immutable-seq 0.1.2

Immutable sequence data structure



API Docs


immutable-seq-rust is a library providing an immutable sequence data structure for the Rust programming language.

The Seq implements an API similar to Vec, with the added advantage that previous versions of the data structure remain available and unchanged.


  • Add the dependency immutable-seq to your Cargo.toml

    immutable-seq = "0.1.0"
  • Include the crate immutable-seq in your code

    extern crate immutable_seq;
    use immutable_seq::Seq;

    (#[macro_use] is only required to enable the seq! macro, shown below.)


  • Create a sequence with some values

    let seq1: Seq<i32> = seq![1, 2, 3];
  • Add an element to the beginninng. Note: this creates a new sequence, with the element added, but does not change the original sequence.

    let seq2 = seq1.push_front(0);
    assert_eq!(seq1, seq![1, 2, 3]);
    assert_eq!(seq2, seq![0, 1, 2, 3]);