inline-python 0.10.0

Inline Python code directly in your Rust code
use crate::run::run_python_code;
use crate::PythonBlock;
use pyo3::{
	types::{PyCFunction, PyDict},
	FromPyObject, Py, PyResult, Python, ToPyObject,

/// An execution context for Python code.
/// This can be used to keep all global variables and imports intact between macro invocations:
/// ```
/// # use inline_python::{Context, python};
/// let c = Context::new();
///! {
///   foo = 5
/// });
///! {
///   assert foo == 5
/// });
/// ```
/// You may also use it to inspect global variables after the execution of the Python code,
/// or set global variables before running:
/// ```
/// # use inline_python::{Context, python};
/// let c = Context::new();
/// c.set("x", 13);
///! {
///   foo = x + 2
/// });
/// assert_eq!(c.get::<i32>("foo"), 15);
/// ```
pub struct Context {
	pub(crate) globals: Py<PyDict>,

impl Context {
	/// Create a new context for running Python code.
	/// This function temporarily acquires the GIL.
	/// If you already have the GIL, you can use [`Context::new_with_gil`] instead.
	/// This function panics if it fails to create the context.
	pub fn new() -> Self {

	/// Create a new context for running Python code.
	/// You must acquire the GIL to call this function.
	/// This function panics if it fails to create the context.
	pub fn new_with_gil(py: Python) -> Self {
		match Self::try_new(py) {
			Ok(x) => x,
			Err(error) => {
				panic!("failed to create Python context");

	fn try_new(py: Python) -> PyResult<Self> {
		Ok(Self {
			globals: py.import("__main__")?.dict().copy()?.into(),

	/// Get the globals as dictionary.
	pub fn globals<'p>(&'p self, py: Python<'p>) -> &'p PyDict {

	/// Retrieve a global variable from the context.
	/// This function temporarily acquires the GIL.
	/// If you already have the GIL, you can use [`Context::get_with_gil`] instead.
	/// This function panics if the variable doesn't exist, or the conversion fails.
	pub fn get<T: for<'p> FromPyObject<'p>>(&self, name: &str) -> T {
		Python::with_gil(|py| self.get_with_gil(py, name))

	/// Retrieve a global variable from the context.
	/// This function panics if the variable doesn't exist, or the conversion fails.
	pub fn get_with_gil<'p, T: FromPyObject<'p>>(&'p self, py: Python<'p>, name: &str) -> T {
		match self.globals(py).get_item(name) {
			None => panic!("Python context does not contain a variable named `{}`", name),
			Some(value) => match FromPyObject::extract(value) {
				Ok(value) => value,
				Err(e) => {
					panic!("Unable to convert `{}` to `{}`", name, std::any::type_name::<T>());

	/// Set a global variable in the context.
	/// This function temporarily acquires the GIL.
	/// If you already have the GIL, you can use [`Context::set_with_gil`] instead.
	/// This function panics if the conversion fails.
	pub fn set<T: ToPyObject>(&self, name: &str, value: T) {
		Python::with_gil(|py| self.set_with_gil(py, name, value));

	/// Set a global variable in the context.
	/// This function panics if the conversion fails.
	pub fn set_with_gil<'p, T: ToPyObject>(&self, py: Python<'p>, name: &str, value: T) {
		match self.globals(py).set_item(name, value) {
			Ok(()) => (),
			Err(e) => {
				panic!("Unable to set `{}` from a `{}`", name, std::any::type_name::<T>());

	/// Add a wrapped `#[pyfunction]` or `#[pymodule]` using its own `__name__`.
	/// Use this with `pyo3::wrap_pyfunction` or `pyo3::wrap_pymodule`.
	/// ```ignore
	/// # use inline_python::{Context, python};
	/// use pyo3::{prelude::*, wrap_pyfunction};
	/// #[pyfunction]
	/// fn get_five() -> i32 {
	///     5
	/// }
	/// fn main() {
	///     let c = Context::new();
	///     c.add_wrapped(wrap_pyfunction!(get_five));
	///! {
	///         assert get_five() == 5
	///     });
	/// }
	/// ```
	/// This function temporarily acquires the GIL.
	/// If you already have the GIL, you can use [`Context::add_wrapped_with_gil`] instead.
	pub fn add_wrapped(&self, wrapper: &impl Fn(Python) -> PyResult<&PyCFunction>) {
		Python::with_gil(|py| self.add_wrapped_with_gil(py, wrapper));

	/// Add a wrapped `#[pyfunction]` or `#[pymodule]` using its own `__name__`.
	/// See [Context::add_wrapped].
	pub fn add_wrapped_with_gil<'p>(&self, py: Python<'p>, wrapper: &impl Fn(Python) -> PyResult<&PyCFunction>) {
		let obj = wrapper(py).unwrap();
		let name = obj.getattr("__name__").expect("Missing __name__");
		self.set_with_gil(py, name.extract().unwrap(), obj)

	/// Run Python code using this context.
	/// This function should be called using the `python!{}` macro:
	/// ```
	/// # use inline_python::{Context, python};
	/// let c = Context::new();
	///     print("Hello World")
	/// });
	/// ```
	/// This function temporarily acquires the GIL.
	/// If you already have the GIL, you can use [`Context::run_with_gil`] instead.
	/// This function panics if the Python code fails.
	pub fn run<F: FnOnce(&PyDict)>(&self, code: PythonBlock<F>) {
		Python::with_gil(|py| self.run_with_gil(py, code));

	/// Run Python code using this context.
	/// This function should be called using the `python!{}` macro, just like
	/// [`Context::run`].
	/// This function panics if the Python code fails.
	pub fn run_with_gil<F: FnOnce(&PyDict)>(&self, py: Python<'_>, code: PythonBlock<F>) {
		match run_python_code(py, self, code.bytecode) {
			Ok(_) => (),
			Err(e) => {
				panic!("{}", "python!{...} failed to execute");