insta 1.39.0

A snapshot testing library for Rust
//! <div align="center">
//!  <img src="" width="250" height="250">
//!  <p><strong>insta: a snapshot testing library for Rust</strong></p>
//! </div>
//! # What are snapshot tests
//! Snapshots tests (also sometimes called approval tests) are tests that
//! assert values against a reference value (the snapshot).  This is similar
//! to how `assert_eq!` lets you compare a value against a reference value but
//! unlike simple string assertions, snapshot tests let you test against complex
//! values and come with comprehensive tools to review changes.
//! Snapshot tests are particularly useful if your reference values are very
//! large or change often.
//! # What it looks like:
//! ```no_run
//! #[test]
//! fn test_hello_world() {
//!     insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(vec![1, 2, 3]);
//! }
//! ```
//! Where are the snapshots stored?  Right next to your test in a folder
//! called `snapshots` as individual [`.snap` files](
//! Got curious?
//! * [Read the introduction](
//! * [Read the main documentation]( which does not just
//!   cover the API of the crate but also many of the details of how it works.
//! * There is a screencast that shows the entire workflow: [watch the insta
//! introduction screencast](
//! # Writing Tests
//! ```
//! use insta::assert_debug_snapshot;
//! #[test]
//! fn test_snapshots() {
//!     assert_debug_snapshot!(vec![1, 2, 3]);
//! }
//! ```
//! The recommended flow is to run the tests once, have them fail and check
//! if the result is okay.  By default the new snapshots are stored next
//! to the old ones with the extra `.new` extension.  Once you are satisfied
//! move the new files over.  To simplify this workflow you can use
//! `cargo insta review` (requires
//! [`cargo-insta`]( which will let you
//! interactively review them:
//! ```text
//! $ cargo test
//! $ cargo insta review
//! ```
//! # Use Without `cargo-insta`
//! Note that `cargo-insta` is entirely optional.  You can also just use insta
//! directly from `cargo test` and control it via the `INSTA_UPDATE` environment
//! variable.  The default is `auto` which will write all new snapshots into
//! `` files if no CI is detected so that `cargo-insta` can pick them
//! up.  The following other modes are possible:
//! - `auto`: the default. `no` for CI environments or `new` otherwise
//! - `always`: overwrites old snapshot files with new ones unasked
//! - `unseen`: behaves like `always` for new snapshots and `new` for others
//! - `new`: write new snapshots into `` files
//! - `no`: does not update snapshot files at all (just runs tests)
//! You can for instance first run the tests and not write and new snapshots, and
//! if you like them run the tests again and update them:
//! ```text
//! INSTA_UPDATE=no cargo test
//! INSTA_UPDATE=always cargo test
//! ```
//! # Assertion Macros
//! This crate exports multiple macros for snapshot testing:
//! - [`assert_snapshot!`] for comparing basic string snapshots.
//! - [`assert_debug_snapshot!`] for comparing [`Debug`] outputs of values.
//! - [`assert_display_snapshot!`] for comparing [`Display`](std::fmt::Display) outputs of values.
//! The following macros require the use of serde's [`Serialize`](serde::Serialize):
    feature = "csv",
    doc = "- [`assert_csv_snapshot!`] for comparing CSV serialized output. (requires the `csv` feature)"
    feature = "toml",
    doc = "- [`assert_toml_snapshot!`] for comparing TOML serialized output. (requires the `toml` feature)"
    feature = "yaml",
    doc = "- [`assert_yaml_snapshot!`] for comparing YAML serialized output. (requires the `yaml` feature)"
    feature = "ron",
    doc = "- [`assert_ron_snapshot!`] for comparing RON serialized output. (requires the `ron` feature)"
    feature = "json",
    doc = "- [`assert_json_snapshot!`] for comparing JSON serialized output. (requires the `json` feature)"
    feature = "json",
    doc = "- [`assert_compact_json_snapshot!`] for comparing JSON serialized output while preferring single-line formatting. (requires the `json` feature)"
//! For macros that work with [`serde`] this crate also permits redacting of
//! partial values.  See [redactions in the
//! documentation]( for more information.
//! # Snapshot updating
//! During test runs snapshots will be updated according to the `INSTA_UPDATE`
//! environment variable.  The default is `auto` which will write snapshots for
//! any failing tests into `` files (if no CI is detected) so that
//! [`cargo-insta`]( can pick them up for
//! review. Normally you don't have to change this variable.
//! `INSTA_UPDATE` modes:
//! - `auto`: the default. `no` for CI environments or `new` otherwise
//! - `new`: writes snapshots for any failing tests into `` files,
//!   pending review
//! - `always`: writes snapshots for any failing tests into `.snap` files,
//!   bypassing review
//! - `unseen`: `always` for previously unseen snapshots or `new` for existing
//!   snapshots
//! - `no`: does not write to snapshot files at all; just runs tests
//! When `new`, `auto` or `unseen` is used, the
//! [`cargo-insta`]( command can be used to
//! review the snapshots conveniently:
//! ```text
//! $ cargo insta review
//! ```
//! "enter" or "a" accepts a new snapshot, "escape" or "r" rejects, "space" or
//! "s" skips the snapshot for now.
//! For more information [read the cargo insta
//! docs](
//! # Inline Snapshots
//! Additionally snapshots can also be stored inline.  In that case the format
//! for the snapshot macros is `assert_snapshot!(reference_value, @"snapshot")`.
//! The leading at sign (`@`) indicates that the following string is the
//! reference value.  On review, `cargo-insta` will update the string with the
//! new value.
//! Example:
//! ```no_run
//! # use insta::assert_snapshot;
//! assert_snapshot!(2 + 2, @"");
//! ```
//! Like with normal snapshots, an initial test failure will write the proposed
//! value into a draft file (note that inline snapshots use `.pending-snap`
//! files rather than `` files). Running `cargo insta review` will
//! review the proposed changes and update the source files on acceptance
//! automatically.
//! # Features
//! The following features exist:
//! * `csv`: enables CSV support (via serde)
//! * `json`: enables JSON support (via serde)
//! * `ron`: enables RON support (via serde)
//! * `toml`: enables TOML support (via serde)
//! * `yaml`: enables YAML support (via serde)
//! * `redactions`: enables support for redactions
//! * `filters`: enables support for filters
//! * `glob`: enables support for globbing ([`glob!`])
//! * `colors`: enables color output (enabled by default)
//! For legacy reasons the `json` and `yaml` features are enabled by default in
//! limited capacity.  You will receive a deprecation warning if you are not
//! opting into them but for now the macros will continue to function.
//! Enabling any of the serde based formats enables the hidden `serde` feature
//! which gates some serde specific APIs such as [`Settings::set_info`].
//! # Dependencies
//! `insta` tries to be light in dependencies but this is tricky to accomplish
//! given what it tries to do.  By default it currently depends on `serde` for
//! the [`assert_toml_snapshot!`] and [`assert_yaml_snapshot!`] macros.  In the
//! future this default dependencies will be removed.  To already benefit from
//! this optimization you can disable the default features and manually opt into
//! what you want.
//! # Settings
//! There are some settings that can be changed on a per-thread (and thus
//! per-test) basis.  For more information see [Settings].
//! Additionally Insta will load a YAML config file with settings that change
//! the behavior of insta between runs.  It's loaded from any of the following
//! locations: `.config/insta.yaml`, `insta.yaml` and `.insta.yaml` from the
//! workspace root.  The following config options exist:
//! ```yaml
//! behavior:
//!   # also set by INSTA_FORCE_UPDATE
//!   force_update: true/false
//!   # also set by INSTA_REQUIRE_FULL_MATCH
//!   require_full_match: true/false
//!   # also set by INSTA_FORCE_PASS
//!   force_pass: true/false
//!   # also set by INSTA_OUTPUT
//!   output: "diff" | "summary" | "minimal" | "none"
//!   # also set by INSTA_UPDATE
//!   update: "auto" | "always" | "new" | "unseen" | "no"
//!   # also set by INSTA_GLOB_FAIL_FAST
//!   glob_fail_fast: true/false
//! # these are used by cargo insta test
//! test:
//!   # also set by INSTA_TEST_RUNNER
//!   runner: "auto" | "cargo-test" | "nextest"
//!   # automatically assume --review was passed to cargo insta test
//!   auto_review: true/false
//!   # automatically assume --accept-unseen was passed to cargo insta test
//!   auto_accept_unseen: true/false
//! # these are used by cargo insta review
//! review:
//!   # also look for snapshots in ignored folders
//!   include_ignored: true / false
//!   # also look for snapshots in hidden folders
//!   include_hidden: true / false
//!   # show a warning if undiscovered (ignored or hidden) snapshots are found.
//!   # defaults to true but creates a performance hit.
//!   warn_undiscovered: true / false
//! ```
//! # Optional: Faster Runs
//! Insta benefits from being compiled in release mode, even as dev dependency.
//! It will compile slightly slower once, but use less memory, have faster diffs
//! and just generally be more fun to use.  To achieve that, opt `insta` and
//! `similar` (the diffing library) into higher optimization in your
//! `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```yaml
//! []
//! opt-level = 3
//! []
//! opt-level = 3
//! ```
//! You can also disable the default features of `insta` which will cut down on
//! the compile time a bit by removing some quality of life features.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]

mod macros;
mod content;
mod env;
mod output;
mod runtime;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
mod serialization;
mod settings;
mod snapshot;
mod utils;

#[cfg(feature = "redactions")]
mod redaction;

#[cfg(feature = "filters")]
mod filters;

#[cfg(feature = "glob")]
mod glob;

mod test;

pub use crate::settings::Settings;
pub use crate::snapshot::{MetaData, Snapshot};

/// Exposes some library internals.
/// You're unlikely to want to work with these objects but they
/// are exposed for documentation primarily.
pub mod internals {
    pub use crate::content::Content;
    #[cfg(feature = "filters")]
    pub use crate::filters::Filters;
    pub use crate::runtime::AutoName;
    pub use crate::settings::SettingsBindDropGuard;
    pub use crate::snapshot::{MetaData, SnapshotContents};
    #[cfg(feature = "redactions")]
    pub use crate::{
        redaction::{ContentPath, Redaction},

// exported for cargo-insta only
#[cfg(feature = "_cargo_insta_internal")]
pub mod _cargo_insta_support {
    pub use crate::{
        content::Error as ContentError,
            Error as ToolConfigError, OutputBehavior, SnapshotUpdate, TestRunner, ToolConfig,

// useful for redactions
#[cfg(feature = "redactions")]
pub use crate::redaction::{dynamic_redaction, rounded_redaction, sorted_redaction};

// these are here to make the macros work
pub mod _macro_support {
    pub use crate::content::Content;
    pub use crate::env::get_cargo_workspace;
    pub use crate::runtime::{assert_snapshot, with_allow_duplicates, AutoName, ReferenceValue};

    #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
    pub use crate::serialization::{serialize_value, SerializationFormat, SnapshotLocation};

    #[cfg(feature = "glob")]
    pub use crate::glob::glob_exec;

    #[cfg(feature = "redactions")]
    pub use crate::{
        redaction::Redaction, redaction::Selector, serialization::serialize_value_redacted,