img_diff 1.1.0

Command line tool to diff images in 2 structurally similar folders and output diff images.


Rust based Command line tool to diff images in 2 structurally similar folders and output diff images.

Comparison is done using the SSIM algorithm at multiple weighed resolutions and relies on the dssim crate for the comparisons of png images.

BMP files are compared using a by pixel sample algorithm and the output is the MOD of the diffrence between each of the pixel components (rgb)

The value returned is 1/SSIM-1, where 0 means identical image, and >0 (unbounded) is amount of difference for PNG.

The value returned for bmp images 0 if images are equal and a positive number that scales with the amout of diffrences.

Future Features

  • Support multiple format's of images (JPEG).
  • Allow for a threshold to output diff file.
  • Provide a single unit of diffrence.


img_diff -s path\to\images -d path\to\images\to\compare -f path\to\output\diff\images

Will go trough all the files in the -s dir and subdir's and compare them to the ones in the -d outputing diff files if a difrence is found to -f dir.

Compile from source

 git clone
 cd img_diff
 cargo build --release


cargo test


 cargo doc --open


Build or Download

You need Rust

cargo install img_diff