub trait HttpAccount: Account {
    fn get_http_url(&self) -> Option<&Url>;
    fn get_http_auth_token(&self) -> Option<&str>;

/// The interface for Stores that can be used with the HttpServerService.
// TODO do we need all of these constraints?
pub trait HttpStore: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static {
    type Account: HttpAccount;

    /// Load account details based on the full HTTP Authorization header
    /// received on the incoming HTTP request.
    fn get_account_from_http_auth(
        username: &Username,
        token: &str,
    ) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = Self::Account, Error = ()> + Send>;