ink_env 4.0.0-beta.1

[ink!] Low-level interface for interacting with the smart contract Wasm executor.
// Copyright 2018-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! The public raw interface towards the host Wasm engine.

use crate::{
use ink_storage_traits::Storable;

/// Returns the address of the caller of the executed contract.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned caller cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn caller<E>() -> E::AccountId
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the transferred value for the contract execution.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn transferred_value<E>() -> E::Balance
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the price for the specified amount of gas.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn weight_to_fee<E>(gas: Gas) -> E::Balance
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::weight_to_fee::<E>(instance, gas)

/// Returns the amount of gas left for the contract execution.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn gas_left<E>() -> Gas
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the current block timestamp.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn block_timestamp<E>() -> E::Timestamp
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the account ID of the executed contract.
/// # Note
/// This method was formerly known as `address`.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn account_id<E>() -> E::AccountId
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the balance of the executed contract.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn balance<E>() -> E::Balance
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the current block number.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn block_number<E>() -> E::BlockNumber
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the minimum balance that is required for creating an account
/// (i.e. the chain's existential deposit).
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn minimum_balance<E>() -> E::Balance
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Emits an event with the given event data.
pub fn emit_event<E, Event>(event: Event)
    E: Environment,
    Event: Topics + scale::Encode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::emit_event::<E, Event>(instance, event)

/// Writes the value to the contract storage under the given storage key and returns the size
/// of pre-existing value if any.
/// # Panics
/// - If the encode length of value exceeds the configured maximum value length of a storage entry.
pub fn set_contract_storage<K, V>(key: &K, value: &V) -> Option<u32>
    K: scale::Encode,
    V: Storable,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::set_contract_storage::<K, V>(instance, key, value)

/// Returns the value stored under the given storage key in the contract's storage if any.
/// # Errors
/// - If the decoding of the typed value failed (`KeyNotFound`)
pub fn get_contract_storage<K, R>(key: &K) -> Result<Option<R>>
    K: scale::Encode,
    R: Storable,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::get_contract_storage::<K, R>(instance, key)

/// Removes the `value` at `key`, returning the previous `value` at `key` from storage.
/// # Errors
/// - If the decoding of the typed value failed (`KeyNotFound`)
pub fn take_contract_storage<K, R>(key: &K) -> Result<Option<R>>
    K: scale::Encode,
    R: Storable,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::take_contract_storage::<K, R>(instance, key)

/// Checks whether there is a value stored under the given storage key in the contract's storage.
/// If a value is stored under the specified key, the size of the value is returned.
pub fn contains_contract_storage<K>(key: &K) -> Option<u32>
    K: scale::Encode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::contains_contract_storage::<K>(instance, key)

/// Clears the contract's storage entry under the given storage key.
/// If a value was stored under the specified storage key, the size of the value is returned.
pub fn clear_contract_storage<K>(key: &K) -> Option<u32>
    K: scale::Encode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::clear_contract_storage::<K>(instance, key)

/// Invokes a contract message and returns its result.
/// # Note
/// This is a low level way to evaluate another smart contract.
/// Prefer to use the ink! guided and type safe approach to using this.
/// # Errors
/// - If the called account does not exist.
/// - If the called account is not a contract.
/// - If arguments passed to the called contract message are invalid.
/// - If the called contract execution has trapped.
/// - If the called contract ran out of gas upon execution.
/// - If the returned value failed to decode properly.
pub fn invoke_contract<E, Args, R>(
    params: &CallParams<E, Call<E>, Args, R>,
) -> Result<ink_primitives::MessageResult<R>>
    E: Environment,
    Args: scale::Encode,
    R: scale::Decode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::invoke_contract::<E, Args, R>(instance, params)

/// Invokes a contract message via delegate call and returns its result.
/// # Note
/// This is a low level way to evaluate another smart contract via delegate call.
/// Prefer to use the ink! guided and type safe approach to using this.
/// # Errors
/// - If the specified code hash does not exist.
/// - If arguments passed to the called code message are invalid.
/// - If the called code execution has trapped.
pub fn invoke_contract_delegate<E, Args, R>(
    params: &CallParams<E, DelegateCall<E>, Args, R>,
) -> Result<R>
    E: Environment,
    Args: scale::Encode,
    R: scale::Decode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::invoke_contract_delegate::<E, Args, R>(instance, params)

/// Instantiates another contract.
/// # Note
/// This is a low level way to instantiate another smart contract.
/// Prefer to use methods on a `ContractRef` or the [`CreateBuilder`](`crate::call::CreateBuilder`)
/// through [`build_create`](`crate::call::build_create`) instead.
/// # Errors
/// - If the code hash is invalid.
/// - If the arguments passed to the instantiation process are invalid.
/// - If the instantiation process traps.
/// - If the instantiation process runs out of gas.
/// - If given insufficient endowment.
/// - If the returned account ID failed to decode properly.
pub fn instantiate_contract<E, ContractRef, Args, Salt, R>(
    params: &CreateParams<E, ContractRef, Args, Salt, R>,
) -> Result<
    ink_primitives::ConstructorResult<<R as ConstructorReturnType<ContractRef>>::Output>,
    E: Environment,
    ContractRef: FromAccountId<E>,
    Args: scale::Encode,
    Salt: AsRef<[u8]>,
    R: ConstructorReturnType<ContractRef>,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::instantiate_contract::<E, ContractRef, Args, Salt, R>(
            instance, params,

/// Terminates the existence of the currently executed smart contract.
/// This removes the calling account and transfers all remaining balance
/// to the given beneficiary.
/// # Note
/// This function never returns. Either the termination was successful and the
/// execution of the destroyed contract is halted. Or it failed during the termination
/// which is considered fatal and results in a trap and rollback.
pub fn terminate_contract<E>(beneficiary: E::AccountId) -> !
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::terminate_contract::<E>(instance, beneficiary)

/// Transfers value from the contract to the destination account ID.
/// # Note
/// This is more efficient and simpler than the alternative to make a no-op
/// contract call or invoke a runtime function that performs the
/// transaction.
/// # Errors
/// - If the contract does not have sufficient free funds.
/// - If the transfer had brought the sender's total balance below the
///   minimum balance. You need to use [`terminate_contract`] in case
///   this is your intention.
pub fn transfer<E>(destination: E::AccountId, value: E::Balance) -> Result<()>
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::transfer::<E>(instance, destination, value)

/// Returns the execution input to the executed contract and decodes it as `T`.
/// # Note
/// - The input is the 4-bytes selector followed by the arguments
///   of the called function in their SCALE encoded representation.
/// - No prior interaction with the environment must take place before
///   calling this procedure.
/// # Usage
/// Normally contracts define their own `enum` dispatch types respective
/// to their exported constructors and messages that implement `scale::Decode`
/// according to the constructors or messages selectors and their arguments.
/// These `enum` dispatch types are then given to this procedure as the `T`.
/// When using ink! users do not have to construct those enum dispatch types
/// themselves as they are normally generated by the ink! code generation
/// automatically.
/// # Errors
/// If the given `T` cannot be properly decoded from the expected input.
pub fn decode_input<T>() -> Result<T>
    T: scale::Decode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Returns the value back to the caller of the executed contract.
/// # Note
/// This function  stops the execution of the contract immediately.
pub fn return_value<R>(return_flags: ReturnFlags, return_value: &R) -> !
    R: scale::Encode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::return_value::<R>(instance, return_flags, return_value)

/// Appends the given message to the debug message buffer.
pub fn debug_message(message: &str) {
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        EnvBackend::debug_message(instance, message)

/// Conducts the crypto hash of the given input and stores the result in `output`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use ink_env::hash::{Sha2x256, HashOutput};
/// let input: &[u8] = &[13, 14, 15];
/// let mut output = <Sha2x256 as HashOutput>::Type::default(); // 256-bit buffer
/// let hash  = ink_env::hash_bytes::<Sha2x256>(input, &mut output);
/// ```
pub fn hash_bytes<H>(input: &[u8], output: &mut <H as HashOutput>::Type)
    H: CryptoHash,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        instance.hash_bytes::<H>(input, output)

/// Conducts the crypto hash of the given encoded input and stores the result in `output`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use ink_env::hash::{Sha2x256, HashOutput};
/// const EXPECTED: [u8; 32] = [
///   243, 242, 58, 110, 205, 68, 100, 244, 187, 55, 188, 248,  29, 136, 145, 115,
///   186, 134, 14, 175, 178, 99, 183,  21,   4, 94,  92,  69, 199, 207, 241, 179,
/// ];
/// let encodable = (42, "foo", true); // Implements `scale::Encode`
/// let mut output = <Sha2x256 as HashOutput>::Type::default(); // 256-bit buffer
/// ink_env::hash_encoded::<Sha2x256, _>(&encodable, &mut output);
/// assert_eq!(output, EXPECTED);
/// ```
pub fn hash_encoded<H, T>(input: &T, output: &mut <H as HashOutput>::Type)
    H: CryptoHash,
    T: scale::Encode,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        instance.hash_encoded::<H, T>(input, output)

/// Recovers the compressed ECDSA public key for given `signature` and `message_hash`,
/// and stores the result in `output`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// const signature: [u8; 65] = [
///     195, 218, 227, 165, 226, 17, 25, 160, 37, 92, 142, 238, 4, 41, 244, 211, 18, 94,
///     131, 116, 231, 116, 255, 164, 252, 248, 85, 233, 173, 225, 26, 185, 119, 235,
///     137, 35, 204, 251, 134, 131, 186, 215, 76, 112, 17, 192, 114, 243, 102, 166, 176,
///     140, 180, 124, 213, 102, 117, 212, 89, 89, 92, 209, 116, 17, 28,
/// ];
/// const message_hash: [u8; 32] = [
///     167, 124, 116, 195, 220, 156, 244, 20, 243, 69, 1, 98, 189, 205, 79, 108, 213,
///     78, 65, 65, 230, 30, 17, 37, 184, 220, 237, 135, 1, 209, 101, 229,
/// ];
/// const EXPECTED_COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY: [u8; 33] = [
///     3, 110, 192, 35, 209, 24, 189, 55, 218, 250, 100, 89, 40, 76, 222, 208, 202, 127,
///     31, 13, 58, 51, 242, 179, 13, 63, 19, 22, 252, 164, 226, 248, 98,
/// ];
/// let mut output = [0; 33];
/// ink_env::ecdsa_recover(&signature, &message_hash, &mut output);
/// assert_eq!(output, EXPECTED_COMPRESSED_PUBLIC_KEY);
/// ```
pub fn ecdsa_recover(
    signature: &[u8; 65],
    message_hash: &[u8; 32],
    output: &mut [u8; 33],
) -> Result<()> {
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        instance.ecdsa_recover(signature, message_hash, output)

/// Returns an Ethereum address from the ECDSA compressed public key.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let pub_key = [
///     3, 110, 192, 35, 209, 24, 189, 55, 218, 250, 100, 89, 40, 76, 222, 208, 202, 127,
///     31, 13, 58, 51, 242, 179, 13, 63, 19, 22, 252, 164, 226, 248, 98,
/// ];
///     253, 240, 181, 194, 143, 66, 163, 109, 18, 211, 78, 49, 177, 94, 159, 79, 207,
///     37, 21, 191,
/// ];
/// let mut output = [0; 20];
/// ink_env::ecdsa_to_eth_address(&pub_key, &mut output);
/// assert_eq!(output, EXPECTED_ETH_ADDRESS);
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// - If the ECDSA public key cannot be recovered from the provided public key.
pub fn ecdsa_to_eth_address(pubkey: &[u8; 33], output: &mut [u8; 20]) -> Result<()> {
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        instance.ecdsa_to_eth_address(pubkey, output)

/// Checks whether the specified account is a contract.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn is_contract<E>(account: &E::AccountId) -> bool
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::is_contract::<E>(instance, account)

/// Retrieves the code hash of the contract at the specified account id.
/// # Errors
/// - If no code hash was found for the specified account id.
/// - If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn code_hash<E>(account: &E::AccountId) -> Result<E::Hash>
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {
        TypedEnvBackend::code_hash::<E>(instance, account)

/// Retrieves the code hash of the currently executing contract.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn own_code_hash<E>() -> Result<E::Hash>
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Checks whether the caller of the current contract is the origin of the whole call stack.
/// Prefer this over [`is_contract`] when checking whether your contract is being called by
/// a contract or a plain account. The reason is that it performs better since it does not
/// need to do any storage lookups.
/// A return value of `true` indicates that this contract is being called by a plain account.
/// and `false` indicates that the caller is another contract.
/// # Errors
/// If the returned value cannot be properly decoded.
pub fn caller_is_origin<E>() -> bool
    E: Environment,
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| {

/// Replace the contract code at the specified address with new code.
/// # Note
/// There are a couple of important considerations which must be taken into account when
/// using this API:
/// 1. The storage at the code hash will remain untouched. This means that contract developers
/// must ensure that the storage layout of the new code is compatible with that of the old code.
/// 2. Contracts using this API can't be assumed as having deterministic addresses. Said another way,
/// when using this API you lose the guarantee that an address always identifies a specific code hash.
/// 3. If a contract calls into itself after changing its code the new call would use
/// the new code. However, if the original caller panics after returning from the sub call it
/// would revert the changes made by `set_code_hash` and the next caller would use
/// the old code.
/// # Errors
/// `ReturnCode::CodeNotFound` in case the supplied `code_hash` cannot be found on-chain.
/// # Storage Compatibility
/// When the smart contract code is modified,
/// it is important to observe an additional virtual restriction
/// that is imposed on this procedure:
/// you should not change the order in which the contract state variables
/// are declared, nor their type.
/// Violating the restriction will not prevent a successful compilation,
/// but will result in the mix-up of values or failure to read the storage correctly.
/// This can result in severe errors in the application utilizing the contract.
/// If the storage of your contract looks like this:
/// ```ignore
/// #[ink(storage)]
/// pub struct YourContract {
///     x: u32,
///     y: bool,
/// }
/// ```
/// The procedures listed below will make it invalid:
/// Changing the order of variables:
/// ```ignore
/// #[ink(storage)]
/// pub struct YourContract {
///     y: bool,
///     x: u32,
/// }
/// ```
/// Removing existing variable:
/// ```ignore
/// #[ink(storage)]
/// pub struct YourContract {
///     x: u32,
/// }
/// ```
/// Changing type of a variable:
/// ```ignore
/// #[ink(storage)]
/// pub struct YourContract {
///     x: u64,
///     y: bool,
/// }
/// ```
/// Introducing a new variable before any of the existing ones:
/// ```ignore
/// #[ink(storage)]
/// pub struct YourContract {
///     z: Vec<u32>,
///     x: u32,
///     y: bool,
/// }
/// ```
/// Please refer to the
/// [Open Zeppelin docs](
/// for more details and examples.
pub fn set_code_hash(code_hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Result<()> {
    <EnvInstance as OnInstance>::on_instance(|instance| instance.set_code_hash(code_hash))