implib 0.3.1

Generate Windows import library from module definition file

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::io::{self, Error, ErrorKind, Read, Result, Seek, Write};

use super::*;
use crate::{bail, ensure, err};

// ========================================================================= //

impl Header {
    fn write_gnu<W>(
        deterministic: bool,
        writer: &mut W,
        names: &HashMap<Vec<u8>, usize>,
    ) -> Result<()>
        W: Write,
        if self.identifier.len() > 15 {
            let offset = names[&self.identifier];
            write!(writer, "/{:<15}", offset)?;
        } else {
            writer.write_all(&vec![b' '; 15 - self.identifier.len()])?;

        if deterministic {
                0, 0, 0, 0o644, self.size
        } else {
                self.mtime, self.uid, self.gid, self.mode, self.size

// ========================================================================= //

/// Builder for GNU archive format
/// # TL;DR
/// The GNU format is a backwards incompatible archive format that diverges from the legacy Unix
/// archive format in the following significant ways:
/// 1) It can contain a binary symbol table that needs to be the first member of the archive.
///    This table can contain either 32bit or 64bit offsets pointing to the entities that symbols
///    relate to.
///    Unlike the BSD tables the GNU tables are _somewhat_ more formally defined and are simpler in
///    construction.
/// 2) The handling of extended strings is done with a string lookup table (either as the first of
///    second member) which is little more than a large string array.
/// 3) Extensions exist to create a rare format known as a thin-archive.
/// 4) GNU archives have a formal [deterministic mode](#deterministic-archives) that is important
///    for build systems and toolchains.
/// Most tools outside of BSD targets tend to use GNU format as the defacto standard, and it is
/// well-supported by LLVM and GNU toolchains. More subtle variants of this format exist such as
/// the unimplemented Microsoft extended ECOFF archive.
/// # Layout
/// Except where indicated, the metadata for the archive is typically encoded as ascii strings. All
/// ascii strings in an archive are padded to the length of the given field with ascii space `0x20`
/// as the fill value. This gives an archive a general fixed format look if opened in a text
/// editor.
/// Data is emplaced inline directly after a header record, no manipulations are done on data
/// stored in an archive, and there are no restrictions on what data can be stored in an archive.
/// Data might have a padding character (`\n`) added if the entity would be on an odd byte
/// boundary, but this is purely an internal detail of the format and not visible in any metadata.
/// **Header**
/// | Section         | Type                |
/// |-----------------|---------------------|
/// | Magic signature | Literal `!<arch>\n` |
/// **Entity Header**
/// | Section | Type           | Notes                                                                                            |
/// |---------|----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
/// | Name    | `[u8; 16]`     | Gnu handles strings in a manner that _effectively_ reduces this to 15 bytes                      |
/// | MTime   | `[u8; 12]`     | Seconds since the Unix epoch. Often `0` as per [deterministic archives](#deterministic-archives) |
/// | Uid     | `[u8; 6]`      | Unix plain user id. Often `0` as per [deterministic archives](#deterministic-archives)           |
/// | Gid     | `[u8; 6]`      | Unix plain group id. Often `0` as per [deterministic archives](#deterministic-archives)          |
/// | Mode    | `[u8; 8]`      | Unix file mode in Octal. Often `0` as per [deterministic archives](#deterministic-archives)      |
/// | Size    | `[u8; 10]`     | Entity data size in bytes, the size _does not reflect_ any padding                               |
/// | End     | Literal `\`\n` | Marks the end of the entity header                                                               |
/// **Symbol table (if present)**
/// Symbol tables are prepended with an entity header, although most implementations choose to make
/// the header all spaces in contrast to general header format for [deterministic
/// archives](#Deterministic Archives) but with the same general effect.
/// The name for the entity for the symbol table is either `//` or `/SYM64/` dependent on if the
/// overall size of the archive crosses the maximum addressable size allowed by 32 bits.
/// | Section  | Type              | Notes                                                   |
/// |----------|-------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|
/// | Num syms | `u32` / `u64`     | _Generally_ `u32` but can be `u64` for > 4Gb archives   |
/// | Offsets  | `[u32]` / `[u64]` | Pointer from a symbol to the relevant archive entity    |
/// | Names    | `[c_str]`         | The name of each symbol as a plain C style string array |
/// **Extended strings (if present)**
/// GNU archives generally encode names inline in the format `/some_name.o/`.
/// The bracketed `/` pairing allows GNU archives to contain embedded spaces and other metachars
/// (excluding `/` itself).
/// If the name is _greater than_ 15 bytes it is encoded as offset number into a string table. The
/// string table is one of the first few members in the archive and is given as strings separated
/// by the byte sequence `[0x2F, 0x0A]` (or `\\/n` in ascii).
/// No padding is done in the string table itself and the offset written to the entity header is zero
/// based from the start of the string table.
/// The entity name for the string table is formatted as `/#offset`, for example, for an extended
/// name starting at offset `4853` the value written to the entity header becomes `/#4853`
/// ## Deterministic Archives
/// The existence of several variables in entity headers make the format poorly suited to
/// consistent generation of archives. This confuses toolchains which may interpret frequently
/// changing headers as a change to the overall archive and force needless recomputations.
/// As such, a backwards compatible extension exists for GNU archives where all variable fields not
/// directly related to an entities data are set to ascii `0`. This is known as deterministic mode
/// and is common for most modern in use unix archives (the format has long since lost its original
/// duty as a general archive format and is now mostly used for toolchain operations).
pub struct GnuBuilder<W: Write + Seek> {
    writer: W,
    deterministic: bool,
    short_names: HashSet<Vec<u8>>,
    long_names: HashMap<Vec<u8>, usize>,
    symbol_table_relocations: Vec<Vec<u64>>,
    symbol_index: usize,

impl<W: Write + Seek> GnuBuilder<W> {
    /// The third argument is a map from file identifier to the name of all symbols in the file.
    /// Create a new archive builder with the underlying writer object as the
    /// destination of all data written.  The `identifiers` parameter must give
    /// the complete list of entry identifiers that will be included in this
    /// archive. The last argument is a map from file identifier to the name of
    /// all symbols in the file.
    pub fn new_with_symbol_table(
        mut writer: W,
        deterministic: bool,
        identifiers: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
        symbol_table: Vec<Vec<Vec<u8>>>,
    ) -> Result<GnuBuilder<W>> {
        let mut short_names = HashSet::<Vec<u8>>::new();
        let mut long_names = HashMap::<Vec<u8>, usize>::new();
        let mut name_table_size: usize = 0;
        for identifier in identifiers.into_iter() {
            let length = identifier.len();
            if length > 15 {
                long_names.insert(identifier, name_table_size);
                name_table_size += length + 2;
            } else {
        let name_table_needs_padding = name_table_size % 2 != 0;
        if name_table_needs_padding {
            name_table_size += 3; // ` /\n`


        let mut symbol_table_relocations: Vec<Vec<u64>> = Vec::with_capacity(symbol_table.len());
        if !symbol_table.is_empty() {
            let wordsize = std::mem::size_of::<u32>();
            let symbol_count: usize = symbol_table.iter().map(|symbols| symbols.len()).sum();
            let symbols = symbol_table.iter().flatten();
            let mut symbol_table_size: usize = wordsize
                + wordsize * symbol_count
                +|symbol| symbol.len() + 1).sum::<usize>();
            let symbol_table_needs_padding = symbol_table_size % 2 != 0;
            if symbol_table_needs_padding {
                symbol_table_size += 3; // ` /\n`

                GNU_SYMBOL_LOOKUP_TABLE_ID, 0, 0, 0, 0, symbol_table_size

                |_| err!("Too many symbols for 32bit table `{}`", symbol_count),

            for symbols in &symbol_table {
                let mut sym_rels = Vec::new();
                for _symbol in symbols {

            for symbol in symbol_table.iter().flatten() {
            if symbol_table_needs_padding {
                writer.write_all(b" /\n")?;

        if !long_names.is_empty() {
                GNU_NAME_TABLE_ID, name_table_size
            let mut entries: Vec<(usize, &[u8])> = long_names
                .map(|(id, &start)| (start, id.as_slice()))
            for (_, id) in entries {
            if name_table_needs_padding {
                writer.write_all(b" /\n")?;

        Ok(GnuBuilder {
            symbol_index: 0,

    /// Adds a new entry to this archive.
    pub fn append<R: Read>(&mut self, header: &Header, mut data: R) -> Result<()> {
        let is_long_name = header.identifier().len() > 15;
        let has_name = if is_long_name {
        } else {

            "Identifier `{:?}` was not in the list of identifiers passed to GnuBuilder::new()",

        if let Some(relocs) = self.symbol_table_relocations.get(self.symbol_index) {
            let entry_offset =;
            let entry_offset_bytes = u32::to_be_bytes(
                u32::try_from(entry_offset).map_err(|_| err!("Archive larger than 4GB"))?,
            for &reloc_offset in relocs {
            self.symbol_index += 1;

        header.write_gnu(self.deterministic, &mut self.writer, &self.long_names)?;
        let actual_size = io::copy(&mut data, &mut self.writer)?;
        if actual_size != header.size() {
                "Wrong file size (header.size() = `{}`, actual = `{}`)",
        if actual_size % 2 != 0 {
