iced-x86 1.18.0

iced-x86 is a blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler and instruction decoder written in Rust
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (C) 2018-present iced project and contributors

// These funcs should be in Instruction but since rust-analyzer shows
// all functions even if they're private, they've been moved here.
// If this 2 year old issue is ever fixed, move these funcs back and remove
// pub(crate) from Instruction's fields.

use crate::iced_constants::IcedConstants;
#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
use crate::iced_error::IcedError;
use crate::*;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_len(this: &mut Instruction, len: u32) {
	debug_assert!(len <= IcedConstants::MAX_INSTRUCTION_LENGTH as u32);
	this.len = len as u8;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_code_size(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: CodeSize) {
	this.flags1 |= (new_value as u32) << InstrFlags1::CODE_SIZE_SHIFT;

#[cfg(feature = "instr_info")]
pub(crate) const fn internal_has_repe_or_repne_prefix(this: &Instruction) -> bool {
	(this.flags1 & (InstrFlags1::REPE_PREFIX | InstrFlags1::REPNE_PREFIX)) != 0

#[cfg(any(feature = "decoder", feature = "encoder"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_has_repe_prefix(this: &mut Instruction) {
	this.flags1 = (this.flags1 & !InstrFlags1::REPNE_PREFIX) | InstrFlags1::REPE_PREFIX

#[cfg(any(feature = "gas", feature = "intel", feature = "masm", feature = "nasm", feature = "fast_fmt"))]
pub(crate) const fn internal_has_any_of_lock_rep_repne_prefix(this: &Instruction) -> u32 {
	this.flags1 & (InstrFlags1::LOCK_PREFIX | InstrFlags1::REPE_PREFIX | InstrFlags1::REPNE_PREFIX)

#[cfg(any(feature = "gas", feature = "intel", feature = "masm", feature = "nasm", feature = "fast_fmt"))]
pub(crate) const fn internal_has_op_mask_or_zeroing_masking(this: &Instruction) -> bool {
	(this.flags1 & ((InstrFlags1::OP_MASK_MASK << InstrFlags1::OP_MASK_SHIFT) | InstrFlags1::ZEROING_MASKING)) != 0

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_clear_has_repe_repne_prefix(this: &mut Instruction) {
	this.flags1 &= !(InstrFlags1::REPE_PREFIX | InstrFlags1::REPNE_PREFIX)

#[cfg(any(feature = "decoder", feature = "encoder"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_has_repne_prefix(this: &mut Instruction) {
	this.flags1 = (this.flags1 & !InstrFlags1::REPE_PREFIX) | InstrFlags1::REPNE_PREFIX

#[cfg(feature = "instr_info")]
pub(crate) const fn internal_op0_is_not_reg_or_op1_is_not_reg(this: &Instruction) -> bool {
	const _: () = assert!(Register::None as u32 == 0);
	((this.op_kinds[0] as RegisterUnderlyingType) | (this.op_kinds[1] as RegisterUnderlyingType)) != 0

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_memory_displ_size(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	debug_assert!(new_value <= 4);
	this.displ_size = new_value as u8;

pub(crate) const fn internal_get_memory_index_scale(this: &Instruction) -> u32 {
	this.scale as u32

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_memory_index_scale(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: InstrScale) {
	this.scale = new_value;

#[cfg(any(feature = "decoder", feature = "encoder"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_immediate8(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.immediate = new_value;

#[cfg(any(feature = "decoder", feature = "encoder"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_immediate8_2nd(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.mem_displ = new_value as u64;

#[cfg(any(feature = "decoder", feature = "encoder"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_immediate16(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.immediate = new_value;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_immediate64_lo(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.immediate = new_value;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_immediate64_hi(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.mem_displ = new_value as u64;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_near_branch16(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.mem_displ = new_value as u64;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_far_branch16(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.immediate = new_value;

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_far_branch_selector(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	this.mem_displ = new_value as u64;

#[cfg(feature = "fast_fmt")]
pub(crate) const fn internal_segment_prefix_raw(this: &Instruction) -> u32 {
	((this.flags1 >> InstrFlags1::SEGMENT_PREFIX_SHIFT) & InstrFlags1::SEGMENT_PREFIX_MASK).wrapping_sub(1)

#[cfg(feature = "fast_fmt")]
pub(crate) fn internal_op_register(this: &Instruction, operand: u32) -> Register {
	const _: () = assert!(IcedConstants::MAX_OP_COUNT == 5);
	if let Some(&reg) = this.regs.get(operand as usize) {
	} else {
		debug_assert_eq!(operand, 4);

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_evex"), feature = "mvex"))]
pub(crate) const fn internal_op_mask(this: &Instruction) -> u32 {
	(this.flags1 >> InstrFlags1::OP_MASK_SHIFT) & InstrFlags1::OP_MASK_MASK

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_evex"), feature = "mvex"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_op_mask(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	debug_assert!(new_value <= 7);
	this.flags1 |= new_value << InstrFlags1::OP_MASK_SHIFT

#[cfg(feature = "decoder")]
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "no_evex"), feature = "mvex"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_rounding_control(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	debug_assert!(new_value < IcedConstants::ROUNDING_CONTROL_ENUM_COUNT as u32);
	this.flags1 |= new_value << InstrFlags1::ROUNDING_CONTROL_SHIFT;

#[cfg(any(feature = "intel", feature = "masm", feature = "fast_fmt"))]
pub(crate) const fn internal_has_rounding_control_or_sae(this: &Instruction) -> bool {
	(this.flags1 & ((InstrFlags1::ROUNDING_CONTROL_MASK << InstrFlags1::ROUNDING_CONTROL_SHIFT) | InstrFlags1::SUPPRESS_ALL_EXCEPTIONS)) != 0

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_declare_data_len(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	debug_assert!(new_value <= 0x10);
	this.flags1 |= (new_value - 1) << InstrFlags1::DATA_LENGTH_SHIFT;

#[cfg(all(feature = "decoder", feature = "mvex"))]
pub(crate) fn internal_set_mvex_reg_mem_conv(this: &mut Instruction, new_value: u32) {
	debug_assert!(new_value < IcedConstants::MVEX_REG_MEM_CONV_ENUM_COUNT as u32);
	this.immediate |= new_value << MvexInstrFlags::MVEX_REG_MEM_CONV_SHIFT;

// ⚠️This was generated by GENERATOR!🦹‍♂️
static REG_TO_ADDR_SIZE: [u8; IcedConstants::REGISTER_ENUM_COUNT] = [
	0, // None
	0, // AL
	0, // CL
	0, // DL
	0, // BL
	0, // AH
	0, // CH
	0, // DH
	0, // BH
	0, // SPL
	0, // BPL
	0, // SIL
	0, // DIL
	0, // R8L
	0, // R9L
	0, // R10L
	0, // R11L
	0, // R12L
	0, // R13L
	0, // R14L
	0, // R15L
	2, // AX
	2, // CX
	2, // DX
	2, // BX
	2, // SP
	2, // BP
	2, // SI
	2, // DI
	2, // R8W
	2, // R9W
	2, // R10W
	2, // R11W
	2, // R12W
	2, // R13W
	2, // R14W
	2, // R15W
	4, // EAX
	4, // ECX
	4, // EDX
	4, // EBX
	4, // ESP
	4, // EBP
	4, // ESI
	4, // EDI
	4, // R8D
	4, // R9D
	4, // R10D
	4, // R11D
	4, // R12D
	4, // R13D
	4, // R14D
	4, // R15D
	8, // RAX
	8, // RCX
	8, // RDX
	8, // RBX
	8, // RSP
	8, // RBP
	8, // RSI
	8, // RDI
	8, // R8
	8, // R9
	8, // R10
	8, // R11
	8, // R12
	8, // R13
	8, // R14
	8, // R15
	4, // EIP
	8, // RIP
	0, // ES
	0, // CS
	0, // SS
	0, // DS
	0, // FS
	0, // GS
	0, // XMM0
	0, // XMM1
	0, // XMM2
	0, // XMM3
	0, // XMM4
	0, // XMM5
	0, // XMM6
	0, // XMM7
	0, // XMM8
	0, // XMM9
	0, // XMM10
	0, // XMM11
	0, // XMM12
	0, // XMM13
	0, // XMM14
	0, // XMM15
	0, // XMM16
	0, // XMM17
	0, // XMM18
	0, // XMM19
	0, // XMM20
	0, // XMM21
	0, // XMM22
	0, // XMM23
	0, // XMM24
	0, // XMM25
	0, // XMM26
	0, // XMM27
	0, // XMM28
	0, // XMM29
	0, // XMM30
	0, // XMM31
	0, // YMM0
	0, // YMM1
	0, // YMM2
	0, // YMM3
	0, // YMM4
	0, // YMM5
	0, // YMM6
	0, // YMM7
	0, // YMM8
	0, // YMM9
	0, // YMM10
	0, // YMM11
	0, // YMM12
	0, // YMM13
	0, // YMM14
	0, // YMM15
	0, // YMM16
	0, // YMM17
	0, // YMM18
	0, // YMM19
	0, // YMM20
	0, // YMM21
	0, // YMM22
	0, // YMM23
	0, // YMM24
	0, // YMM25
	0, // YMM26
	0, // YMM27
	0, // YMM28
	0, // YMM29
	0, // YMM30
	0, // YMM31
	0, // ZMM0
	0, // ZMM1
	0, // ZMM2
	0, // ZMM3
	0, // ZMM4
	0, // ZMM5
	0, // ZMM6
	0, // ZMM7
	0, // ZMM8
	0, // ZMM9
	0, // ZMM10
	0, // ZMM11
	0, // ZMM12
	0, // ZMM13
	0, // ZMM14
	0, // ZMM15
	0, // ZMM16
	0, // ZMM17
	0, // ZMM18
	0, // ZMM19
	0, // ZMM20
	0, // ZMM21
	0, // ZMM22
	0, // ZMM23
	0, // ZMM24
	0, // ZMM25
	0, // ZMM26
	0, // ZMM27
	0, // ZMM28
	0, // ZMM29
	0, // ZMM30
	0, // ZMM31
	0, // K0
	0, // K1
	0, // K2
	0, // K3
	0, // K4
	0, // K5
	0, // K6
	0, // K7
	0, // BND0
	0, // BND1
	0, // BND2
	0, // BND3
	0, // CR0
	0, // CR1
	0, // CR2
	0, // CR3
	0, // CR4
	0, // CR5
	0, // CR6
	0, // CR7
	0, // CR8
	0, // CR9
	0, // CR10
	0, // CR11
	0, // CR12
	0, // CR13
	0, // CR14
	0, // CR15
	0, // DR0
	0, // DR1
	0, // DR2
	0, // DR3
	0, // DR4
	0, // DR5
	0, // DR6
	0, // DR7
	0, // DR8
	0, // DR9
	0, // DR10
	0, // DR11
	0, // DR12
	0, // DR13
	0, // DR14
	0, // DR15
	0, // ST0
	0, // ST1
	0, // ST2
	0, // ST3
	0, // ST4
	0, // ST5
	0, // ST6
	0, // ST7
	0, // MM0
	0, // MM1
	0, // MM2
	0, // MM3
	0, // MM4
	0, // MM5
	0, // MM6
	0, // MM7
	0, // TR0
	0, // TR1
	0, // TR2
	0, // TR3
	0, // TR4
	0, // TR5
	0, // TR6
	0, // TR7
	0, // TMM0
	0, // TMM1
	0, // TMM2
	0, // TMM3
	0, // TMM4
	0, // TMM5
	0, // TMM6
	0, // TMM7
	0, // DontUse0
	0, // DontUseFA
	0, // DontUseFB
	0, // DontUseFC
	0, // DontUseFD
	0, // DontUseFE
	0, // DontUseFF

pub(crate) fn get_address_size_in_bytes(base_reg: Register, index_reg: Register, displ_size: u32, code_size: CodeSize) -> u32 {
	let size = REG_TO_ADDR_SIZE[base_reg as usize] | REG_TO_ADDR_SIZE[index_reg as usize];
	if size != 0 {
		size as u32
	} else if displ_size >= 2 {
	} else {
		match code_size {
			CodeSize::Code64 => 8,
			CodeSize::Code32 => 4,
			CodeSize::Code16 => 2,
			_ => 8,

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn initialize_signed_immediate(instruction: &mut Instruction, operand: usize, immediate: i64) -> Result<(), IcedError> {
	let op_kind = get_immediate_op_kind(instruction.code(), operand)?;
	instruction.try_set_op_kind(operand as u32, op_kind)?;

	match op_kind {
		OpKind::Immediate8 => {
			// All i8 and all u8 values can be used
			if i8::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= u8::MAX as i64 {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8_2nd => {
			// All i8 and all u8 values can be used
			if i8::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= u8::MAX as i64 {
				internal_set_immediate8_2nd(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8to16 => {
			if i8::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= i8::MAX as i64 {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8to32 => {
			if i8::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= i8::MAX as i64 {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8to64 => {
			if i8::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= i8::MAX as i64 {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate16 => {
			// All i16 and all u16 values can be used
			if i16::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= u16::MAX as i64 {
				internal_set_immediate16(instruction, immediate as u16 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate32 => {
			// All i32 and all u32 values can be used
			if i32::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= u32::MAX as i64 {
				instruction.set_immediate32(immediate as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate32to64 => {
			if i32::MIN as i64 <= immediate && immediate <= i32::MAX as i64 {
				instruction.set_immediate32(immediate as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate64 => {
			instruction.set_immediate64(immediate as u64);
			return Ok(());

		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Not an immediate operand")),

	Err(IcedError::new("Invalid signed immediate"))

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn initialize_unsigned_immediate(instruction: &mut Instruction, operand: usize, immediate: u64) -> Result<(), IcedError> {
	let op_kind = get_immediate_op_kind(instruction.code(), operand)?;
	instruction.try_set_op_kind(operand as u32, op_kind)?;

	match op_kind {
		OpKind::Immediate8 => {
			if immediate <= u8::MAX as u64 {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8_2nd => {
			if immediate <= u8::MAX as u64 {
				internal_set_immediate8_2nd(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8to16 => {
			if immediate <= i8::MAX as u64 || (0xFF80 <= immediate && immediate <= 0xFFFF) {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8to32 => {
			if immediate <= i8::MAX as u64 || (0xFFFF_FF80 <= immediate && immediate <= 0xFFFF_FFFF) {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate8to64 => {
			if immediate.wrapping_add(0x80) <= u8::MAX as u64 {
				internal_set_immediate8(instruction, immediate as u8 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate16 => {
			if immediate <= u16::MAX as u64 {
				internal_set_immediate16(instruction, immediate as u16 as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate32 => {
			if immediate <= u32::MAX as u64 {
				instruction.set_immediate32(immediate as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate32to64 => {
			// Allow 0..7FFF_FFFF and FFFF_FFFF_8000_0000..FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF
			if immediate.wrapping_add(0x8000_0000) <= u32::MAX as u64 {
				instruction.set_immediate32(immediate as u32);
				return Ok(());

		OpKind::Immediate64 => {
			return Ok(());

		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Not an immediate operand")),

	Err(IcedError::new("Invalid unsigned immediate"))

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
fn get_immediate_op_kind(code: Code, operand: usize) -> Result<OpKind, IcedError> {
	let operands = &crate::encoder::handlers_table::HANDLERS_TABLE[code as usize].operands;
	if let Some(op) = operands.get(operand) {
		match op.immediate_op_kind() {
			Some(op_kind) => {
				if op_kind == OpKind::Immediate8 && operand > 0 && operand + 1 == operands.len() {
					if let Some(op_prev) = operands.get(operand.wrapping_sub(1)) {
						match op_prev.immediate_op_kind() {
							Some(OpKind::Immediate8) | Some(OpKind::Immediate16) => Ok(OpKind::Immediate8_2nd),
							_ => Ok(op_kind),
					} else {
				} else {
			None => {
				if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
					Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("{:?}'s op{} isn't an immediate operand", code, operand)))
				} else {
					Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("Code value {}'s op{} isn't an immediate operand", code as u32, operand)))
	} else {
		if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
			Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("{:?} doesn't have at least {} operands", code, operand + 1)))
		} else {
			Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("Code value {} doesn't have at least {} operands", code as u32, operand + 1)))

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn get_near_branch_op_kind(code: Code, operand: usize) -> Result<OpKind, IcedError> {
	let operands = &crate::encoder::handlers_table::HANDLERS_TABLE[code as usize].operands;
	if let Some(op) = operands.get(operand) {
		match op.near_branch_op_kind() {
			Some(op_kind) => Ok(op_kind),
			None => {
				if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
					Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("{:?}'s op{} isn't a near branch operand", code, operand)))
				} else {
					Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("Code value {}'s op{} isn't a near branch operand", code as u32, operand)))
	} else {
		if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
			Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("{:?} doesn't have at least {} operands", code, operand + 1)))
		} else {
			Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("Code value {} doesn't have at least {} operands", code as u32, operand + 1)))

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn get_far_branch_op_kind(code: Code, operand: usize) -> Result<OpKind, IcedError> {
	let operands = &crate::encoder::handlers_table::HANDLERS_TABLE[code as usize].operands;
	if let Some(op) = operands.get(operand) {
		match op.far_branch_op_kind() {
			Some(op_kind) => Ok(op_kind),
			None => {
				if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
					Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("{:?}'s op{} isn't a far branch operand", code, operand)))
				} else {
					Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("Code value {}'s op{} isn't a far branch operand", code as u32, operand)))
	} else {
		if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
			Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("{:?} doesn't have at least {} operands", code, operand + 1)))
		} else {
			Err(IcedError::with_string(format!("Code value {} doesn't have at least {} operands", code as u32, operand + 1)))

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn with_string_reg_segrsi(
	code: Code, address_size: u32, register: Register, segment_prefix: Register, rep_prefix: RepPrefixKind,
) -> Result<Instruction, IcedError> {
	let mut instruction = Instruction::default();

	match rep_prefix {
		RepPrefixKind::None => {}
		RepPrefixKind::Repe => internal_set_has_repe_prefix(&mut instruction),
		RepPrefixKind::Repne => internal_set_has_repne_prefix(&mut instruction),

	const _: () = assert!(OpKind::Register as u32 == 0);

	match address_size {
		64 => instruction.set_op1_kind(OpKind::MemorySegRSI),
		32 => instruction.set_op1_kind(OpKind::MemorySegESI),
		16 => instruction.set_op1_kind(OpKind::MemorySegSI),
		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Invalid address size")),


	debug_assert_eq!(instruction.op_count(), 2);

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn with_string_reg_esrdi(code: Code, address_size: u32, register: Register, rep_prefix: RepPrefixKind) -> Result<Instruction, IcedError> {
	let mut instruction = Instruction::default();

	match rep_prefix {
		RepPrefixKind::None => {}
		RepPrefixKind::Repe => internal_set_has_repe_prefix(&mut instruction),
		RepPrefixKind::Repne => internal_set_has_repne_prefix(&mut instruction),

	const _: () = assert!(OpKind::Register as u32 == 0);

	match address_size {
		64 => instruction.set_op1_kind(OpKind::MemoryESRDI),
		32 => instruction.set_op1_kind(OpKind::MemoryESEDI),
		16 => instruction.set_op1_kind(OpKind::MemoryESDI),
		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Invalid address size")),

	debug_assert_eq!(instruction.op_count(), 2);

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn with_string_esrdi_reg(code: Code, address_size: u32, register: Register, rep_prefix: RepPrefixKind) -> Result<Instruction, IcedError> {
	let mut instruction = Instruction::default();

	match rep_prefix {
		RepPrefixKind::None => {}
		RepPrefixKind::Repe => internal_set_has_repe_prefix(&mut instruction),
		RepPrefixKind::Repne => internal_set_has_repne_prefix(&mut instruction),

	match address_size {
		64 => instruction.set_op0_kind(OpKind::MemoryESRDI),
		32 => instruction.set_op0_kind(OpKind::MemoryESEDI),
		16 => instruction.set_op0_kind(OpKind::MemoryESDI),
		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Invalid address size")),

	const _: () = assert!(OpKind::Register as u32 == 0);

	debug_assert_eq!(instruction.op_count(), 2);

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn with_string_segrsi_esrdi(
	code: Code, address_size: u32, segment_prefix: Register, rep_prefix: RepPrefixKind,
) -> Result<Instruction, IcedError> {
	let mut instruction = Instruction::default();

	match rep_prefix {
		RepPrefixKind::None => {}
		RepPrefixKind::Repe => internal_set_has_repe_prefix(&mut instruction),
		RepPrefixKind::Repne => internal_set_has_repne_prefix(&mut instruction),

	match address_size {
		64 => {
		32 => {
		16 => {
		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Invalid address size")),


	debug_assert_eq!(instruction.op_count(), 2);

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn with_string_esrdi_segrsi(
	code: Code, address_size: u32, segment_prefix: Register, rep_prefix: RepPrefixKind,
) -> Result<Instruction, IcedError> {
	let mut instruction = Instruction::default();

	match rep_prefix {
		RepPrefixKind::None => {}
		RepPrefixKind::Repe => internal_set_has_repe_prefix(&mut instruction),
		RepPrefixKind::Repne => internal_set_has_repne_prefix(&mut instruction),

	match address_size {
		64 => {
		32 => {
		16 => {
		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Invalid address size")),


	debug_assert_eq!(instruction.op_count(), 2);

#[cfg(feature = "encoder")]
pub(crate) fn with_maskmov(
	code: Code, address_size: u32, register1: Register, register2: Register, segment_prefix: Register,
) -> Result<Instruction, IcedError> {
	let mut instruction = Instruction::default();

	match address_size {
		64 => instruction.set_op0_kind(OpKind::MemorySegRDI),
		32 => instruction.set_op0_kind(OpKind::MemorySegEDI),
		16 => instruction.set_op0_kind(OpKind::MemorySegDI),
		_ => return Err(IcedError::new("Invalid address size")),

	const _: () = assert!(OpKind::Register as u32 == 0);

	const _: () = assert!(OpKind::Register as u32 == 0);


	debug_assert_eq!(instruction.op_count(), 3);