ieee802154 0.6.1

Partial implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for low-rate wireless personal area networks
/// A trait for converting a value from one type to another.
/// Any failure in converting will return None.
pub trait OptionalFrom<T: Sized>
    Self: Sized,
    fn optional_from(value: T) -> Option<Self>;

/// Creates an enum with various traits.
/// The first key-value pair is the default used if any conversion would fail.
macro_rules! extended_enum {
    ($(#[$outer:meta])* $name:ident, $ty:ty, $($(#[$inner:meta])* $var:ident => $val:expr),+ $(,)*) => (

        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
        #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
        pub enum $name {

        impl From<$ty> for $name {
            fn from(v: $ty) -> Self {
                match v {
                    $( $val => $name::$var,)*
                    _ => panic!("Invalid value"),

        impl From<$name> for $ty {
            fn from(v: $name) -> Self {
                match v {
                    $( $name::$var => $val, )*

        impl OptionalFrom<$ty> for $name {
            fn optional_from(v: $ty) -> Option<Self> {
                match v {
                    $( $val => Some($name::$var),)*
                    _ => None,

        impl PartialEq<$name> for $ty {
            fn eq(&self, other: &$name) -> bool {
                match *other {
                    $( $name::$var => *self == $val, )*

            fn ne(&self, other: &$name) -> bool {
                match *other {
                    $( $name::$var => *self != $val, )*