image 0.2.3

Imaging library written in Rust. Provides basic filters and decoders for the most common image formats.
# Rust Image 0.2 Release Notes

Rust image aims to be a pure-Rust implementation of various popular image formats. Accompanying reading/write support, rust image provides basic imaging processing function. See `` for further details.

## Known issues
 - Interlaced (progressive) or animated images are not well supported.
 - Images with *n* bit/channel (*n ≠ 8*) are not well supported.
 - No support for alpha channel in paletted PNG images.

## Changes

### Version 0.2
 - Support for interlaced PNG images.
 - Writing support for GIF images (full color and paletted).
 - Color quantizer that converts 32bit images to paletted including the alpha channel.
 - Initial support for reading TGA images.
 - Reading support for TIFF images (packbits and FAX compression not supported).
 - Various bug fixes and improvements.

### Version 0.1
- Initial release
- Basic reading support for png, jpeg, gif, ppm and webp.
- Basic writing support for png and jpeg.
- A collection of basic imaging processing function like `blur` or `invert`