iced-x86 1.18.0

iced-x86 is a blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler and instruction decoder written in Rust
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (C) 2018-present iced project and contributors

use crate::TupleType;

// GENERATOR-BEGIN: TupleTypeTable
// ⚠️This was generated by GENERATOR!🦹‍♂️
static TUPLE_TYPE_TBL: [(u8, u8); 19] = [
	// TupleType::N1
	(0x01,// N
	0x01),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N2
	(0x02,// N
	0x02),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N4
	(0x04,// N
	0x04),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N8
	(0x08,// N
	0x08),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N16
	(0x10,// N
	0x10),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N32
	(0x20,// N
	0x20),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N64
	(0x40,// N
	0x40),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N8b4
	(0x08,// N
	0x04),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N16b4
	(0x10,// N
	0x04),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N32b4
	(0x20,// N
	0x04),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N64b4
	(0x40,// N
	0x04),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N16b8
	(0x10,// N
	0x08),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N32b8
	(0x20,// N
	0x08),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N64b8
	(0x40,// N
	0x08),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N4b2
	(0x04,// N
	0x02),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N8b2
	(0x08,// N
	0x02),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N16b2
	(0x10,// N
	0x02),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N32b2
	(0x20,// N
	0x02),// Nbcst
	// TupleType::N64b2
	(0x40,// N
	0x02),// Nbcst
// GENERATOR-END: TupleTypeTable

pub(crate) fn get_disp8n(tuple_type: TupleType, bcst: bool) -> u32 {
	let (mem, mem_bcst) = TUPLE_TYPE_TBL[tuple_type as usize];
	if bcst {
		mem_bcst as u32
	} else {
		mem as u32