ice-rs 0.1.10

ZeroC Ice for Rust

//! ## Quick Start ##
//! This quick start guide will cover a client for the [ZeroC Ice Minimal Sample]( Create a binary application with `cargo new minimal-client` and add `ice-rs` to your `[build-dependencies]`and `[dependencies]`. Now add a `` file with the following content:
//! ```Rust
//! use ice_rs::slice::parser;
//! use std::path::Path;
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//!   println!("");
//!   let ice_files = vec![
//!       String::from("<path/to/>")
//!   ];
//!   let root_module = parser::parse_ice_files(&input, ".")?;
//!   root_module.generate(Path::new("./src/gen"))
//! }
//! ```
//! Now add the following to you ``:
//! ```Rust
//! use ice_rs::communicator::Communicator;
//! use ice_rs::iceobject::IceObject;
//! mod gen;
//! use crate::gen::demo::{Hello, HelloPrx};
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//!     let comm = Communicator{};
//!     let proxy = comm.string_to_proxy("hello:default -h localhost -p 10000")?;
//!     let mut hello_prx = HelloPrx::checked_cast(proxy)?;
//!     hello_prx.say_hello()
//! }
//! ```

extern crate pest_derive;

pub mod errors;
pub mod protocol;
pub mod encoding;
pub mod tcp;
pub mod ssl;
pub mod transport;
pub mod proxy;
pub mod communicator;
pub mod iceobject;
pub mod slice;
pub mod initdata;
pub mod properties;
pub mod locator;