intercom 0.4.0

Utilities for writing COM visible Rust components.
//! Tools to define Rust components compatible with the COM protocol.
//! Intercom provides attributes to automatically derive `extern` compatible
//! functions for Rust methods. These functions are compatible with COM binary
//! interface standard, which allows them to be used from any language that
//! supports COM.
//! # Examples
//! A basic example of a calculator type exposed as a COM object.
//! ```
//! use intercom::{com_library, com_class, com_interface, ComResult};
//! // Define COM classes to expose from this library.
//! com_library!(class Calculator);
//! // Define the COM class and the interfaces it implements.
//! #[com_class(Self)]
//! #[derive(Default)]
//! struct Calculator;
//! // Define the implementation for the class. The COM interface is defined
//! // implicitly by the `impl`.
//! #[com_interface]
//! impl Calculator {
//!     fn add(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> ComResult<i32> { Ok(a + b) }
//!     fn sub(&self, a: i32, b: i32) -> ComResult<i32> { Ok(a - b) }
//! }
//! # // Without 'main()' doctests wraps the whole thing into a function,
//! # // which would end up expanding com_library!(..) into a statement.
//! # // And proc macros into statements are not allowed.
//! # //
//! # // In addition to that, if we just have `fn main()` followed by open
//! # // brace _anywhere_ in this doctest (yes, including these comments),
//! # // clippy would discover that and yell at us for "needless doctest main".
//! # // Allowing that with a specific #[allow(..)] attribute is impossible
//! # // since this is crate-level documentation.
//! # //
//! # // Fortunately we can hide this from clippy by specifying the (empty)
//! # // return type.
//! # fn main() -> () { }
//! ```
//! The above library can be used for example from C# in the following manner.
//! ```csharp
//! void Main()
//! {
//!     var calculator = new CalculatorLib.Calculator();
//!     Console.WriteLine( calculator.Add( 1, 2 ) );
//! }
//! ```

#![crate_type = "dylib"]

extern crate self as intercom;

extern crate libc;

extern crate intercom_attributes;
pub use intercom_attributes::*;

extern crate failure;

#[cfg(feature = "log")]
extern crate log;

pub mod prelude;

mod classfactory;
pub use crate::classfactory::*;
mod combox;
pub use crate::combox::*;
mod comrc;
pub use crate::comrc::*;
mod comitf;
pub use crate::comitf::*;
mod strings;
pub use crate::strings::*;
mod guid;
pub use crate::guid::GUID;
pub mod error;
pub use crate::error::{load_error, store_error, ComError, ErrorValue};
pub mod alloc;
pub mod interfaces;
pub mod runtime;
mod variant;
pub use crate::variant::{Variant, VariantError};
pub mod type_system;
pub mod typelib;
pub use type_system::ForeignType;
pub mod attributes;
pub mod logging;

pub mod registry;

// No-ops on non-windows platforms.
pub mod registry
    use crate::raw::HRESULT;
    use crate::typelib::TypeLib;

    type HANDLE = *mut std::os::raw::c_void;

    /// Registers a type library.
    pub fn register(_dll: HANDLE, _lib: TypeLib) -> Result<(), HRESULT>

    /// Unregisters a type library.
    pub fn unregister(_dll: HANDLE, _lib: TypeLib) -> Result<(), HRESULT>

    class intercom::alloc::Allocator,
    class intercom::error::ErrorStore,

/// Raw COM pointer type.
/// Interface ID GUID.
pub type IID = GUID;

/// A reference to an interface ID.
pub type REFIID = *const IID;

/// Class ID GUID.
pub type CLSID = GUID;

/// A reference to a class ID.
pub type REFCLSID = *const IID;

pub mod raw
    use std::marker::PhantomData;
    use std::os::raw::c_void;
    use std::ptr::NonNull;

    pub use crate::error::raw::*;
    pub use crate::type_system::{ForeignType, TypeSystem};
    pub use crate::variant::raw::*;

    pub type RawComPtr = *mut c_void;

    pub struct BSTR(pub *mut u16);

    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct InterfacePtr<TS: TypeSystem, I: ?Sized>
        pub ptr: NonNull<c_void>,
        phantom_itf: PhantomData<I>,
        phantom_ts: PhantomData<TS>,

    impl<TS: TypeSystem, I: ?Sized> Clone for InterfacePtr<TS, I>
        fn clone(&self) -> Self
            InterfacePtr {
                ptr: self.ptr,
                phantom_itf: PhantomData,
                phantom_ts: PhantomData,

    impl<TS: TypeSystem, I: ?Sized> Copy for InterfacePtr<TS, I> {}

    impl<TS: TypeSystem, I: ?Sized> std::fmt::Debug for InterfacePtr<TS, I>
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
            write!(f, "InterfacePtr({:?})", self.ptr)

    impl<TS: TypeSystem, I: ?Sized> InterfacePtr<TS, I>
        /// # Safety
        /// The raw `ptr` must represent the correct type system and interface.
        pub unsafe fn new(ptr: RawComPtr) -> Option<InterfacePtr<TS, I>>
            let ptr = NonNull::new(ptr);
  |ptr| InterfacePtr {
                phantom_itf: PhantomData,
                phantom_ts: PhantomData,

    impl<TS: TypeSystem, I: crate::attributes::ComInterface + ?Sized> InterfacePtr<TS, I>
        pub fn as_unknown(self) -> InterfacePtr<TS, dyn crate::IUnknown>
            InterfacePtr {
                ptr: self.ptr,
                phantom_itf: PhantomData,
                phantom_ts: PhantomData,

    impl<TS: TypeSystem, I: crate::attributes::ComInterface + ?Sized> ForeignType
        for Option<InterfacePtr<TS, I>>
        I: ForeignType,
        /// The name of the type.
        fn type_name() -> &'static str
            <I as ForeignType>::type_name()
        fn indirection_level() -> u32
            <I as ForeignType>::indirection_level() + 1

/// `IClassFactory` interface ID.
pub const IID_IClassFactory: GUID = GUID {
    data1: 0x0000_0001,
    data2: 0x0000,
    data3: 0x0000,
    data4: [0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46],

/// `IErrorInfo` interface ID.
pub const IID_IErrorInfo: GUID = GUID {
    data1: 0x1CF2_B120,
    data2: 0x547D,
    data3: 0x101B,
    data4: [0x8E, 0x65, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x2B, 0xD1, 0x19],

pub use crate::interfaces::IUnknown;
// pub use crate::interfaces::__IUnknown_AutomationVtbl as IUnknownVtbl;

pub use crate::interfaces::ISupportErrorInfo;
// pub use crate::interfaces::__ISupportErrorInfo_AutomationVtbl as ISupportErrorInfoVtbl;

/// Basic COM result type.
/// The `ComResult` maps the Rust concept of `Ok` and `Err` values to COM
/// `[out, retval]` parameter and `HRESULT` return value.
pub type ComResult<A> = Result<A, ComError>;

/// Basic COM result type.
/// The `ComResult` maps the Rust concept of `Ok` and `Err` values to COM
/// `[out, retval]` parameter and `HRESULT` return value.
pub type RawComResult<A> = Result<A, raw::HRESULT>;