inline-python 0.1.0

Inline Python code directly in your Rust code

Inline Python code directly in your Rust code.


use inline_python::python;

fn main() {
let who = "world";
let n = 5;
python! {
for i in range('n):
print(i, "Hello", 'who)

How to use

Use the python!{..} macro to write Python code direcly in your Rust code. You'll need to add #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)], and use a nightly version of the compiler that supports this feature.


The tokens need to be valid rust tokens, which means you cannot use single-quoted strings, should use //-comments instead of #-comments, cannot use u""-strings, etc.

A later version of this crate will provide workarounds for some of these things.

Using Rust variables

To reference rust variables, use 'var, as shown in the example above. var needs to implement [pyo3::ToPyObject].

Getting information back

Right now, this crate provides no easy way to get information from the Python code back into Rust. Support for that will be added in a later version of this crate.